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Continue to pray for our Soilders

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Hi Everyone,

I know many of you have military family and maybe even a son or daughter who is serving our Country.

I recieved news this week that my son is leaving for Iraq for a year or more and I'm truly feeling the way you might be feeling if you are in my shoes.

Please I know we have been at this war for a while and many have lost interest or patience for it but please continue to pray for our beloved men and women in Uniform no matter what service they are in. Some think we have forgotten them as the media doesn't focus alot on the good we do around the world.

Again thank for letting me share this with you. Who else could I share it with? My son is over joyed to get to go do what he believes is his part. I'm very proud of him and his attitude about what he does and why he does it. So young as most and yet so dedicated to his service.

I'm proud of them all.

Hugs to ya,

Grammie Tammie

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Right now our son is back in Seattle, but he goes back in February 2009. He\'s done two trips over there so far. If you ever just need to talk, or if your son wants to talk to Johnnie about anything, give me a call. It can get really tough sometimes. Just try not to pay attention to the news too much. According to JOhnnie they only tell what they want you to hear anyway and lots of things bad and good are kept quiet.

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My thoughts and prayers are with our troops and their family. I sure do appreciate what they sacrafice for all of us. My son wrote a song and is working on getting it recorded and it is a thank you song to all those serving now and in the past. He talked to several service men and women and asked them what do they want people to know. He would join if he could but he has past medical issue that keep him from it, so he supports them with song.

God bless our troops.

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Grammie: Our prayers are with you, your family, and everyone who has family and friends in the war.

Each year I thank my brothers, my uncles, my dad, and my son for their service in the wars of the past. My younger son got out in 1990, but continues to serve as a police officer and now detective for LAPD. (out of the pot?)

It amazes me that they are all so brave and willing to give the ultimate sacrifice if necessary.... I pray it won\'t be necessary. but they come back scarred anyway. Whether it is from a visible wound or not, it is our job to help them continue with their lives. My one brother never married, at 64, he still lives a post Viet Nam tormented life. God Bless them all!

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Hang in there! Teresa is right...they news just goes off when they want to make headlines or beef up their ratings...sorry hubby served 22 years and was in the first Iraq War and I\'ll tell you the news media drove us crazy. Their information was usually skewed in a negative way and I was always trying to shield my children. Our men and woman in the military make a huge sacrafice and every American should be thankful for the work they do, regardless if they are at war or not, to keep us free and safe!

Bless your son for serving and hang in there! We\'ll keep an extra prayer for your son! The military is always close to our hearts and alwasy in our prayers!

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Tammie, Teresa, Tracie and others who have sons, daughters, husbands, relatives, friends who are serving - THANK YOU!!!!

Not only are your loved ones serving, but you are as well. You are keeping the home fires burning and the providing the support that they need when they need it. THANK YOU!!!!

We are truly blessed to have special people such as yourself and your loved ones who are willing to go above and beyond anything we could imagine. Too many Americans lack the realization of what it takes to provide for their very existance here on this soil. Sacrifice, blood, love, hard work of many who have gone on before us.

Each night, I pray for those in our military that are serving away from their families and then for those families that are left here in the US. May God be with each of you providing comfort, courage and strength to go through each day - one day at a time.

My son is in the Corp of Cadets at Va Tech. He and his buds are learning what it takes to be a soldier.

Please let your sons know that they are not forgotten - and that they are appreciated. I wish I could do more - but right now the best I can offer are my prayers and gratitude.

Keep the faith!

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I too will keep both of those men in special prayer, and I pray at least daily for all who are serving and those who want to serve but for one reason or another can\'t, yet still support the ones who can.

I remember when my hubby was sent to Bankok during Viet Nam, and to Cuba and the Falkland Islands.. Not fun for anyone to deal with.. God Bless the families, too.


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For all who are willing and able to provide support for our military personell please consider the Quilts of Valor program. I have a thank you note from a nurse in a level 1 trauma unit in Iraq and she says you just have no idea how Very Much receiving these quilts means to injured combatants when they are patients in these units. Many of them have lost all their personal items and the quilts are the only thing they have to hold on to. I wish I had the fabric to make one every week. One of my customers says that her son has a friend who is stationed at the military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany and he too testifies as to how important these quilts are to patients being brought in from the battle areas.

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Thank You for bringing up such an important topic. I will keep them in my prayers also. When I was a teen I tried to join the service, but due to medical disabilites I was unable to.

I just got done quilting a quilt for Quilts of Valor. And hope to do another one tomorrow. These are my first. I hope to continue to do this. I know that this group sends atleast 6 quilts a month to a LA\'er in Ohio. So no matter where you are you can help.

Please Thank all the people in your lives who are serving or have served for our freedom. It means so much to so many. And they are not forgotten.


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Grammie, my prayers are with your family and your son. I just retired with 27 years in the Navy and served in harms way many times. We the military really, really appreciate the support from all. The military member serves, but it\'s true the entire family is included, no military member serves "alone". I\'d also like to give you (Grammie) a special thank you for including daughters! So many times we (women in the military) hear others say pray and support our boys but no mention of the women serving beside them. There are thousands of women serving in the mid-east right now, daughters, mothers, sisters and yes grandmothers. Three female sailors who work for me are heading to the mid-east next month (2 mothers and 1 daughter). War is rough for all!!!

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Interesting topic….My heart goes out to everyone over there. My son will be graduating from high school this year and he is being flooded with mail from all branches of the military. Since I check the mail, he has not seen the propaganda they are dishing out. One flyer actually had a HOT! woman dressed completely out of the regs on the front cover. As if to say, “join now and this is what is waiting for you” We even got a phone call from a Marine recruiter on a Saturday. I hung up on him.

I don’t know…I’m on the fence with this war thing in Iraq. I served in the first war and that was enough for me to know just how unappreciated we are by the average citizen in the Middle East. It left a very bad impression on me. I’ve talked with other soldiers who had the opposite experience and that has helped me cope with my disdain for a culture that gives camels more rights than its own women. With all the problems we are having here on the home front I think our military would better serve us here. How long do you think we would be in Iraq if we put our politicians on the front lines with them? Maybe we should make serving in the military a prerequisite to being president.

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