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Suggestions for Texas quilt

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Texas quilt...I thought...SID around Texas....maybe a hat in New Mexico, cactus in Mexico, anchor and oil derrick in Oklahoma....Is that too much?

What would I fill with...what in borders?

Thanks for any suggestions.....and any other ideas






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Isn't that a great quilt top?!! I love the idea of it--all novelties that have a meaning! And I see along the Gulf Coast there are sailboat and lighthouse fabrics--too cute!

I applaud your ideas for quilting in the white "states" around Texas. The borders can have any nice complimentary design you like since all the action is in the center.

Finished pictures a must, please!

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Texas needs an basic simple fill in the interior of it to hold it down. SID outline of state is pretty neat.

I like the ideas you have for the other states. You have plenty of room in the white (OK, NM, Mexico) areas to make those designs work. Use same fill as interior of Texas for background of special motifs.

How about stars and ribbon in the blue/red border?

Have fun with this top. I was raised in Corpus Christi...so this is pretty neat I think.

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Starla I like your ideas too and I agree with Kristina on the border.

Kristina - we do have something in common. I lived in Corpus Christi when I was little. Only about a year and it wasn't a great experience but I did live there. What was not good you might ask? OK in that year:

I witnessed my brother being hit by a car, he was 2

We had a hurricane or tornado (I was too little) and remember the water coming under the door. Mom was putting towels to keep it out and told us to hush and pray because we might blow away.

We were having a wind storm and Dad had to go out to tie something down. I wanted to help so opened the screen door which flew open with me holding on and threw me onto the concrete - I broke my arm.

We had to have our dog put down because - well that was horrible

Mom had to have surgery and we had to stay with a couple that mom met through the church and we didn't know. Our dad was in Vietnam.

A car crashed into our house in the middle of the night and hit our bedroom. I was 3 and still remember seeing that car hood sitting next to my bunkbed. It missed the bunkbed by about 4". It slammed my brother crib but luckily the crib was on wheels so it flew across the room and hit the wall but my brother was fine. Needless to say my mother was on tranquilizers for a while after that one.

I was almost hit by a car.

There were actually more but those were the worst I think. We had a joke with my mom that I could tell her we were being stationed anywhere but Texas!

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First off, no Kokopelli for Texas. New Mexico and Arizona were where this fertility symbol existed, NOT Texas. (raised in El Paso). Texas had Apache, Kiowa, Pueblos, some Comanche and many nomadic Louisiana/Alabama tribes for some in the mid 19th century. Then most tribes were gathered up and placed on reservations. And that concludes your Texas history lesson for the day. :P

I took a Lisa Coker class at MQS this year and she had a quilt like this (different fabrics). Here is the link to that photo on webshots.

Lisa Coker's quilt - click here

I think custom is the way to go. I would outline the word TEXAS in big letters across the state, then put some sort of fill around the letters to make the faux trapunto TEXAS jump out. Tight fill around the word and then a more open fill just to hit the seam intersections for the rest of the Texas fill. Maybe ribbons to fill. Outline the entire state and then a big fill on the outside.

I like the star idea. But remember that Texas' Lone Star is a 5-pointed star, not like the Lone Star quilt pattern

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Starla, take your clues from the pictures in the fabrics! I'd do a meander through the state and then go back and echo it with some crossovers to turn it into ribbons, it's so busy you won't see anything else, but it will still be stable and pretty from the back. Do a medium small fill in the white areas, and then use a heaverier thread in bright colors on top od the fill to insert large pictues of oil derricks in the top right, 2 or 3 close together, scatter some horse shoes, use a bright yellow and put a yellow rose in another white area. A big cruise ship or freighter, maybe outline a tallship and write "USS Elissa" under it down around Galveston where the bay would be. Or maybe some waves and a big fish. On the west side do some mesas and raggedy mesquite type trees. Oh! And remember the Alamo! You could do a lot of doodles like that all over the white area. You could write in word like "Lone Star State", "Remember the Alamo", put some bluebonnets here and there just scattered around like the horseshoes. You could fill up those white areas like that and the fill under them would pull it all together. Verify the name of the tallship that is docked down there, I'm not sure that's the right name.

(Notice I didn't mention longhorns? That's because I are a Aggie!) But the logos of the 2 schools would cool! You go with a lot of thread colors, or just colors where it counts, like on the yellow rose and bluebonnets.

We need to do lunch at Kellies, or Busy Bee, or Casa Ole'!

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