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Look what I did. Yipee!

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Well Coleen, to make a long story short, I learned that I can push my machine along with a very light touch and use my body to create the motion. I also learned to look ahead, where I want to go, not where I am, and I learned to count, repeat the movements in my head, or make up something to say to myself to keep me in 'beat'. I was strong arming my machine and dragging it across the quilt. This is sooo much easier. Dave really should teach a class. I learned so much in the 1/2 hour he spent with me just 'showing me a few things'. I think that after I ppp about 4 more of these, I will be able to put them on the quilt.

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The feathers are a stencil that I traced with my blue markers. I'm pretty sure I will NEVER be able to do these totally freehand:P. But that's okay. I like using the stencils. It's awesome, because it gives you a basic form to follow. If you miss the lines, it's okay because you just blend it in the next feather. The amazing part for me is that I feel so much more comfortable with my machine. I think I may have had my AHH HAA moment. (finger's Crossed)

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Hey Gal Peg.. thats looking super good to me.. if I could do that well, I'd have them on the quilt for sure. You can be proud of yourself and the progress you've made just since getting a few tips. Am proud of you too!


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