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NQR - It's official...I've lost it!!

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Today I went to Wal-Mart to get a few things and I walked by the Easter candy....my first mistake. Well, actually, I didn't just "walk by" I walked "to" the Easter candy...I love candy, sweets, all the bad stuff. Anyway, my favorite is the Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs, so that was what I was after. Then I spotted the chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies...love those too :D I bought both. When I opened the bunnies, the package was huge and the bunnie was not!! I couldn't stop thinking about it...it was eating at me...like a psyco movie...so I emailed the company. I even went so far as to measure the wrapper....5" and then I measured the bunnie...2 3/4" ..........that is tricking the customer!!!

I'm ready for the funny farm - don't ya think??:D:P

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It is called marketing. Your eyes tell you that there is more in the package than meets the eye. You think your getting a better deal and the packaging is pleasing to the eye so your more likely to make the purchase.

Mary Beth, I think we all need to go to the funny farm. It would be a barrel of laughs!:P:P:P

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MB just think how much fun you, me, Sheri and Cheryl would have if we went and visited the funny farm together. :P:D:P:D:P :P :P :P I would love it. I would be LMBO 24/7/365

And Kristina. Yah. She comes with us, too. And Gail Drake.

We need to take the bus. Maybe it needs to be a train. A long train that can fit us all in.

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MB; I got really disturbed one day when I looked at the Mitchum clear gel deodeerant bottle I've been buying for years. Well, you must screw the bottom of the bottle to get the jel to come out of the top and if you take off the label you'll be just as mad as I was to see how little is in the bottle.

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I forgot to mention that I just took out of the oven two loaves of oatmeal sunflower bread! The grocery store stopped carrying my favorite bread from a local bakery (it was a close to homemade as you could get) so I'm making my own now.

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I'd like to go to the funny farm with you guys too, but I hope they have a well stocked pantry. From the sound of this thread we're all going to weigh about 400 lbs. before we get out of there! They may have to buy a bigger bus to haul us around...


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Gosh, MB, I guess that you were hopping mad about that packaging.

It makes me a little crazy the way breakfast cereal boxes seem to be getting so big and they sya "some settling may occur" which is code for "big box, small amount".

So if you are going to the funny farm, you need to set up a quilt guild there so the rest of us crazys can join you. :D

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Don't worry about a guild at the funny farm. With all of us quilters there, it would just happen. Oh and don't forget to bring your fabric stash, DSM, your long arm and what ever else we need to keep us busy. Will bring our stuff too! Oh, happy day:P:P:P

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Originally posted by lym95

I'd like to go to the funny farm with you guys too, but I hope they have a well stocked pantry. From the sound of this thread we're all going to weigh about 400 lbs. before we get out of there! They may have to buy a bigger bus to haul us around...


Maybe it should be the funny fat farm! :P

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Mary Beth,

I have a sign on my desk (remember - I work with middle school aged kids) "Lost my mind, back in 5 minutes". I have decided that I am not coming back. I remain in my lost mind and loving it. You haven't lost it - you are gettin' it and gettin' it good. Good on you for speaking up - don't mess with our goodies!

(I also have a pillow on my desk that has "If stress burned calories I'd be a size 5" - if any of you saw my pix on a recent post - stress doesn't make us skinny!)

Where can I put in reservations for the funny farm too?

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Bought orange juice (Tropicana) two days ago. The box was taller (doesn't fit in my frig door) and the contents were 6 oz. less. E-mailed them and complained. They said they were using a by-product of Stevia to sweeten and it costs more, so they had to reduce the amount in the container. Gee - then why does the box look like it contains more. The end result was - I am getting a coupon in the mail for a free carton. Whee!!!! I am still not happy. Oh - and yes, ice cream is now 1-1.2 quarts om box that used to be two quarts.

I also complained that it is making more packagin for the landfill when you put less in a larger container or even in the same size container.

I am sure they really did not care.

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And then the worst of it is the fact that as we "age gracefully" it gets harder to burn those D.... calories. The other part is as the packaging gets bigger & the items get smaller, more drifts out of our wallets!!!!! We are all crazy just thinking about all of this - I am going back to quilting until the bus arrives - just make that soon!!

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