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Gustoff (or however you spell it)

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As some of you know Gustoff is possibly on his way to our shores. If he is even remotely related to Katrina we are in deep trouble. Jim Cantore of the National Weather Channel checked into the IP Casino this morning. That's not a good sign. We are stocking up on supplies today and gas has gone up in our town 11 cents since this morning. That is supposed to be against the law but...go figure! Nothing good will come of this except - remember the brightly colored quilt I posted this week? I may just get to cut another out in the dark days to come. You Louisianna folks take good care of yourselves! :(

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Sending prayers to Sylvia and all you folks in the path of Gustav. As of 5PM EDT, he was still a tropical storm sitting in the Caribbean Sea wedged between Haiti and Cuba.

You can track him yourself at the NOAA site:


And weather folk like Sam's Mom (Donna - full-fledged meteorologist) watch the loop till they get loopy :D


Or the easier to follow:


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Let's just pray that he continues to weaken as he has been doing and slowing down.

Yes, Linda, www.wunderground.com is a great site. It is bookmarked on my computer and up almost daily during the peak season from August to mid Nov. Ah, the joys of living in the "paradise" of the gulf coast.

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The stores are already empty. Why do people wait for a threat before stocking up? My friend said there were about 40 people in line at the gas pumps this afternoon.

I know that in Baton Rouge we will not see a repeat of Katrina aftermath. BTW Katrina anniversary is Tuesday!


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We just made an "extra" run for "D" batteries and none to be had. We pretty much have everything else except we will run out of gas for the generator after only about 4 days and then the LONG lines begin. Ice is also another item we use fast in the heat. Our freezers are full but we'll need more if we take a direct hit like last time. By the time Katrina came through here she was a cat 3 and we are 90 miles off the coast. I plan to gather together all the fabric needed for a new quilt and put it in a bag with the pattern because it is too hard to locate what you need in the dark. It's the only time I appreciate hand stitching. I do have my grandmother's treadle, hmmmmmmmm!:o

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Praying for you Sylvia! I am on the far west side of the projected path so, yeah, we are watching, too! It's a TS right now, supposed to go to a Cat 1 as it gets on into the Gulf adn the further west it goes the stronger they have it getting. Highest is Cat3 if it makes it as far as western Miss or LA before it goes in. Stay high, stay dry, stay safe!

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If you evacuate will you take Lenni with you. Better start taking her apart now. I sure wouldn't want to count on insurance to replace her. Take the machine leave the table. Hopefully it won't get to that extent. We surely will be keeping a close eye on her and praying for everyones safety. If you get nervous, just go quilt that will calm you down. Stay safe. Jeanne

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Too many and too often for all you folks on the Gulf.

Stay safe and hi-tail it if you need to.

My brothers in Austin finally gave up their vacation beach-house-on-stilts in Corpus Christi--too much danger of losing it!

You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

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Well it is 5:30 am and we will be out looking for another generator. We already have one but DH decided that we need another one. When Katrina hit we we out of power for a week and one month later we were out of power b/c of Rita.

I told him he should not wait until a hurricane is "on the way" to go shopping for a generator. My dear MIL lives next door so for the hurricanes we have one generator for two households. We usually take our deep freezer, put it on the back of a trailer, haul it MIL and hook up her two freezers, 3 friges and our freezer to the generator. We also keep small window ac units to use during long power outages. I guess DH is tired of hauling out stuff next door. DUH!!

Why do we have so many freezers you ask? We grow a lot of our own food. We also get our seafood in large quantities and freeze. My DH likes to fish, so when he goes down to the coast he usually stocks up on crab and shrimp. And sometimes the fishing is successful too.

Have a great day!!


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Sandra, I feel your generator pain. Don't dare let those seafoods and veggies ruin! We have a generator but it is hard to keep her in gasoline after we run out. We have tons of gas cans but it takes a bunch. We now own 3 window ACs because of storms.

Carol Ann, do you have any relatives still here? This is a super place to live. We have 2 universities, 3 Community colleges, and the largest medical-community per capita in the south. I actually live in Oak Grove; do you know where that is? We are west of H'Burg just out of the city. We both went to Southern MS and so did all our brothers and sisters and our children and, well, all our relatives ! Love it! But we love it most when our power is on!

Jeanne, funny question about Lenni. I DID think I'd take her if we leave!!! ;)

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Well, just who is Nana and what are her Parcels? Girlfriend, you know I'll be at the quilt show; I will be working! I am on the show committee. No kidding, I can't wait to meet you! I have 5 things entered but they won't ribbon. I've heard who all is entering and most of us locals will be admiring someone else' ribbons! Honestly, we do have 2 ladies here who are intermational winners. We have 512 quilts to hang I believe. We had a meeting yesterday and I think it will be quite a show. :P:P:P

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Well we got another generator -- that makes 3 -- this one was $ 800 bucks -- DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH FABRIC I COULD BUY WITH THAT!!!:mad::mad::mad:

Oh well I guess eating (although I could do without that for a while) staying cool and having power is important --

Can you believe that during Katrina and Rita my shop in Baton Rouge never lost power?!

Maybe I should stay there and work!!


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Well I am officially in the loop now! If you look at the weather maps, the first little "hole" in the Texas coast coming from Louisiana is Galveston Bay, Galveston Island is kind of across the entrance to the bay. I'm a whole 15 miles NW of that. My sister and her whole family are leaving today to fly to Albuquerque, NM for a week at her DH's family cabin in one of the Nation foret's there. They are leaving their Golden Retreiver, Sara, at the boarding Kennel. If the kennel evacs then I get the call, pack up myself and our Mom, go get Sara and take all of us the her house to sit out the storm. I love Sara! She always smiles when you talk to her, I call it her Slitty-eyed Grin!

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My mom just went back to where her parents were (Hawthorne NJ, right next to Glen Rock) and my, should I say Father, went who knows where. He was born in Brownsville TX. It's not a subject I can say a great deal about. I lived with me Mom and my grandparents.

But, Sylvia, I do truly hope that huricane Gustaff will be kind to you and your family.

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I have family all along the Gulf Coast and the North Carolina Coast. I'm praying that the Lord just makes a big puff and blows the thing out. However, being a practical person, I know that's not going to happen. I've been talking to my family that lives 45 southwest of New Orleans and they are just plain scared! They are only 30 miles from the gulf as the crow flies. And...when it flies there's not very much land or levees to stop the water! Son & family can't evacuate because he works for the parish (county) and may be needed. Sis & family can't leave because MIL is in hospice and may go anytime. As I told them, I've got my worry pants on and they're getting in a bunch!

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