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Fires in Southern California

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Hi everyone,

My DH just called from the outskirts of town so I will see him soon. I also spoke with a quilting buddy who stayed behind and my house is still standing. God is good.

They have had planes flying all day doing water drops. We are hoping to be able to get into Ramona tomorrow or Friday. The price for living in the country is we have limited road/highways to get there.

Many people in other neighborhoods have been allowed to return to their homes. But many are still out, so many have lost their homes. Please keep these folks in your prayers. We need to put these fires out soon.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.:)

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Hoping and praying that everyone and their families stay safe. Make sure you all keep in touch with families if you can who live out of the area as they worry also--been there with my Mom and hurricanes, didn\'t get much quilting done during that time. Hope the rains come soon as that would help. jeri

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adding my energy to the wave of goodwill and hopes for those in the midst of the mess in SO CA

I\'m such a hermit I just found out YESTERDAY that it\'s on fire. take care and best luck to you Linda I\'m glad you are okay.

Oregon is nice and wet wish I could blow the rain clouds your way


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You never know how you can help others. It is such a small world.

For those of you who have a blog, you\'ll know that other folks can post a comment on your blog. I have mostly quilts on my blog and I am always careful to use only first names. I got an email from that "anonymous" had made a comment.

Is the Danielle mentioned in your posts Danielle XXXXX? If so, could you help me find Danielle and her family? I\'m a friend of her mom\'s and haven\'t been successful in reaching them, very worried. (Name and phone # in MN removed)

It was the same Danielle. She is only 17 and is so special. Of course, no answer on their house phone; she had evac\'d with her family. I called Lorna, another quilt buddy in Ramona, her DH is a deputy Sheriff so they did not evac. Her teenage son had been texting Danielle that morning. So I knew she was OK and got her cell number from Lorna. Danielle\'s family had evac\'d to Lakeside Rodeo grounds with their horses. I relayed the blog message to Danielle\'s mother.

It made me feel good to be able to help calm this stranger in Minnesota. It also made me wonder what we did before cell phones and text thingys. Well, we just worried is what we did. As annoying as those cell phones can be, I think they do have their uses.:cool:

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That is so great that they were able to get through and find their loved ones! I\'m sure it helps you to help others. Stay safe. The news is looking more positive. Sure hope the fires get put out soon. My dh\'s brother is Mission Viejo and I understand the fires are only 2 miles from him. Hopefully they will be safe too. So far no evacution for them.

Stay save and we\'ll keep praying!


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I\'m glad that you and DH are both safe and also your home. It is so neat that you could connect with and help others during this time that can be so frustrating and fearfull for some. You and all of those people who lost their imes will continue to be in our prayers.

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Still no word from Merry Jo and that\'s her correct name, as Valley Center was under evacuation..so hope we hear from her soon with some good news..Thanks Linda for always having your computer at hand and letting us know what\'s going on down there..it does make us all feel a little better about the situation.:o

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I am so sad, my husband just called to say his friend lost their home.

It was a beautiful home, I guess living in the rainy Northwest has it advantages at times.

The picture is of the house before it collapsed.:(

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I posted earlier on this thread about a customer I was bugging about a payment from before I realized she was in the midst of the fires...here is her response when I apologized and hoped she was ok...I\'m kind of teary-eyed...just can\'t imagine.

Hi Joanne

No I was one of the lucky ones and did not have to

evacuate, however the Irvine fire is all around us and

the air quality is very bad. Have to keep all windows

and doors closed. Everything is covered in black ash.

The wind has stopped so I am going to try and get to

the bank today. Most of the freeways around me are

closed, but I think I can get there. I am so sorry

you have had to wait so long. Who knew things would

get this bad here. Many of my friends have had to

leave their homes and now it looks as if my mother

will but she would not be able to get to my house.

Gods Good so I know everything will work out. My

brother lives out by my mother so I thought he would

be there to help her but he is in NY this week at a

jewelry show. She lives very close to Fall brook. I

am in the middle of the Irvine Fire. There are so

many fires going on you can\'t keep track of them. The

Irvine fire was set in 3 different places. I hope

they get the people who set that one.

