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NQR---I am going to be a Big Sister!

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I decided to volunteer for the Big Brother/Big Sister program in my community. I was going to do it last year but I broke my foot and that threw a wrench into everything. Well, I just got a call from the BBBS office and they have matched me up with a little sister.

Her name is Mary and she is 8 years old and in 3rd grade and she has long brown hair. I meet her for the first time tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, and I think I already have fallen in love with her sight unseen! LOL! I was told that Mary is soft spoken and shy and that she likes art. :) When I was 8 I had long brown hair, I was shy and I liked art, too, so maybe we have a lot in common! I am so excited!

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Congradulations Shana, A good friend of mine has a big brother for her 11 year old son. She lost her husband several years ago, her son really looks forward to the time spent with his big brother. Of course you\'re going to have to teach her to quilt or at least sew. Purses are big with that age group, she gets to take it home and put stuff in it. A big hug to you for doing something so wonderful. Please keep us posted. DB

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My community United Way is having a "see how you like it" Big Brother Big Sister day in two weeks and I\'ve signed up to meet a little sister that day. I know I\'ll enjoy it and will sign up to get my own sister. My 26 year-old daughter has just signed up for one as well! (in California)

Teri in ID

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Update, we just met at her school this morning. All the kids were dressed up in their Halloween costumes. Mary was a witch with purple hat and matching dress that was very cute. Obviously a "nice" witch, not a mean witch! ;)

Here is a photo of us two. I signed up for what is called the "school based program" and we will be meeting once a week (Wednesdays) during her lunch break at school. Mainly, I will hang out with her while she eats lunch and we can do whatever she wants do during recess (draw, crafts, talk, play, homework, whatever). It\'s just one hour a week during lunch that we meet. Her school is like 5 minutes from my work so easy to get there and back for me. She is so cute and so sweet, too. Lucky me!!!

Sue and anyone else here that is interested in being a big bro or big sis can look up their local agency in the phone book, or do a Google search of your community to get connected.


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