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NQR-cell phone

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When I went to a wedding y/day I convinced myself my phone was left home. Came home to no phone. I think I left it on the top of my car so I scoured the ditch. Finally put an object about the size & weight on the top of the car to see how long it would take to fall off. Finally found my 1 mo old LG Smartphone (internet & all the goodies) in the ditch about 3/4 mile fm home. It was very close to where my "object" fell off the car. The front is broken but the picture is still good and I can connect to the web. Looks bad but I have to use it or spend $400 for a new one. Lesson learned----maybe I should have purchased the insurance plan.

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My phone has become the very devil, lost a million ways, uncharged, wrong numbers entered in the data base, number I thought was there not there, and details about its use in the 200 page how to use it manual I have never learned to use. Glad you found it, the scientific method has its merits:D:D

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What did we ever do without smart phones? Now everyone can get me 24/7, via phone call, via my 4 e-mails addies, or by text, anywhere in the world (almost), and I can take pictures and e-mail them to these people, too.

I just scared myself. Maybe I should go back to using "just" a cell phone to call for help in an emergency. LOL

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I know what you mean, Sandra! My Blackberry is my only phone, email, internet, answering machine, calendar, watch, appointment book with automatic reminders, sometimes alarm clock, map, photo album, camera, video recorder. The case I have on it has room for memory sticks, drivers license, debit card, and proof of insurance, so I don't need a purse unless I need a hairbrush! And the case protects it if I drop it, and flips backwards so I can stand the phone up on my desk and see emails and caller id without touching it. It also let's me hang it from the rearview mirror on my truck so I can talk handsfree if I need to.

I love this thingy.

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I have had 3 new cell phones in 3 years. Every doggone one got wet. One slipped into my diet coke at a baseball game, one slip softly into the pool and the 3rd jumped over 3 feet to land in the pool! I bought the insurance plan but I don't think it covers "wet!" It doesn't cover "customer abuse" so I figure no matter what happens to it, it will be classified customer abuse.

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You cracked me up! LOL That is a really special case you bought for your Blackberry to live in. It sounds really cool.

I just got this phone last Sunday, but it does so many things, it will take me the entire length of my contract to figure them all out. :)

This is a very new model called the "Tour." Since I am not using it for work (and don't have my own quilting business), it is probably "over kill." But,...I had to have it. x*#!

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Just a word of warning leaving cell phones on the roof of the car may make you feel really stupid but leaving one in your back pocket at the dentist and then using the restroom and hearing a plunk when you get off the stool, makes you feel even more stupid. And then to come out of the restroom laughing your head off into a waiting room. Well was my face red and everyone had a pretty good laugh with me or at me I am not sure.


So dont feel too dumb Marie it could be worse. At least yours still worked. :D

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Washed it off as it was already wet. Just ran it under the sink quickly and then shut it off, took it apart dried it with papertowels , wrapped it up and had to wait till my dentist appt was over before I got home and tried dry it with the hair dryer, didnt work. If I had known about the rice I would have tried that. but nothing worked after that. I have heard that if you just leave them alone for a month or so they eventually dry out and might work, but who can wait, I needed a new phone anyway.

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Wow, I've been lucky so far! If I could just get the thing to fit a hairbrush in there I'd be fine!;) The toilet idea has always worried me, I know that once a thought like that crosses my mind and I ignore it that is the thing that will happen shortly. :o So I take it out of my pocket!

I don't give out my number much, I think once I get going in business I'll probably get another one on the family plan just for the business. that way I know which one not to answer!:D I am the person who uses 2 DayRunners. One for work (8am - 5pm) and one for Church (anytime except 8am - 5pm). Once the RA hit It wasn't hard to condense my life to none at all!

I want to hear about the Olympic phone that leaps 3 feet and tries to swim!

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Teach it to ride a bike, it could be a candidate for the IronPhone Triathalon!

I don't take mine out of my purse enough to be much of a danger, but a couple of weeks ago my friend's granddaughter was visiting, they went to the beach, & Grandma caught her just in time to keep her from jumping in to the surf with the phone IN HER HAND. She'd totally forgotten she had it. I don't want to get like that.

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Cell phones don't ever recover from salt water. :( A rouge wave killed mine on the beach at Hanalei bay. I did manage to save the Blackberry. Yes, I have a cell phone and a Blackberry. I don't like the sound quality of the BB and since the cell phone is my only phone, it has to be good.

I had a friend who couldn't find her cell phone. She could hear it ring but it always sounded like it was in a different room. A number of us were wondering around her condo listening when I realized the ringing was coming from her backside. She had put the phone in her back pocket.

Marie, I would never have thought to "recreate" the situation. Very ingenious.

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Marie, that was such a clever way to find your cell phone!

We would not be without our cell phones. Twice now we have had emergencies where being without a cell phone could have been critical and downright foolish.

We live on a large country property and my husband was cutting up a tree with his chainsaw and a branch boomeranged (for lack of better word) and hit him on the side of the head. He was knocked out for a moment, an luckly he had his cell phone in his button down pocket of his shirt. It stayed on him. He awoke and was alert enough to call me at the house for help. Otherwise I might not have missed him until dinner time, and he could have laid there for hours. I drove him to the hospital where he spent the night with a concussion and broken cheek bone. He was lucky.

My emergency happened with our new car clunked out while I was driving in a less desirable neighborhood late at night in the rain. I was afraid to get out and called my husband. He drove to where I was after he called the tow truck.

I suppose at our age (seniors) we should be more careful about being out late or working in the woods, but we think of cell phones as "added insurance" that we can't afford to be without. We've always had cell phones for as long as I can remember, when they first came out. ATT back then. I never walk around our property that it's not with me, or leave home without my cell phone. If I forget and I'm not too far out from the house I go back and get it.

Besides we are the "new 40's" we are told! :) We don't feel that old most days.

We rarely use our cells except to keep in touch with each other and our kids. We have Verizon, and are hardly ever in a 'dead zone' anymore. In this day and age, and of course depending where you live. It could be dangerous to be without a cell phone. Your life could depend on it. This is a technology I embrace for so many reasons.

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Marie I don't think I would have ever thought to do that! How smart!

Angie - having a cell phone outside is a good thing. My mother gets mad at me for insisting that she carry her cell phone outside but it has helped her more than once! Her latest problem was when she dislocated her shoulder and was in the middle of no where. She was able to call for help and that was reassuring.

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Marie, nice job on finding your lost phone. You were lucky it wasn't in lots of pieces when you found it.

My DH and I once had a cellular business. One time this guy brought in his wife's phone and handed it to me telling me it wouldn't work. I asked if it had been wet and he said "no". After taking the battery off the back, I could tell it had been wet. When I mentioned that to him he said "oh, yeah, it fell in the toilet, but it was CLEAN water!" :mad::mad::mad: GROSS!!!! I instinctly dropped the phone. He made himself an unforgettable customer though!

I don't know what I'd do without my cell phone. If I get in the vehicle to go somewhere and I don't have my cell phone, it's like feeling naked. :P

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