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Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

Well, life certainly has been interesting this year. I met a man and fell in love with him in February. We spent all of March together -- life was blissful. He went home to Alaska and packed up and moved in at the end of April. I threw him out in Mid-May. He went to Portland for the day, so I moved his things out, changed the locks, called him on our family share phones and told him his phone would be shut off in five minutes. GEEZ!! The man who moved in was not the man who was here in March. Angry, complaining, depressing, just a real downer. Not to mention that he'd come home reeking of perfume, which, being the naive woman I am, I later learned is a sign that he had been in the strip clubs all day. :o When I got the phone bill and it was outrageous, I called some of the numbers. OMG!!! Well, enough said. He's gone, gone, gone, and I hope I never see him again.

Then I fell backwards onto the lawnmower. I got off work early the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. I hurried home and figured I'd get the chores out of the way so I could enjoy myself. WRONG!! I was reeling in the cord to the weed whacker and it was all bunching to one side, so I stepped back to get a better angle. I stepped onto the deck of the lawnmower and went over backwards. I caught my tailbone right on the corner of the engine. No broken bones, but I ruptured the disc between L5 and S1 and herniated the three above that. Can we say a collective OUCH? I finished the injections into the spine for that -- hopefully the end of the problem.

Then I went into the hospital for Gastric Bypass surgery on July 24th. I know, lots of people don't believe I was that overweight, but I was indeed more than 100 pounds overweight, with sleep apnea and insulin resistance (sometimes called pre-diabetes). Here is the saga of that little fiasco:

I guess I should feel lucky to be alive. While I had a terrific surgeon, and I do believe OHSU is a great place, I had such a comedy of errors occur during my hospital stay that I could not wait to get out of there! At times, I did think they were trying to kill me. Below is an account of all my mishaps:

One of the things they make very clear to you before surgery is that you must wear these leggings that pump air around your legs to prevent blood clots. I had them on going into surgery, and they were on when I woke up, except that the machine that powered the air was no longer there. I got to my room at about 1:30, and it took until after 5:00 for them to finally bring me a machine. In the meanwhile, in my drug-induced haze, I was certain I was going to die from a blood clot. :-o Then, I told the nurse that there was something wrong with my bed. It seemed to be breathing and it was really making my back hurt. All I got was, "well, yes, hospital beds can be uncomfortable." Some of you know that I blew a couple of discs out in my back shortly before Memorial Day and am only just recovering from an injection into my spine to relieve the pain. Surgery was Tuesday morning and, by Wednesday morning, I was in the chair in my room and absolutely refused to get back into the bed. Thank goodness, my CNA (Lupita, bless her!) checked the bed out and found that it was indeed breathing -- it was an ICU bed for comatose patients to keep them from getting bed sores. They are known to be extremely uncomfortable for people who are conscious! So, Wednesday morning, they start me on liquids. I had chicken broth, grape juice, and sugar free jello. A short time later I began to get one of the worst

headaches of my life. My eyes just burned. I thought maybe it was just too much pain medication or maybe the fact that my back was killing me. Lunch came - same stuff. I ate a little more. Someone on my roommate's side of the curtain backed into my table and I was soon wearing my lunch. They brought me a washcloth, towels, and a clean gown, and of course, the gown had no ties!! Are you all expecting the keystone cops to come running in? I certainly did. Anyway, that cut lunch short and my headache continued to get worse. My neighbor's visitors included her daughter-in-law who brought her screaming toddler with her. Folks - please do not bring screaming children to a hospital!! I was so tired, had such a headache, and a backache, and I thought I would go right round the bend! Dinner arrived and this time we had beef broth, apple juice, and jello. After a bit of that, my head began to explode, my throat got sore, and when I went into the bathroom I noticed that I was breaking out in hives. I called the nurse and asked her to check if the broth contained soy protein. She brought the box back. Yep, there it was. The same stuff that was listed next to Morphine, Demerol, and Versed on that bright band around my wrist!! I needed two huge syringes of IV benadryl to calm all that down. I crawled into my new bed and managed to sleep a little. In the morning, I got skim milk (thank goodness I could read the carton), tea, and some custard. I had to have them confirm with the kitchen that there was no soy in the custard. Once it was determined I could keep that stuff down, I was

released to go home. Thank God! I really think the nurses were trying to kill me!

So, surgery went great and I survived a couple of attempts on my life. Since I've been home, everything is great. I'm just very sleepy and full!

