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I have to admit to being a peeping tom on this forum. What a wonderful bunch of ladies and gents you all are. I am not yet a long arm owner but hope to be in the coming months. I have learned so many little tips and tricks on this site. Just wonderful. Thanks to all of you I am now addicted to Thousandsofbolts.com. I do have one question...What does NQR mean?

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Hi Jean! Welcome into the light! No more peeping now that we can see you, Missy!

NQR is just a heading we put in a new topic title that serves as a warning that the topic is Not Quilt Related. It's used on all the forums. Putting it in the title let's everyone see from the menu so they they don't have to open it to find that out, they can just skip pst it. Kind of a "read at your own risk" thing. It could envolve vacation pictures, pics of the new babies, or fur babies, the weather, snow, storms, rainbows, ilnlaws, outlaws, wedding, funerals, politics. I think you get it. We try to put the NQR - Prayer Request or something to give an idea of what the subject is. That way one may choose to open it or just skip it completly. The idea is forewarning the readers.

Glad to have you with us! Oh, and I don't have my machine yet either!

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Welcome Jean!! This is a great site to get lots of information about many different types of quilty stuff.

Also the gals and guys are great! Like family. I visit almost everyday and more than once a day to be honest. But then just hitting the spots that look interesting to me. I do love these ladies. They are invaluable as friends and resources!!

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Welcome Jean! You are right, this is really a fantastic forum with so many nice members.

I own a LA for two weeks now and I'm very happy with it. This forum makes me feel good because of so much friendly help, tipps and motivation and fun also. And this forum was an essential factor for my decision to buy an APQS machine, because in Germany there aren't many Longarmers and here I get so much support from all around the world. That's really cool :D

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