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How Many Projects Do You Have Started

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Oh Dear, I think this topic came up about a year or so ago and I don't think that I've finished any of the projects that I had back then, and I've added at least 2 more to that number. I'm not going to go and count as I really don't want to know!!! LOL :P DH hasn't asked me lately and I'm not going to even tell him about this cause MaryBeth would have gotten me into touble again. I did look at them and get them all organized about 6 months ago - does that count on trying to get them done?

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Just re-read this and it is long, so be warned!

Well, I am sure that I probably have you all beat. The reason I even know how many I have is that a few years ago someone on a quilting list that I belong to said that she put all her UFOs on a spreadsheet and the she could add to this if she got more or subtract from it if she finished some. I am a very goal oriented person, so this sounded like a great idea to me.

Well, I had 110! Wow, how did that happen? How did I get so many? :P So I have been finishing projects at about the rate of 16-18 per year. The problem is that same year I accepted the chance to be the leader for the Thimbleberries Club at my LQS and that means that I am making samples for that. Sometimes those are finished quilts, but sometimes just tops which then add to the UFO pile. I now have 107, but I have made much more progress than the numbers would suggest. 41 of those are tops that I have completed in an effort to lessen my UFOs, but haven't gotten quilted and bound.

Before I got my Milli, I hated to send out tops, as I love the quilting process as much as the piecing process, so wanted to do my own. So I just kept accumulating them. Then I was in a major car accident 2 days before my Milli was delivered and so didn't get much done for almost a year as I had broken my sternum and a vertibrae in my back. I had done a few tops and lots of practice pieces on a friend's millenium before that.

Then around the 1st of this year I started doing customer quilts. I haven't really gone out actively searching business, bit have gotten quite a bit word of mouth, so again my quilting is taking a back seat. Now, I am not complaining about the business as I need it to pay my savings back for my Milli, but... I just keep plugging away. I'd just toss some of the UFOs to someone else who has more time, but I still like them all and want to finish them. :)

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I have about 15 in the works for a big craft fair coming up next year. (I really do have to have some inventory to sell ... right?)

Then, I've got about 3 in the works for my grand daughter...who is about to turn 1, and REALLY needs that many Big Girl Quilts...right?

I've got a baby quilt made out of my grand daughter's recieving blankets for HER children...and a couple of baby doll quilts...

Then there are the 20 or so quilts in varying stages of completion...they are all waiting for the right 'inspiration' to hit me.

When we moved to this house 5 years ago, I was only allowed three UFOs...and only one small bag of fabric from my stash made the move with me. The rest 'mysteriously' went to the dump!!! So a girl has to rebuild ...right???!!!

let's just say my family knows to venture up to my studio at their own risk...


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At least 37...that is what I could find...some are hiding out because they are packed in boxes in storage:D That doesn't count the knitting, the fleece to spin, the dolls to finish or the counted cross stitch waiting in a box:)

I think Sheila wins:P with 110:D


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WOW - my husband can't understand the several "projects started" thing either! He believes everyone else finishes them before they start the next one!

Our guild is doing a UFO challenge this year - so I was just looking at my list...

9 tops that need quilting

1 top that needs a border

4 projects that are started - piecing stage

2 kits - not started

I dont count any books or patterns or fabric that I've bought for a specific project, but not cut into.

the worst thing is, I have a UFO list from 2006 and some of the same quilt tops are on it!!! :o

so glad to see I've got PLENTY of company!

