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Shannon has picked up a Trojan and has LOST EVERYTHING...pictures of ALL of her quilts...all of her doodles and all of her life pictures, all of her business files and now can't even turn on her computer.

She is just sick, but she wanted you to know and asks that all of you go right now and take the few hours (in my case) to back up your files.

She isn't sure if the Trojan was already on her computer and it was just waiting as they do or if she actually got it through WEBSHOTS....she was flipping through Myrna's photos and the trojan kicked in and she couldn't get it turned off fast enough....

I will also email Webshots to let them know they have a possible Trojan, but don't expect them to answer me...more to make me feel better that I yelled at them for this damage...

She will be able to use her boyfriends laptop, but won't be able to be on as much as she was....it will take a while before her computer is back as the hardrive will more than likely need to be replaced.

SO SAD for her....

Now off to back up my photos.

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Josh had one show up on his laptop when he ran spyware doctor the other night. We had it quarantined, and asked the computer to FIX it, but I'm not sure if it got rid of it or not. I sure hope so. He just bought that laptop in May, with his own hard-earned money. Quite a feat for a 16 year old.

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I just spoke with Bonnie. I clicked on the webshots link after I posted yesterday with no problems and have sent it to several other people. I have not been back on since then . I run my security everyday so my laptop is clean to my knowledge. It's just stinks to loose everything. Has anyone else had a problem?

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Lots of hugs to Shannon...I've had that happen once years ago and it is just sickening. I had just got done with a 24 page paper on the Rorschach Inkblot test...thankfully I had printed a full version because for this non psych major it was just purr torture to research and write about! Take the hard-drive to a reputable computer person and they may be able to clean it and rescue some of the data.

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Shannon knows that this didn't come from Myrna personally...she is totally aware that this could have been on her computer and just laying there in wait...and she just happened to be on Webshots...

There is a small possible chance Webshots did pass it along, as they are a large server and things do get past even the best firewalls, but again it didn't come directly from Myrna, and I'm sorry if I led anyone to think that is what I or she felt.

With the lack of funds right now it will be awhile before she can get it into a computer geek to see if there is anything left.

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My DH is calling Bonnie right now to see if we can help - he's my "go-to" guy where computers are concerned. Maybe if Shannon ships him her hard drive, he may be able to save some of that precious doodling!

Everybody think good "geeky" thoughts.......

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This is a good reminder to always back up your computer. I have recently started using Carbonite. It is an off-site backup site and only costs about $55 per year. So far I haven't needed to restore anything, but people who have had a problem say that Carbonite is very easy to get your system back up and running quickly... and, you don't lose everything!

I don't have to remember to backup my system, whenever something changes, Carbonite backs it up.

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You guys need to get Macs. They are virtually virus free and none of the virus's that affect the PC world can penetrate a Mac.

Shannon! I am sooo sorry! I wonder if when she gets her computer goin' again if we can share whatever we've downloaded of hers... I'll check my files.

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I had a Trojan "attack" just last week and it was when I was simply looking at different sites that might carry a fabric I was looking for. Boom, I got the Microsoft warning that a Trojan was put on my computer. Took me two hours but I was able to get rid of it.

Backup, Backup, Backup!

Thank goodness some of Doodlebugs drawings are in the forum.

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Shannon just called and she is smiling....she isn't up, but Barb's DH as convinced her after talking to her, that all isn't hopless, and she is packing the hard drive up and sending it to Washington.

Thank's guys, she has a smile on her face again, and isn't sobbing so hard now....

You are right, there may be things she doesn't or can't get back and we all if we have files will need to send them back to her once she is up and running.....

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I must just be lucky. I have had this computer for about 3 years - no problems. I have had other computers before this one - no problems. I have virus protection, so maybe that helps. I hate forwards and can tell you...if you send them to me, I don't read them. I'm sorry to those of you who send them, and I don't want to offend anyone, but I don't have time to read them, and I don't want anything funky messing up my computer. Besides, I would much rather get a real message from my friends telling me how they are then a forward. I don't know if you can get a virus that way, but it seems logical.

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Shannon had a Anti-virus program on her computer, but they fail as well sometimes...she is running Symantic (spelling) and ad-ware.... both of these I have had in the past and both have let viruses through so I have since turned to either Norton or McAfee...they have worked better for me.

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