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NQR Maddie for Christmas!

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Hi all of you following our story. I just found out tonight that I will have Maddie for Christmas and we'll be drivng to NC on Wed.! I think there are 8 adults about ready to bust with delight! We will have so much fun with her! I know her mom is sad but she is happy that she will be so loved and have so much fun and she won't have to worry about who will keep her during the holidays. I know I could never do it but I'm so excited that we will be able to have her. Maddie really is oblivious as to Santa and what it means. I'm sure she'll be excited to open presents though. I have promised mom lots and lots of pictures! I can even take a video of her opening gifts. I think right now her mom is just over whelmed with having 3 girls and being a single mom. Now I have 2 1/2 days to pack and get everything ready. Well no I get Maddie again Tuesday night! Oh boy I think I'm going to be busy. I still have to work tomorrow and Tuesday. My MIL isn't feeling well so I'm going to take her to the doctors tomorrow. I told her I'd work at home and she'll call the doctor in the morning. I sure hope she feels better quickly. I hate that she will be home alone for Christmas but she wouldn't ever go with us.

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Oh, Heidi!! I'm just so tickled you get your wishes for once.. Maddie, the kids, hubby, etc, etc, etc,

Give Maddie her blankie or pillow if she has one, a couple toys, and have small snacks at hand, something to drink of course.

She will do well, sounds like the kind of little kid that would.. takes everything in stride.

I don't think we need to worry about whether you and others will enjoy her or not.. most of all, she will enjoy you all... a loving buncha people.

God Bless, safe travels, Hope MIL is ok.. and just has some mild ailment.

Hugs, Rita & Himself.

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Thanks girls. The trip will be long but I've had lots and lots of practice driving that drive with little ones and this time there will be 2 other adults to help entertain her! LOL Yes I've done that drive by myself with my two kids. Oh the memories. My daughter will have her laptop and we can play movies too. Maddie will do well in the car. She usually goes to sleep pretty quickly! LOL we'll be leaving right at nap time so that should make the first 2 or 3 hours pass quickly. We'll play it by ear as to whether or not we stop overnight or just continue on. The key is to get there safely. I'm so excited to be with both of my children plus having Maddie is just icing on the cake! She is so darn cute! Yes she has sucked us in and has a tight grip on all of us. My daughter who has never been a baby girl has such a good time with her. Maddie is really my daughters clone. It is actually very funny. Brings me back 23 years! Lots of laughs. She was so good this weekend and just a joy to have around. We only had one 2 year old moment and boy is she stubborn! Hilarious though. It took all of our power not to laugh at her. My daughter told her to do something and she said, "Well duh!" She had the right tone, inflection and all. She got that from her 9 year old sister.

Rita - yes hopefully MIL is ok. I'm praying for no snow while we're gone but it doesn't look like the weather forecast is going to cooperate. I'll have to find somebody to go dig MIL out.

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Yes Maddie is still in diapers but we're trying to potty train! This weekend she insisted on big girl panties and she does good but she still isn't to the point where she tells me she has to go. Usually I'm asking. She is dry from night and nap so I know she is more than ready. She can even get herself on and off the pot. Mom is not consistant with it though so it will continue to be an uphill battle. We stop every 2 - 3 hours anyway just to get out and stretch. I know at noon time she'll be sleeping in minutes. That will get us out of NY. Our goal is to make it to below Quantico, VA tomorrow and then stop for the night and finish the last 5 hours the next day, Christmas Eve. If we were leaving early morning we would drive straight through but we can't leave until noon because my daughter has to work. We're really hoping traffic is not horrible!

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Oh, you will have such fun. We have had Meredith (3 1/2) this weekend and she is so excited. Every time I ask her what she is getting she says somethings different. We hope "Clanny Clause" gets it right. So far it is flip flops, "little" boots, a doll, and a phone (she is getting Barbie Walkie talkies so she and her cousin can talk for free). Today she said Clanny Clause was bringing her a rainbow! Know we are stumped with that one. Maddie will delight you and might surprise you too. You will sooooooo have fun with her diapers or not!!!!! Merry Christmas!

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You are all so right! I picked Maddie up tonight and she is just such a joy! We stopped at Friendly's which we never do but she had fallen asleep in the car and hadn't had dinner so we figured we give her a special treat. She was a riot with her ice cream cone. I can't say it was the healthiest eating but it was good and we got lots of giggles out of it! We came home and she was very excited to see my daughter. It is so cute to see how they have bonded. We showed her her new Christmas dress and she got so excited. Then we showed her the new hat, gloves & shoes we bought her. She loved all of them and had fun trying them on. Then my daughter had gotten her another cute little dress and Maddie grabbed it and said, "I love it." Oh just too cute. Made us want to go out and get her more! LOL I'm dangerous enough in the little girls department! We have already gotten a picture on the cell phone to send to Mommy & Daddy. Daddy had a really hard time with saying good bye. He calls all the time to check on her which is a great thing! At first she dind't want to ever talk on the phone but now she does and he just cracks up. She usually doesn't talk for long but she'll tell him whatever is going on at the moment. He always says how happy he is to hear how happy she always is at our house. He is glad she has a safe place to go and we are thrilled to have her! I think we are getting a whole lot more out of this then her parents or she is!!!! My favorite time is bath time. She usually likes her bath but afterwards we play this game where she gets out of the tub and wraps up in her Mermaid towel and hides under the hood on my lap. She always says she is hiding and sits on my lap in a little ball. It is really funny. My daughter gave her her bath the other night and she made her do the same thing. Daughter says to me, "Ok so I guess you play a game with the towel after bath." Yup we do! LOL She loves the same routines.

Sylvia - your GD sounds just adorable. Mmmm rainbow huh...that is a tall order! Too bad they don't still have Rainbow Bright dolls!

We will hit the road tomorrow and plan to stop in VA overnight. We won't be on the road until the afternoon. Since Maddie is still awake at almost 10 pm I'm guessing she'll sleep good in the car! LOL I hope so. I still have a ton to do but too tired to do more tonight. I'll get up my regular time and get it all done!

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