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i have about 25-ish in various stages of 'being done'... those stages are: need to be quilted; need borders applied and quilted; need to finish piecing, borders applied, and quilted; need to start piecing, finish piecing, borders applied, and quilted; then there are the ones that i bought full kits/patterns for--they need everything from cutting to quilting; can't tell you how much fabric w/o patterns i have; and how many patterns waiting for fabric i have... then, of course there are the quilts i have floating around in my head.... how old is my oldest UFO? at least 20 years... maybe a few years more; maybe a few years less... ok, that being said, i wrote each project down on a paper and put them in a bag... as soon as i finish the 3 simultaneous quilts i'm currently piecing, i will start choosing a random UFO to finish... i have each project in a bag and hanging neatly in my sewing room closet waiting their turn... so tell your husband, mary beth, that you're NOT the only one ... ps: once in a while i'll look through my bags and remember how beautiful the fabrics are and how gorgeous the quilt will be when finished... if finished... ;) charla

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Sheila...I bow to you....I tought 50 was a lot to finish...but girl ya got me beat......at least for now..

I think the spread sheet would be a great way to do things...but then it might scare me, as I'm sure I will find those that are like Cheryl...still packed and totally forgotten.;)

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I have a full size Laurel Birch top ready to quilt, a small pastel baby quilt pieced, Leah and I are working on two quilts when she visits, an appliqued peacock for my folks and one that I have a jelly roll and yardage and even a pattern picked out for.........just for right now.

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ummmmmm........i don't think i will even try to venture how many

lets just say it used to becontained to only one room and when the kids

moved out i took over there space. as far as my stash it once upon a time

was designated for some project i can't even remember.

i have enough to keep me going for a long time. too much fabric and ideas

and no time.

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Mary Beth,

I'm there with you, I have at least 14 in different stages and seems I'm alaready looking to the next project. My sister (twin) she is one who goes from one project, finishes it, and then to the next. Tells you there are identical twins out there that do function a little different. :)

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Okay Bonnie, I AM A REAL Quilter, and I have a wall full of ribbons to prove it..BUT I am like your sister, don't start a new project until I finish the current project..I lose interest if I start another project and will never finish the first one started if I don't do it that way, so it's a discipline thing with me..I have had far too many things I never finished and I 'm just too cheap too keep wasting the money:P

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Mary Beth,

My husband has asked me the same question for four years. Then he wants to know where his quilt is on the schedule. If I'd just get the last border on I could zip her on Millie. I have kits galore, but like Gable, I don't count them. I'll get to them when I retire and don't have lots of spending money. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it).

After all, its all for the love of fabric. The more you have the better you feel. Right?

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MMMM....I am not sure this is a good idea. I usually work on 3 projects at the same time, just so I won't get bored. And I do pretty well with that plan until I go to a quilt show or workshop and learn a bunch of stuff I want to try - and there ya go a lot of projects started and not finished. So I am not going to count - I think it would overwhelm me to know the truth! :D:D:D

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I have way too many but after reading Sheila's post I feel so much better!

A group I belong to does an Elimination Challenge each year. At the beginning of the year we select 11 UFOs. I quit counting when I got to 11. Each month (excluding December) the leader draws a number and that's the UFO we are suppose to finish that month. I'm a little behind right now but I've got two little quilts ready to go on the frame. Once they're done I should be back on track.

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Hi Mary Beth,

Considering that I have only been quilting for two years, I have four. Do have quite a stash of material. A while back I made a quilt for our youngest daughter. Her only requirement was "green and purple". The quilt had 27 different materials of green and purple and they were all from the stash. There just isn't enough time in a 24 hour day. Have a good week.

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I convinced my husband I needed to retire early, so that I could do what I really wanted to do; finish my quilts; take classes etc......I've been retired from my job for one year now, and have only finished 5 UFO's. I have so many customers that are sending their work my way, I can't seem to get mine in the cue.

So...I made a list and check things off as I do them. It is satisfying and reminds me that I had more unfinished than I realized. I too, made a resolution, that I have to finish a couple of them, before I start another project.

When I started quilting 8 years ago, I was the type that started one, finished it and moved on, BUT somehow that changed. I do believe we creative types, constantly need stimulation, and liked to be challenged.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

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Hester...I was so teasing my sister and others here. I didn't mean any offense.....I know she is a quilter and a great one at that...I just wish I had her and your power to finish something before I started something else...I get so derailed and off I go to something else......;):P;)

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