As I said above -- I really do believe that OHSU is a great place. My surgeon visited me three times and I was only there for two and a half days. His assistant, a doctor who helped with the surgery, also came by at least three times. Then there were the medical students. They visited often and they were very attentive to everything I had to say. They weren't in much of a position to help me, but did get the nurse for me a few times. I had absolutely no complications from the surgery. I would recommend the place to anyone.

So far I'm down 15 pounds since surgery, 30 pounds all totalled. I feel great!


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sounds like a nightmare, but I'm so happy that you are happy.

I sometimes think that surgery would be great for me, but they say I'm not overweight enough. I need to lose about 65 pounds, but I just can't do it, no matter what they do for me. Right now I'm on very low fat, very high protein with lots of fresh fruit. It is tearing my intestines up. I have gas and bloating. I have lost 7.5 pounds in 3 weeks, but I look 6 months pregnant. Nothing fits.

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Linda, I am so happy to hear from you. What a ride, huh? I know that you always thought that you werre "fluffy" but I never saw it. The apnea and diabetes is nothing to fool with,though. God bless you for having the courage to have this surgery after what the year had already done to you.

I have seen 3 or 4 who did this surgery and half of them lost and regained the weight. The other 2 are doing so well. I know you can get thru this. You are my hero. :)

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I worked with a wonderful teacher who had this surgery. Before the surgery he was in a wheel chair because his hips and knees had just about given out. He couldn't stand for any length of time without being out of breath and looking peaked. He had the surgery over summer break a couple of years ago. All through that school year he lost weight a little at a time. Eventually he got rid of the wheelchair, then the cane. I saw him last week in Walmart and hardly recognized him.. He had surgery to remove all the excess skin, he's lost 220 pounds, and he's getting ready to run his first 5K. This guy is 62 years old, and says he feels better now than he did when he was 30.

Linda, I hope you have half the success with this that Mr. D did.

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Welcome home, Linda! We have missed you. Wishing you a speedy recover from your surgery and the best possible outcome! What a harrowing year you have had!

All I have to say about the male problem is--just because they HAVE one doesn't mean they have to BE one!!!

Are you able to play with your machine? That would have to be the best therapy yet--both physical and mental! Hang in there and chat, chat, chat!!

Linda R

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You poor kid!! Here all this time I thought you were busy quilting and were getting ready to post some fantabulous pictures.

Okay, not all men are bad...you gotta kiss a lotta frogs, yada, yada.. You know the story.

Girl, I am so sorry to hear about your hospital visit. I know in the long run, with all of the medical problems being over weight can cause - even slightly over weight - you are going to be much better off after the healing begins. I'm sure you have great doctors. Hang in there.

Mary Beth

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Oh Linda,

I don't know what to say except that you are obviously OBVIOUSLY a survivor and a very strong woman. That makes me proud, but at the same time, my heart breaks that you went through such a rough time. But, I think you have your heart and your eyes on the horizon and you are aiming high and moving forward; onward and upward. That is wonderful. You are doing great!

Anyway, I have to say that I want my Linda Steller back. I've missed you so much, sweetie. Now that you are on the road to recovery, I hope you check in here more often because you have been missed.

(((consider yourself squeezed by me)))) Love you, Shana :)

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Hi Linda - I'm so glad that you made it through all of that. wow - you truely an amazing woman with a strong survivor instinct. And I'm happy that you made it through OHSU and can now tell some funny stories that weren't so funny at the time. Yes, I could almost see the keystone cops coming around the curtain with large safety pins for your gown!! And you are right, little tots do not belong in a hospital for more than a 5 min visit. nuff said. Well, glad that you are back and hopefully you will be posting some pics soon of some of your wonderful quilting that we can oooooh and aaaaww over. Take care of yourself.

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We are all so glad to hear from you. I was wondering where you were!!! I am glad to hear you got rid of the horrible man and I am sorry about your back. As for your surgery, I know several people at work that had the same surgery for almost the same reasons, all health issues and they are all doing great. My year has stunk too with health issues, but I am on the road to recovery myself. So join the club. Hospitals are great, aren't they??? My husband works in one here in Atlanta, in Cardiac and he complains!!!!

The important thing is your are back and so glad to hear from you!!! I can't wait to see more of your stuff soon!!!!

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OH MY HECK GIRLFRIEND! to think that we could have lost you to incompetence on the part of a few nurses who shound have choosen a different proffession! NOT COOL! I am extremely glad to know that you are well and safe! If you need anything CALL ME! I am sure that I can come up with a great reason to be there for you! Besides, Oregan really isn't that far away.