Better go and see what I can get done today.

talk Later


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Oh Linda, I am so sad about your friend\'s home! This is such a huge tragedy! :(

Joanne, Thanks for sharing this letter from Teri. I am glad she is OK and hanging in there. I am sure that they will catch the fools who started these fires. The thing with fools is they can\'t keep their mouth shut; they have to brag and talk about it (ego thing) so sure, they will catch the fire starters.

I continue to wish and hope and pray for all the people going through this.

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We are thinking that the Witch fire may have started because some electirc wires blown down by the Santa Ana winds. The news said that there had been a report that 2 guys were trying to loot in Ramona.

The Sheriff went on TV and told folks that looting is not a good idea. Law enforcement is pretty short on patience right now. The District Attorney announced that looters would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Looting is like adding insult to injury.

In another back country community there were reports of suspected looters. One man had stayed behind to watch out for his house and his neighbors home. He "convinced" the suspected looters to move on. He told the reporter that "out here we take care of our own". Sounds like frontier justice. :o

One of the ladies I quilt for, Brenda, has some property filled with big oak trees at the edge of Ramona. A few years ago, Brenda and her father set up a planned community called Oak Tree Ranch for manufactured homes. She contractd the grading, electrical and water setup for the lots. These manufactured homes are not like the older mobile homes. They have stacked windows, fireplaces and garages. They were in Stage 3 of the park building 11 houses this past year. I just saw on TV that the park, Oak Tree Ranch, was hit pretty hard. I called Brenda to see if I could do anything. I listened to her recorded message and just wanted to cry. Phase I homes 1 -54 total loss; Phase II homes 65, 74 and 79 total loss; Phase III no damage; office and caretakers house (Brenda\'s) total loss. This is so tragic.

This is just one of so many stories playing out on the news.

Hester - I saw Merry Jo at the Ramona quilt show on Saturday. It seems like a hundred years ago that we all went to Nichole Webb\'s class in Vista. I know that they are getting ready to start building a house in Julian up the mountain. But for now, they still live in Valley Center. She is probably holed up in a hotel somewhere, like me.

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Day 5

Many citizens have been allowed back into their homes but Ramona remains evacuated. I am so frustrated. They supposedly put out all the fires up there; we were the first community evacuated on Sunday. I want to go home.

Hundreds of residents are parked along the highway waiting to get into Ramona. One hot-head on TV just vowed to never evacuate again, he knows people stayed behind. Ramona was the last to re-populate after the Cedar Fire in 2003. It was almost 3 days evacuation in 2003. I think that this hot-head may be onto something. I believe that I will remember this the next time they send out a mandatory evacuation.

The President is here right now along with Arnold and some senators and reps. Maybe these VIPS are wanting a tour of where the Witch Creek fire started so the polie are keeping folks out. Who knows? I just want to go home.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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Hi Linda,

so glad to hear you are out of harm\'s way...I have been very concerned for my brother and his family in Lake Forest and my mother in Laguna Woods, but from what they are telling me those fires are under control and not spreading to them.....It has been hard to watch all this on the news and not be there to make sure my mom is ok......I am also glad to hear you had time to remove the customers quilts..i am sure that is a big responsibility....i hope you had time to remove some important personal items too......I hope your home continues to be safe and you and your hubby can get together...my sympathy on your motherinlaw....(new member) Denise in Wisconsin

PS. my brother has a huge RV (in storage) that was only a mile away from the flames yesterday...not sure how that fared....and he mentioned it was full of gas and propane ready for their next trip...can you imagine if that blows??? Scary!!

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I\'m home. No damage here, thank God. We don\'t have any water, though. We brought in gallons for washing and a couple cases for drinking.

Some of the folks with wells have put up signs for "free water" so we can at least flush. This town really pulls together. I think my shower at the hotel this morning will be my last for a few days. It\'s like we are camping. ;)

It is so good to be home. Thnk you again for your prayers.

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