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Why do I do this to myself?

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I put the newsletter together for our guild. We are making an Opportunity Quilt for this year that is so striking. Its the French Braid style and the pattern is called "Shadow City." I missed the workshop and then was asked to put an announcement in the newsletter saying that the top is done, it will be shown at Guild, and then "sent to the quilter."

I was disappointed. I hadn't been asked to quilt it even though I quilted last year's and it won first place at the fair. I told myself that maybe they didn't want to spend the $ for custom, or maybe they didn't want to wait the 2 mos +/- it would take for me to get it to them. Basically, I was trying not to feel bad...

Then in comes one of the ladies in charge of the committee and asked if I "wanted" to quilt it. Of course!!!!:P:D:P Yippee...yay...yes!!! I feel all validated and good again.

But now...I'm panicking!! I'll be sending a picture in when I pick it up. I expect you all to put your thinking caps on and give me millions of options. Now I'm stressing because they asked me to quilt it. Is there no happy medium??

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You ae so funny! First you are disappointed, then you are panicking - I know the feeling so well!

I sort of think that FB's don't need too much in the way of exciting quilting... possibly brain coral or simple shells, swirls or feather fill ie. same all over. BUT I expect someone else will come up with a stunning idea!

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With our guild, when we decide to do a quilt to raffle to make money, or even if we are doing one for charity...the whole thing is voted on at the guild. From who will be on the committee, to who will piece it, to who will quilt it, and who will bind it. And it is guild members who volunteer to do each step along the way. I don't know if our guild members have been paid to volunteer their services, If the LQS does the quilting, I think she has more times than not, donated her time to quilt. The guild pays for the batting and/or thread. It seems to work well for our guild. There is no guessing about the quilt.

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Shana...I googled and got that same picture. I think the quilt is stunning. Our colors are different, they're creams to deep purple batiks, I think. I'll take a picture when they're holding it up at guild.

Thanks, Lisa...point taken :D

Heidi, what e2e did you do on your FB? The one in the pic that Shana posted has Deb's Swirls on it.

JudyLyn, I think I'm going to steal from your guild. I think I'll come try to come up with some different quilting ideas and then have the committee members decide which they want.

Thanks, Sheri...I'm feeling really good about being asked to do two Opportunity quilts in a row. In fact, she asked if I "wanted" to do it!! Like I might say No????

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The more I look at the picture that Shana posted, the more I think that a really nice panto/allover would be the way to go and it would save the guild some $$, thus making the guild more $$. Of course, now that makes me curious as to how much we made on the last quilt...think I'll have to ask.

Plus, doing a panto on it would sure take away some stress:D

Let me know if you hear back from anyone!

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I too love the all over picture that Shana sent, but I went ahead and pulled the photo out of the book...lets hope it shows the all over pattern the original has.

The white ends of each braid is a curly cue...down the smaller stripes are also curly cue....the wide border is a leaf meander and the braids themselves are a leaf that goes off the ditch to each side of the stripe.... hope you can see it.


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Darn, Bonnie...I can't see it, but I know we have the book. So I will definitely take a look at it at Guild.

Kristina, you can certainly join our guild. I talked my sister into it and she lives in Carson! Just keep your mitts off my customers;):D:P Hey, if you join, you could come to our 3-day retreat in September!

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Here is a little bit of what I redrew...not the best but you get the idea...its will be a lot more work doing it this way than an all over as I think the sashings are all in the ditch as well as the little dark squares...when you get the book out you will see better than what I drew.


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Originally posted by DoryJM

Kristina, you can certainly join our guild. I talked my sister into it and she lives in Carson! Just keep your mitts off my customers;):D:P Hey, if you join, you could come to our 3-day retreat in September!

Sounds like fun. I might be a part of a guild again. Yeh!

I wouldn't put my paws on your customers. I don't want customers, remember? Well, I actually have a couple now, but I keep reminding them too that I do not quilt for other people. Lot of good that has done for me! :D

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