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Wolf quilt

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Hi all,

One of my customers made this for her son. She wanted heavy texture on the wolf. This was very heavy texture, basically freehand embroidery on the longarm. THere are 12 different colors of thread on him.

It was a blast! I've done a different wolf panel before and bought myself 2 of these kits but haven't had time to make them. I was going to give one of them to the California Wolf Center here in Julian with their name in one of the borders. I thought they might want to auction it to raise money to help feed their wolves. Now I can't wait to do my two!




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That is some fantastic thread painting.

Now I am curious, when you stich that heavily in the center to do the thread painting how densely do you quilt the rest of the quilt?

The reason I ask is that I always try to keep the density similar throughout the quilt to prevent puffy areas that were not originally intended to be puffy.

However, with the intensely quilted thread painted center it would be crazy insanity to try to quilt the rest of the quilt that densely as well it would pull up an awful lot.

Inquiring minds want to know........

Thanks and it really is fabulous, the customer will be thrilled!!


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Thanks for all the nice comments!

Lisa, I did quilt fairly dense over the rest of the quilt. I also "longarm embroidered" (ha-ha....we created a new term) the smaller wolves around the quilt, used small fillers around other areas. I did a fairly dense, small fern in the inner border and you can't see the quilting in the outer border, but I drew a paw print, copied it and made my own panto for the border. It was fun!

Luckily, my customer is a very good piecer. It lays flat as a pancake! Even after it was quilted. Another customer who is in charge of a local quilt show saw it when it was still on the machine (almost finished) and asked if she could have it for the quilt show. That cracked me up as it was another customer's quilt. I told her it would be up to the owner. I don't think I have time to finish mine for the show. I'm always last in line!

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