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Help out a quilter and take this survey for her thesis

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Peg Bingham is a great quilt teacher and pattern designer, and is doing her thesis and needs data. I took her survey - it was quick and painless. Here's her request:


Dear friends and quilting associates -

As many of you know, for the past few years, I have been working on my Master's degree in Clothing & Textiles. Well, my thesis topic has been approved and now I must collect data. The topic is "Professional Machine Quilting and it Impact on the Late Twentieth Century Quilt Revival." I am excited and honored to be able to record this important part of contemporary quilt history.

Below is on on-line survey by which I will collect information about machine quilting. In the survey, there are four tracks - the first is for professional quilters, those receiving money for their machine quilting services; the second is for their customers; third is for professionals in the industry servicing and supporting the professional machine quilters and the last is for owners of professional caliber equipment who use it only for personal use. The survey starts the same for everyone, asking for permission and demographic info then the role the respondent occupies in the industry. It takes 20 to 45 minutes to respond, depending on the length of your answers. One of my professors suggested that I trim out some questions but I couldn't do it. I felt that any omission left a hole in the research.


I would appreciate any help and support you may be able to give me. Please share this information with your quilting friends and associates. Too much data will be a happy problem. Thanks so much.

Peg Bingham


Thanks in advance to any that take this survey. Feel free to send to your quilting buddies and customers.


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I filled out the survey this morning. Some of the questions really got me to thinking about my business and my customers.

Does anyone know if the results of this survey will be published? I know it says she will be using the info for her thesis and I think it would be wonderful to see where the info will lead her thesis.

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Just completed the survey. Sounds like she is getting a great response. From someone who had to complete a masters thesis, getting the response back on your questionaire is really important.

Good luck and we hope we do get to see the finished results.


Hamilton, MA

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Hi Julia: I will be glad to take your survey. We own a quilt store in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada and one of our staff members is also doing her Masters. Her thesis is on the quilt guilds and how they have evolved through the years. She was shocked at the hesitation that one local quild had at allowing her to review their past minutes, they actually made her sign a waver about confidentiality, and then in the end they said NO! I thought that this alone would make a good thesis,(or a good mystery novel).

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I completed it as a non professional quilter, since I so rarely am actually paid. The last question was something to the effect of "What would you change in the machine quilting industry if you could??" I drew a complete and absolute BLANK.

Anyone answer that? What kind of changes need to be made that I'm not thinking about??

Cheryl in Iowa

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Great opportunity for a voice about what is needed, what is appreciated, what is influencing us in quilting. It was a wonderful opportunity to say thank you for many things like this chat. That was fun and hope Peg publishes some results. It would be fascinating to hear how our opinions perhaps influenced the industry.


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I started to do it but was really bogged down in the tools and notions area question. I gave up after 45 min as that could go on for a very long time. I've been at quilting as a business for 5 years and the tools/notions category is huge if I do it justice. Would love to contribute but lack time as I quilt part time now and have an outside full time position. jeri

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Hi all,

Peg is a friend of mine and I'll speak to her about posting the thesis when it's finished. She lives about 5 minutes from me and we've been friends for 17 yrs. She's an amazing woman...a breast cancer survivor (had it in her early 30's!) and chairman of the Race for the Cure for the Akron/Cleveland area for several years.

I know she will be most appreciative of your help. Unfortunately, since I have received delivery of my machine yet and have never had any of my quilts done by someone else I can't participate..darn!

Jeri, please just skip that part or do what you can and go on. All the info she gets will be most helpful I'm sure.


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