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Uh oh! She got caught!

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On Thursday Grandma bought her a new sewing machine, a little light weight Brother with a few different stitches and feed dogs that drop... sooooooooo Her and Grandma played hooky on Friday( stayed home from work and school ) so that Alexis could play with her new sewing machine, Being a right brain person I had no problems with this, she spent the day free motion quilting pictures I will take photos tomorrow and post.... I am a proud MOMMMYYYY she stitched a house with a barn, a walk way and a fields of grass and weeds LOL It\'s on scrap fabric but you can be sure that I will be framing it to hang on the wall in my studio. Maybe just maybe this will be the only one of three kids to not be a hand quilter !!! LOL

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OK Jessie my 16 year old just read my last post so I am now posting a pic of her hand stitching. She uses my designs and embroidery floss then hand quilts the samples, or give them to me to finish on the longarm.... one day I know she will return to the longarm, Oh she says as soon as her Lenni arrives LOL

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Sue obviously you passed down a thing or two! I love to hear about young kids getting into sewing and quilting! My daughter started at 4 until she was about 10. Now that she is grown up there is hope!

Judy your little one has the cutest eyes ever! Makes me sad mine is grown, oh that would be I\'d have to go through 16 - 21 again, no thanks. I\'ll wait for grandkids that I can spoil!

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Yes, I also remember those days. I have 3 granddaughters and 6 grandsons. As you can tell, my kids are all grown and while I wasn\'t quilting when they were young, I did a lot of sewing and had my sharing fo help! from them. ;-)

Anyway, neither of my daughters sews, but I\'m hoping for at least a couple of my grandkids. One of my SILs sews and his boys are interested, so who knows. They thing the longarm is wonderful and can\'t wait until I let them use it. I have to load some muslin or scrap fabric for them one of these days.


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Wow! I can see Jessie embellishing jeans and jean jackets with those patterns.

And I love the little girls on the longarms...I am sooo jealous...My daughter refused to ever even sew a stitch...said it was boring, then when she was older, not "cool". Now she\'s in college and asked me if I could teach her how to knit, of all things. I am a lefty and she is not...plus, she\'s 3000 miles away in school. The torture continues...

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LOVE that hand work - great colors and forms - pretty!!!

Now go back up to the first photo on this post...... Is that some

kind of Robot standing on top of your machine? A good luck guy,

some special story to it?;)

It is fun to see how we all tend to "dress-up" our babies after


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I have to say thanks for all the wonderful posts about Jessies work, but remember she is almost 17, so hand stitching is just her way of being NOT LIKE MOM LOL she has not touched the longarm for years, of course, now that I have sold my stitch reg. machines (about a year ago) she thinks it would be great to start longarm quilting again, but she\'s wishing we still had a stitch reg. machine, so after Grandma buys Alexis a sewing machine she says to me in the voice only a 17 year old could use.... mommy Alexis got a machine:( you should buy me one of those new Lennis, so Alexis says... it\'s ok Jessie you can use the Discovery, but it doesn\'t have the magic button that knows when you want to stop so mommy has to stand beside you... then she gets this hugh smile and turns to Jessie and says...if you want, I could teach you how to use it this week end LOL :D Jessie just smiled and said No Thank You I think I\'ll just wait for the compu quilter to arrive;) Out of the mouths of Babes!!

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You all inspire me. I have 5 grandaughters, and as they have entered their teen years, they haven\'t had time for either sewing or quilting. I still have the interest of three of them who are in 4-H in Texas. I bought them a sewing machine and along with their great-grandmother\'s hand me down sewing machine, they have been able to accomplish a great deal and are very proud of their completed projects. I spend 2 weeks every September with them and we work day and night. It is a lot of fun - but they are so far away.

I have hopes as they are always interested in new quilts. Unfortunately, they treat them with a casualness that sometimes hurts, but them I did too when I was a youngster and my grandma gave me a quilt. It wasn\'t until I started making them myself that I appreciated the work that went into them. So, the sooner I can get them to make their own quilts, the better.

Sue and Karen, you are inspirations to me. Attending Sue\'s workshop at camp in Ohio and receiving one of Karen\'s books have resulted in lots of free motion delights. Thank you both.

Trisha Nelle

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Marlene, Being a lefty all you do to teach someone that\'s a righty is have them sit across from you, face each other. So of course she does have to be with you, it won\'t work long distance. But it does work, especially for knitting.

anyway, I just wanted to encourage you.

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Wow... I wish my 16 year old daughter would be interested in any of this.... just the other day when I finished quilting something and I thought it looked pretty good so I was showing it to her (I was excited).... she says, "and this is fun for you?"

I showed my college age son who is home on break this week the Hawaiian Star I just paper pieced - hardest quilt I ever made and I am d**n proud of it - and he says, "why did you make that?"

oh well.... they are athletes and get their joy that way.... I can\'t do/have no desire for that... but I would love it if they were interested!

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Don\'t fear get through age 21 and then your daughter will think your are so much cooler! LOL I still want to post a special bulletin everytime my daughter says "I love you" back to me! She is going to be 24 next month and she likes me again! Mind you that she is the same daughter that I called my clingon up until she was 10!

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