Keep up the positive attitude!

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Linda, glad you are on the way back up! VERY sorry for the rough time you've had, tho. I remembered that you were having the the thing with your back, how is that working out? I was starting to get concerned, seemed like it was taking a long time for you to come back, but I didn't know about the bypass thingy. You are going to feel better very soon and Mr. Wrong will be a distant bad memory! Just take comfort in imagining the road he has ahead of him...not pretty for him!

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Hi Linda,

So nice to see your smiling face again. Thought you were keeping busy with your quilting! You've been on a rough ride, poor girl, but time to put it all behind you and forge forward for all the good things that life can bring.

Hope you are feeling a lot better soon.

sending you a cyber ((((((((hug))))))) from oz



p.s have my circle lord and templates.....having a blast with 'swirls' at the moment :)

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Bless your heart and all your inerds. Here's a quilt to snuggle in, I know its a Christmas one but just think how great you are going to feel by then. Now put your feet up and think of the beautiful quilts you plan to create and of course share with us. Sending some cyber camomille tea and soft music, no head banging yet, soon though. Missed ya terrible but so glad to see you back.


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Linda, Oh my goodness!!! I cannot imagine how you got through all of that nightmare of the last few months. I am sorry that your prince ended up being a pig in disguise. I hope you can remember the good times and kick the bad memories out just like you did him. Good for you for not letting yourself get stuck in that relationship.

Please take care of your back. I know how painful that can be and how long back injuries can take to really heal.

I am glad that you had the courage to go ahead and do what you were feeling you needed to for your health.

I pray for healing upon your back and for a complete recovery from surgery. Maybe you should write a book about your keystone cop hospital experience. You have such a good sense of humor and I bet you could make it all funny and make lots of money so you could just quilt full time.

Seriously, I join all my other friends here in wishing you a speedy recovery and so glad to have you back.

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Shana, I completely agree with you. Linda you are strong and wonderful. You keep on keeping on!! Theresa, are you on any medications? My husband has a weight problem, yet three of his meds say "May cause wieght gain......" The doctors tell him he needs to loose weight and then put him on this type of medication?? He says he does not eat a lot, but I know he eats stuff without thinking. -- Any how Linda it is great to see you here again. Know that everyone here supports you and cares about you. We are so glad that you lost that looser. You did the right thing and that is not always easy to do. So easy to get in a bad place like that and to take the blame for everything and accept it is all your fault. It is not and was not. You did good Linda. We are here for you.

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Guest Linda S

Aw, Thank you all! I am definitely on the mend. I've been walking twice a day and tending to getting my house and yard spruced up, even though I've had to hire a few folks to do it. ;) The new fence starts to go up next week. AND, I do have my next whole cloth laid out on the table upstairs. I just need to get to tracing it onto the batiste. It will be a shadow whole cloth and is intended to look like a silver platter. If it comes out the way I have it envisioned in my mind, it will blow your socks off! Well, I hope so, anyway! ;) Yep, life is too short to dwell on old rubbish. I'm a tough old broad! :P

Off to pick blueberries!


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Linda, I can't believe you went through all that! I'm so glad you made it out ok. Hospitals can be scary places at best. What a nightmare. But, I'm so happy that you're losing weight and I know in no time at all, we're going to see a brand new and improved looking and feeling Linda.

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Hey ya tough "Ole Broad"!;)

Glad to hear you are blazing trails!

We wont comment "too" much on those toads we have all kissed! Makes the Prince Charming's in life appreciated all the more!!!:P (I dated Chris for YEARS before we married!)

I know great things are in store for you, & I can not WAIT to see that quilt, man it sounds just awesome!:cool:

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I too thought you were just really busy with all the quilting and stuff. Boy what a year you have been having...remember that ole' saying "what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger" you will be stronger in all areas of your life.

Glad everything is going better for you now. The second part of the year will be much better I'm sure. :)

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Linda, so glad to hear how you have come out on top of all this. I admire strong women. My daughter works in the medical field and says it is very scary watching the incompetence, so you are very lucky when you comr out alive. Last year I had a near fatal auto accident and imagine being in that bed for 2 months unable to talk (trek in my throat), brken arm,back,leg, paralized on the right arm. So you lay there and hope they don't kill you, which there were several close calls, lucky for me my daughter was with me most of the time. So I feel your pain. I am still healing and looking forward to getting my first longarm since I can no longer work out of the home it is a great time for me to do what I love quilt. I have always sent my tops out but now maybe I will get chance to do my own. I admire your strength.

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