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My Poor Customer!!!!

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For my regular customers, I send their quilts back to them with a self-addressed stamped envelope with a bill attached. Normally, they send the payment right away. Well, I just called a customer that has an outstanding bill now for a month. Long story short, her quilt was delivered to her front porch the day after it was shipped and she didn't receive it. At first she thought someone took her pkg. But, after looking into it, she donated some things to a charity and put them on the porch the same day the quilts were delivered. Soooo, the charity picked up her pkg. Now, you can tell when a pkg. hasn't been opened and is addressed to the owner (I use a LOT of tape). Still, an accident can happen, but, when the pkg. got to the charity site, and the pkg. was opened, you can clearly see the quilts hadn't been bound yet and there was the bill attached to the quilts with her phone number held in place with a pin, directly on the quilt. She has called the charity but I doubt she will ever see her beautiful quilts again. I just can't believe someone wouldn't call and ask if she were sure she wanted to donate them.!!!! :(

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That is sad. I know of a family that had donation items set on their porch in Memphis. A package was left there and the charity picked up everything and wouldn't return the items, even though inside the package where wrapped gifts. I know the husband was calling/arguing and didn't have any luck.

Are some people just ignorant or callous?


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This is one reason I never leave anything on my porch for pickup. I either deliver myself or make sure I am there for pickup.

It is so sad that people who are accepting charity can be so very dishonest. I know that even when I deliver things to my local charity, I often wonder where some of the items might go. I am very careful about my charity quilts - I know of people who have had their Linus quilts end up in good will - brand new!! I want to trust everyone, but in truth I am a very wary person & trust only those who I know well and organizations that I have had personal experiences with. Life lessons have taught me this............ I feel so very bad for both you and your customer. This is truly a crime.

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Watch indignant Linda get all puffed up about this! (me)

Have your customer climb the ladder to the top person at the charity and threaten to throw a lawyer at them and charge them with THEFT. Just because something is on the porch on pick-up day does not mean it is fair game. Mail theft is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. That should get their attention--let them know the value of this stolen item. Bad bad bad on them!

Whew--I feel better.....

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How horrible! You know who ever has the quilt knows that it was a mistake. I agree with Linda I would get to someone at the top of the charity, but I would be really be surprised if the quilt ever surfaces.


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I was going to say the same as Linda. It is against the law to open other people's mail. I'llbet the person who picked the stuff up just took it home. Sometimes those places hire people that are just out of prison trying to make a new start. I hope you left some pins in it!!!


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I met a lady who went to Florida in the winter. She said her group was donating quilts to a certain charity and the workers were taking them for baby gifts. That's why I like Quilts for Valor, you know someone is getting the quilt.

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I'm sorry any of these things happen.. makes me sad to hear of so many thieves in charitable organizations.

With Project Linus, they cannot accept any quilt washed with softener, or dryed with softener sheets. The children they go to are usually pretty sick, often immune systems are very weak, and the kids get sick from the odors or they break out from contact with the softener or sheet left on the quilts. I wish they would make it More Clear, Do Not Use scented soap or softeners on Project Linus quilts, they also can't be from a household with smokers.. and if animal hair are on them, they don't keep them. They just do NOT have the time, Nor the money to wash and dry all of them, so if scented, they go to another organization, but it is a charitable one. Praying the receivers of said quilts are honest and sell them, or put them in hands that need them for reasons other than illness, and not keep and sell them for filling their own pockets.


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Guest Linda S

Wow - this is so sad. If you didn't send it through the US Mail, packages are not federally protected (making it against the law to open someone's mail). Shipping companies leave things all the time, unless you tell them otherwise and, while taking those things is theft and against the law, it's not a federal offense. Actually, now that the USPS is privatized, I'm not sure it's a federal offense to steal mail now.


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Do not believe the USPS is privatized as yet. It is a Government run entity. It has not received any Federal, or other taxpayer, subsidies for at least 35 years and possibly longer. It is only Government mandated, not funded.

Yes, it is still a Federal offense to takel mail which does not belong to you.

Linda Rech's suggestions sound like a great way to go if I were wanting to get a quilt returned. The Charity might also appreciate some adverse publicity in the local paper. A letter to the editor about anything left on your porch when a Charity is picking up items. You might come home and find all of your porch furniture gone.

Sure hope the piecer gets her quilt returned. I would certainly be very angry and sick feeling if it were my quilt.


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