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Nope, don't get the magazine. Why doesn't someone contact them? I am sure it was an oversight. I think the facts need to be checked out first before anyone gets ruffled.

I would call but I don't have the magazine so I can't talk about the problem. Anyone want to call?

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I did notice this right away, however there are publications who write an article that includes "names" for an advertising fee, and I assumed that APQS chose not to advertise. The bad part to this practice is that they do not state anywhere that there was a fee for being placed in the article. I don't know what the set up to this publication is, but I never assume any mention of a company in an article hasn't been paid for, I guess I'm just wary.

Good thing we have this forum to talk it out. Pat

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Originally posted by nora123

the july issue of the quilter magazine had a whole section devoted to long arm quilting machines. did you notice APQS was not one of the machines?. very strange indeed.

Yes, I did and I too was wondering what's up with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear All: I was re-reading this magazine, deciding what to save to my files. The idea that they left out a great American company making a great product was too much. I am afraid I wrote a lengthy letter to their editorial board, questioning the omission and asking for an explanation. If you care about making publications responsible, and honest, perhaps write an email?!!

It could be they really did not realize they left APQS out....I will wait to hear back from them! Pat

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If it's any consolation there is a new quilting book out which only shows an APQS. Normally over here everyone thinks of Gammill when they think longarm so getting and APQS in a book is very good going. It's written by a friend of mine so she used me and my quilts for the longarm section and therefore used one of our machines. I was a little dissapointed it had to be a Milleneum, but still it's the right brand.


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Yes I did, whats up with that? :o If anyone discovers the why please let us all know.

Quilters everywhere know the Gammill name but when ask at my last guild meeting which machine I'd gone with I proudly said an APQS Millennium and among the ooo's and aaa's I hear "you went with the legionary one!" How cool it that!! :P :P :P

Loving My APQS Millennium,


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Who really cares?? Seems to me that most of you are jumping to conclusions and assuming that AQPS was left out for some unknown reason. You're getting your feathers ruffled over something that you don't even know that facts about.

Perhaps APQS has a reason for not being in the article and it isn't any of your business as to why!!

Just my humble opinion and I'm pretty sure it will be an unpopular opinion.

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no disrespect to you, debbie, but i (as a long-time apqs owner who, whenever given the chance, am happy to tell people why i chose apqs over the others) would like to know why apqs wasn't in the article... and i don't think we're 'jumping to conclusions', or 'getting our feathers ruffled'.... just curious... maybe we should ask...

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Everyone deserves to give their opinion (glad we can express ourselves on here) so don't get upset but I actually care that a popular magazine did not include the APQS brand? If it was an advertising fee or that APQS choose not to be included in this particular mag or wasn't invited, that's ok. I'm not getting all upset, not sleeping or canceling my subscription just curious, when all the other popular brands were listed. Another hugh reason was that a potential customer looking at buying a longarm asked me the same question (why isn't the brand of longarm you sell compared with the others in the magazine)?

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Yes, I noticed the omission as well, and at the time it was very important to me as I had been researching for a longarm for about a year and was disappointed when I couldn't find APQS. BUT, I did buy a Millie and she is sitting in my living room waiting for the studio to be finished so she can move into her new home! Yup, she's gorgeous, even in a box! LOL!

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Yep. Like everyone else, I also noticed the ommission. But dismissed knowing that if it wasn't intentional APQS would already be taking care of the problem. If it wasn't intentional, it's not my business to know why. I won't say anymore about it.


Congratulations Linda!! You made a good choice!! Let us know when she is up and running. In the meantime, you can get lots of PPP in using a white board and a dry erase marker. The best thing I ever learned is that I can quilt it if I can draw it on a white board!! You could also take her out of the box and study the manual to get familiar with all of the controls. Have fun!!

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Oh thanks, Debbi. I never thought of a white board, what a great idea.

Yes, I hauled the manual out yesterday and I'm going to study it very carefully. I'm off to Des Moines on July 26th as well for the beginner, advanced beginner and then the two-day maintenance classes too. I am soooo looking forward to that.

I'm also learning tons just by reading this forum. It's great!

