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Sad day for Spain

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Sorry to bother you with this but I need to talk about what we are going through in Spain today. This morning, ETA, a paralimilitary and terrorist Basque nationalist separatist organization that has been claiming indendence for an area in the North of Spain known as "the Basque country" since the 60´s has commited a terrorist attack by murdering in cold blood an old politic that used to work for his town until 4 years ago. He was 43, was married and have 3 children aged between 20 and 4. His eldest daughter and his wife were with him when he was killed just outside of his home.

Today was the last day of the election campaign. Next sunday, the 9th March, is election day and we will go to vote for the next presidente. The terrorist have won again and now the whole nation is talking about them.

I´m so sad tonight.

God bless you


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Oh Christy, I\'m so sorry to hear this. It truely is a very sad day. I too hope that this ends up with good results for your country. It may not seem so now but who knows what might grow from this? Terrorism is never a good thing, and bullys are everywhere in all walks of life. I\'m praying for your country, and for his family and yours.

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Oh, Dear Cristy.. My heart aches for you and your country, all countrys undergoing such cowardly acts..

Prayers for all, for a good election, and healing for those wounded and hurting.. though it may not be physical wounds.

Know You\'ll be thought of and prayed for in the coming weeks.. or longer..


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Hi Christina,

so sorry to hear about this.....we forget there is so much going on in the rest of the world when you live in the US......so sad for your country...hope that the terrorists are found and your politico gets justice, as well as justice for his family...I will say a prayer for you and the country. Denise

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I am so sorry to hear of the problems in you country. I agree with Denise, I kind of get wrapped up in what is happening in the US or what the US is involved in that I don\'t think about other places. Plus, I guess I think of Spain as a place where nothing bad happens, kind of a vacation spot. But I guess bad things happen everywhere to all people. Praying for the people of Spain. Praying that justice will prevail, and the peace will come.

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