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need suggestions on how to quilt this

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HI! I have this quilt, I will show you some of the different blocks..Just right off the bat, the pictures DO NOT do this quilt justice!! This is one of the most detailed pretty quilts I have ever seen!! But like I said, the pictures don't show that. It is hand appliqued with lots and lots of hand embroidery to enhance the applique pictures. I'm not sure how to quilt this! The sashes are white on white material, and the only thing "wrong " with this quilt is some of the sashes are wider than the others. so that makes a delima of what to do in the sashes. I was thinking in the blocks to do McTavishing or some sort of pretty filler. Do you think it should have the same backround in each block, or do you think different things? I am not touching the applique pieces. Just the backround. And as you can see, some of the blocks have a shadow like applique behind the main block material. Should I just stitch around those? I want to make sure I do a beautiful job on this because of course you always want to do a beautiful job, but this quilt is exquisite! (sp?) but you get my drift! :) Thanks for any ideas and help!! linda


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here's the last one. thanks for looking.... the one before where it looks like the wind blowing, would be cute with swirlies looking like wind, but that is one of the things I did'nt know if putting different backrounds would look right, maybe using the McTavishing for most of them.


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OMG the hours in hand appliquing is over the top. I'm thinking like you that McTavishing or something like that would give the motion you are looking for. Without a sashing between each block I think if you did a different back ground it would look really jumbled....and may even make it look messy.

But that's my way of thinking....whatever you do it will look gorgeous and can't wait to see the finished pictures.

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Hi Linda,

What a treasure----that is a masterpiece!

For my two cents worth, I will agree with you not to stitch on the appliques. And also, McT is certainly appropriate for this. If you want to differentiate the sashing, using the same thread as the McT, stitch a running motif through the very center of the sashing. Stitch your favorite continuous-line sashing design in both directions--across and down. Then either enclose the design with straight lines on either side (like a seam line) or echo the edges just to set the sashing off from the balance of the blocks. Now you can change background fillers in the interior of each block easily. And that is also my favorite thought--a different but same-density filler in each block. Karen McT has a SBS quilt in one of her McT books where each had a different filler--very effective. Good luck and keep us updated on your progress!

BTW--those added embellishments will be a challenge to work around, but they add so much to the design. ( My DH calls that extra stuff "encrustations"!! Like stalagtites, I guess!)

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Oh that is so precious! Linda, have you seen the McFeathering that Jessica Brunnemer does? It's McTavishing with a twist (or a feather, or a swirl) and gives some more interest in the background fill. I like Linda Rech's idea about creating a small design in the sashing and just embellishing it with more quilting. That would be very classy!! This quilt needs to go into a show so many can admire it. :)

The girl holding tight to her hat and pieces of flowers are flying off the back... I can see some swirly wind in that background fill!

That little schoolboy's sock is falling down. The baby in the pram with the little bonnet. So cute. The puppy dog sniffing the feather that fell from the Indian head dress.. so many details!

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I don't know why, but this quilt makes me recall one a couple of years ago that I think Darlene Epp posted. The quilt is not the same but it makes me remember the way she quilted it.

There was a diagonal line quilted from corner to corner (stopping and starting again at the applique, not stitched over the applique) Then one diagonal half of the block was filled with bkgrd filler such as McTavishing or stippling, etc. and the other half was maybe filled with lines.

I'll try to find the post.

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What a beautiful treasure! Please SID only on those girls. The piecer has done a fantastic job and I think stitching on them would just take away from the quilt. For the quilt hanging on the line I think it would be cool to quilt that in a quilt pattern. I agree with Shana that McFeathering would be perfect. You can go to Jessica's website and see her sample of it. You could also cross hatch the sashing so that you separated each block from each other and I don't think that you would notice the different sizes that way. Just beautiful and I can't wait to see it done!

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That quilt is to DIE FOR! I can't imagine the hours it took to make it. Hence, I know you want to do this quilt justice.

I'm with Linda on this. Seperate the blocks with a design and do each block differently/accordingly. Heck, you can pick 4 different designs, and alter them accordingly or however you want to make it work, or do all different.

Sooo many ideas running thru MY head, I could imagine what's going thru yours!

Please post a pic when it's done. It's a definite winner.

I'd ask if you could enter it in a show when your thru with it.

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Thanks everyone! I will practice my McTavishing before I start on this. Linda R, what is a SBS quilt that you talked about in Karen's books? I have the McTavishing book and another about wholecloths..can't think of the name of it, (I am at work) It is kind of a purplely pink color....??? I love all of your ideas!! You're right, Sheri, My mind has been swirling ever since I got this one! And she brought another one that is just hand embroidery that is unbelieveable!! I'll post it later to see what you all think on that one!! :) Thanks again!! linda

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Just wondering, if you quilt around the applique will the applique sag without any quilting in it to balance the quilting. I'm not sure if I'm saying that correctly or not. I like the idea of crosshatching behind the applique and doing a design in the sashing. It seems it would look more antique that way. However, the different designs behind the girls sounds really interesting. What a gorgeous quilt. I can't wait to see it finished.

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It may be neat to add to the pictures, like steam rising from the turkey, wind/rain/snow where appropriate, floorboards, puddles, grass -- you could make each applique into a little vignette (sp?). Set each block apart, like Linda R. suggests, by a consistent sashing treatment.

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With the sashing being different widths, I wouldn't do anything separate to it, as that would just point out the imperfections.

As much as I like Darlene's quilt, I don't think it would work for yours. The sashings on Darlene's appear to all be the same width.

Your cuswtomer may have purposely made the sashings differenet sizes because the blocks weren't all the same size. It is a good way to disguise that problem, but you don't want to call attention to it.

I really like the idea of all-over background to bring out the applique and that would also hide the uneven sashings on this wonderful quilt.


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