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Hi everyone,

First let me say I'm happy that we all take such pride in our machines that we fiercely protect their good reputations, just like mothers protect their children! It truly shows that APQS owners love their machines!

While I don't have an answer for you regarding the magazine article mentioned, I have sent an email to several individuals with APQS to alert them to your questions.

You are right in that sometimes we don't read every thread that gets posted to the forum, and occasionally miss questions directed toward the company. That's one of the cool things about the members of this group...everyone is so supportive and helpful that many times a question or problem has been addressed by forum members before we at APQS even have a chance to get to the bottom of the posting thread!:)

Sometimes the title to a discussion thread doesn't indicate to us that it actually has a question or problem for APQS to address, and sometimes a thread takes on a different direction after the original post and we miss things that way. To help make sure I don't miss a question, I do try to "search" the forum for words like "Problem", "Trouble", and even my name to see if I've missed something that should be answered. But that's not a foolproof solution, either.

The best thing to do whenever you have a question or problem about anything is to simply CALL us. I promise that we don't bite, we actually LIKE to answer questions, and we take pride in being there for each one of you AFTER the sale, no matter what.

So, when I hear back from my cohorts at APQS (a couple are on the road right now and a couple are on vacation, so it could be a couple days) I'll let you know what they say about the article omission.

As a little side note, many of you know that I write articles for Fons and Porter about quilting, and face the same dilemma every time I discuss a technique or product. While fairness would dictate that if I discuss variegated thread in an article and mention a particular brand or company, I really should list all that sell variegated thread. However, editors are great at trimming column inches to fit space, so it's next to impossible to be comprehensive in any comparison article.

I receive sewing magazines as well as quilting magazines and always smile at the "comparison" articles for new sewing machines that are available. There's no way any article could cover ALL the products in great detail, and invariably some company is excluded.

I guess that's why I use companies like "Consumer Reports" for "unbiased" reviews of products for my home. If advertiser dollars are linked to product review and promotion, I am always skeptical of the integrity of the review.

Your personal testimonials are the best advertising APQS could ask for, and your loyalty and defense of the company in light of this recent article proves that APQS doesn't need to worry about what some magazine article does or doesn't say about us. This forum is like "Consumer Reports" for quilters, because you tell it like it is, the good with the bad, and we work together to solve problems and pat each other on the back to make our quilting experience the best it possibly can be!

Remember, just call! In case you misplaced the number, here you go:


Happy quilting!

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I got the answer already! See, all you have to do is call and ask! Jim Langland, one of the company owners, takes responsibility for the omission.

Jim manages the marketing department for APQS and says he received several emails from the sales director at the magazine (who apparently is very persistent...an important characteristic to be successful in selling advertising!). Because the emails were coming from the sales department and not the editorial or features department, Jim assumed she was just trying to sell ads and simply did what most of us would do in a similar situation...he deleted the emails without opening them.

So there you have it...mystery solved! With no response from APQS, the magazine went to print without us.

Goes to show that the sales gal at the magazine should have also called when she received no response from the emails, or made her intention clear in her "subject line" of the email.

That's one lesson I've learned as of late. I'm trying to get better at making my subject lines clear on my personal emails. As for the forum, if you have any question about the "whys", "I'm having trouble with" or "how do I's" (or anything else) for APQS, be sure to call us, or make the subject line very clear so we don't glance past it.

Thanks for your support!

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Dawn, I think you just answered the question with your very diplomatic response. Thank you dear!!! :) The APQS support staff and maintenance techs are the best! My friends here on the chat (no matter what brand or type machine they own) are the best, too!

Shana, who loves her Millennium and it has never given her one ounce of trouble...she quilts like a dream machine.

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Thank you Dawn for finding out what was going on.

I was the one who called APQS earlier today to let them know about this post because I figured that with the name of the thread it was overlooked:o and many were curious as to what happened.

Thank you again for solving the mystery:D as to why APQS wasn't listed in the magazine!

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I did notice that too, and just thought it was all about smaller machines..... didn't read it but my husband did and he asked me why APQS wasn't in there.

Thanks for the answer Dawn!

Great advice on what to do if we do have a question..... or to watch how we list things on the forum, so they can get spotted quickly - your SO smart!!! :cool::cool:

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