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Unusual tension problem

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So, I'm quilting along happily and out of the blue my tension goes really wacky.

I checked the thread path, checked the bobbin tension, checked the tightness of the quilt sammy and everything was fine. I cleaned out the bobbin area and started quilting again. I went along for a few inches and it started going wacky again. :mad:

I rechecked everything. Started stitching again and the same thing happened. Now I'm really puzzled. :mad:

Hmmm. Maybe it's the bobbin.

So I removed the bobbin and low and behold I found the problem. When I wound the bobbin, some of my hair got wound up with it. :o:o:o I removed the hair, started stitching again and all was well!! :cool::cool:

At least the hair wasn't attached when it got wound up in the bobbin. Ouch!! :P:P


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Originally posted by dtreuschAt least the hair wasn't attached when it got wound up in the bobbin. Ouch!! :P:PDebbi

Okay, here is another Mary Beth ism for you....

When I was 13 or so, I did babysitting and yard mowing to earn extra cash. I had very long hair, just about middle of my back. I have really thick hair so losing some was no big deal...it's just the way I went about it ;)

We had a riding lawn mower called I "King". It was a three wheeled lawn mower with about 20 belts under the hood which allowed you to turn on a dime. I loved that lawn mower. Anyway, my dad had been working on it and had the hood off the mower, but said I could go ahead and mow the neighbor's yard. The trees in that yard needed to be trimmed up and had low hanging branches...are you all starting to get the picture? Remember who is telling this story....

I went under a limb, and bent over the lawn mower and you guessed it my hair was sucked right into the belts on that mower....I looked like Woody Woodpecker....my head was being pulled down, up, down, up...so that I was hitting my forehead on the stearing wheel. Finally I just pulled up as hard as I could to release my hair from the pullies and belts. I am surprised it didn't pull my scalp off. Instead I lost a bunch of hair, and had a goose egg type bump on my forehead.

The worst part, the neighbor boy who grew up next door - like a brother to me - was standing at the fence getting ready to talk to me and watched the whole thing. When I turned the mower off, he tried to say, "Are you okay?" But was laughing so hard because I looked so funny doing my woodpecker impersonation that he could barley speak.

So...I say all that...to say this....I'm glad it wasn't attached too. :P:D

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Isn't it a wonder any of us ever grow up? Truly think the Lord helps raise every child - parents just can't be there all the time!

But it is fun to look back on all the things that happened - I grew up on a farm in western Nebraska with two brothers! And we all grew up, in spite of the things that we did!

Patsy in Ne

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Mary Beth that made my eyes water. Talk about getting snatched bald....Girlfriend, you beat me hands down...in the getting into trouble catagory.....and I was raised on a ranch/farm one of the top 5 worst places to work due to industruial accidents and such.

Laughing now, but man I bet that hurt and not to sure I would have been getting on that thing anytime soon again, at least without the hood on.

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Just think what I would have been like on a farm :D:D:P

My parents would have been busy all the time trying to keep me out of something. They would not have been able to farm....humm, maybe that's why we didn't live on a farm!! Another revelation!!

You all know that I get in the dungeon....I mean basement....and I get bored working on the same ol same ol quilt...then my mind starts wandering....then it starts coming up with these stories. All because Debbi told about the hair in her bobbin....it doesn't take much!! :D:P

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Debbie and Mary Beth, God bless you for starting my day off with a laugh! I probably would never have even seen the hair in the bobbin and just thrown it out thinking it was a bad one! And I know the dangers of long hair, I got mine caught in the wrong side of a blow drier once, it caught on fire at a Willie Nelson New Years Eve concert another time. Needlless to say it was very, very short after both incidents!

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