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Loralie Fashion Beach Ladies quilt - and prayers needed!!!!

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Has anybody used the Loralie Fashion Beach Ladies fabric in a quilt? I got a panel and I want to make a throw quilt for my DIL-to-be's mother. She is having a tough time getting the last of the wedding planning done and I thought giving her a quilt to curl up with afterward would be a fun reminder. She is going to fight with the priest tomorrow. He is not a nice priest at all and has been difficult from the start. Boy I better not put his name here...you never know who is on this chat but if it were my daughter and my religion I would have already called the Bishop! He is a miserable man. I just pray he doesn't ruin this day for them. So far he is making it miserable. He even had to approve the wedding bouquet! What's with that? Sorry...it is really bugging me. Any suggestions on using this panel would be wonderful! Any prayers that I don't end up telling a priest off would also be good! ROFLMAO I told the mother if she needs me to be the bad guy I'm ready!

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Heidi my dear.

I am catholic. I am fortunate enough to have in what I feel is the Best Priest any parishoner could have. Is he Old or what?

As long as they are abiding by the catholic rules, choosing songs, etc. the rest is up to the bride. I think i'd be saying something to someone "above" him, Bishop or a Monsignor.

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Heidi, my sweet, it sounds as it YOU too will need a break after this is over! I pray it all goes smoothly and we can look forward to seeing the baby quilts YOU will be designing and quilting!!! Have a good laugh - you'll feel better!


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I too am Catholic. Roman Catholic, as they used to say! And I've been across my share of great and not-so-great priests. Just like regular people!! Good luck with that guy! And, yes, do as Sheri says and call a higher up.

As far as the panel, I think Keepsake Quilting had a design for this panel.


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Sorry to hear of the problems with the Priest. Planning and exicuting a wedding is hard enough without one of the key players being a pain in the neck! It really makes me sad to hear of a "man of God" making life tough for people. Most are the best...but then you get that one!

You are very kind to think of the bride's mom and what a time she is going through right now.

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One of my more talented worker bees used the panel, chopped it up to each "block", added frames, borders, pieced blocks and then we used the embroideries of the girls and added a couple of them, she put it all back together and it is truly sweet!

Everyone that comes into the store wants the panels, unfortunately the fabric is no longer available... You are sooo lucky to have one to work with.

I will try to get a photo up online for you to see.

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So do any of you have a priest that wants to come to NC on the 23rd? I have never seen any priest act as this man has. It is sad to me that these kids (lol 26) really want to be married in church and this priest is making is just miserable. Her mom has been a member of the church for almost 30 years, on and off since her husband was on active duty for 30 years. It is the one church that my future DIL thinks of as home. She moved 16 times during her father's career. My son only had to move 6 times! It is so hard for them to feel like any place is really home. The priest first refused to even consider marrying them since her daughter was not a member. It took their local priest to get involved and make it happen. Then he made the church available but said he would not officiate. Her priest from Wilmington is unfortunately already booked at the same time so he can't come do it. They are currently trying to get the base priest to officiate. Now it gets better. When all this happened her mother went to the base priest and asked if he would marry them. No can do since her father is no longer active duty! Mind you he served 30 years and his last duty station he was Chief of Staff (2nd to the General) of the base and that was only 4 years ago!!!!! Oh it gets me so angry.

So as you can see it has been a time just to get to the ceremony. My future DIL's mother went to watch him officiate another wedding just so that she could see how he does. My FDIL didn't want to go because she says she wants to live in her dilution that it will go well in spite of him. Any way the priest fired the other couples photographer and kicked her out of the church in the middle of the ceremony!!!!! Can you imagine? Oh my if he ruins my sons wedding I just don't know how I will react! You can mess with me but this mama bear doesn't handle it well when anybody messes with my cubs!!!!! They are both such good kids. They had to take a test on their compatibility and scored the highest that their priest has every had. They are both responsible adults that are caring and compassionate. Now we just need a priest that is too! I'll keep you posted on how the meeting goes today with the priest.

OH yeah here is another problem - guess where the kids were going for the honeymoon? Yup Mexico! I'm waiting for the travel agent to call me with alternative locations! It could be a very expensive day! The honeymoon is our gift to them, I sure don't want them to get sick or stuck in Mexico. It isn't sounding good at all.

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Originally posted by hollyc

all things done in the name of Christianity are not always Christian.

I had to check to see where you live..my MT sis's priest is like that. She hosts home masses with a priest friend of ours just ot give people relief and a good homily experience.

I agree with the others as to going to the bishop. It's hard enough in the church to keep members coming without having some grumpy, "I'm in control" priest driving them away.

Yes, how nice to think of the bride's Mom. I understand that feeling..I got to be the grooms mom and a stand in mother of the bride too. Hosted the evening dinner after practice and the wedding in our home! Boy were we tired!:D

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This reminds me of a time when I was little. (Waaaay back before rocks) We went to visit some of our relatives who lived in a small town in Michigan. The town was controlled by the Catholic priest. He actually took roll call before the service and asked why some of the parishoners were not present. No liquor was allowed to be sold in the town and no parties or get-togethers after 10:00 on Saturday so everyone could be in church on Sunday. Great place to be FROM. :P:P:P

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I pick-up and drop-off at a quilt shop that has the fabric you want to use. Most of the time, they have a quilt pattern to go with the collections from the fabric manufacturer. I'll check today for you and let you know. I know they had one for the Gypsy fabric that was sitting right next to it! Both of those fabric lines are cute!

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Oh, Heidi...what a stressful situation this is turning out to be. I do agree with everyone else here about going above this priest's head, but only if it will not backfire and make it even worse for the kids. Its really too bad that the future DIL cannot be made to see the light and change her mind about the wedding location.

Please do keep us posted about your meeting....

Good luck

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Enough to turn anybody into an Atheist I feel!! No wonder churches have dwindling numbers! :( Really sad when there are two young people who have such good intentions.

Do hope that you manage to find some solution to this conrol freak - and that it will turn out to be a memorable day for all the RIGHT reasons. I am sure that you will find a cute way to do the quilt, and that you will all be able to relax!!

Best of luck.:)

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Good luck with the priest! I was a widow and couldn't get a priest to marry us (present hubby is Catholic too) so we finally decided on a destination wedding in . . . Mexico! I wish your kids the best!

BTW, I love the Lorelei Designed fabrics. I just finished a whimsical quilt and am going to start two more with the fabrics. Will post pics soon.:D

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We are Baptist and my son married a Catholic. I was afraid from the time they got engaged that things might be stressful. It was so wonderful!!! They married in New Orleans in her Grandmother's church. The Priest could not have been more wonderful. I didn't want my son to have to sign an agreement to raise their children as Catholic. I figured after they had been married awhile he could decide if he wanted to do that. The Priest said no problem there are years to decide that. Now, I don't care whether they raise their children as Baptist or Catholic because the KNOWS the faith better. I love my DIL and her family. They are a wonderful couple and their wedding was both fun and beautiful. We are so blessed. So, if your party wants to get married in N.O. e me and I'll send you his name. I am a very lucky mother-in-law!

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