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Lets Play What's on Your Frame

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Originally posted by meg

pretty rita - it'll pop when you quilt it.

is that a full float of your top?

i have wondered what a full float was. i was taught to do a partial float so thats all i have ever done.

do you like the full float?

less pins is always good - i am always sticking myself with the darn pins!!

Meg use staplers! You could still get pricked now and again but nothing like those big pins that always find their way into my body!

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Originally posted by meg

pretty rita - it'll pop when you quilt it.

is that a full float of your top?

i have wondered what a full float was. i was taught to do a partial float so thats all i have ever done.

do you like the full float?

less pins is always good - i am always sticking myself with the darn pins!!

Meg use staplers! You could still get pricked now and again but nothing like those big pins that always find their way into my body!

like staplers that you use on paper? or are there specific fabric staplers that i can buy? IMW2K :o

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Meg and Rebecca, yes I do a full float on the smaller quilts.. meaning anything under about 50" wide.

I reread all the info links here about fastening the quilt, with ribbon, zippers, staples, pins.. velcro, chain stitching, etc... My hands just will not work with the staples, the pins, etc, requires too much hand use and my joints scream very loud! lol.

And I think I do my zippers different than most. I have a zipper on a leader which is attached to the roller bar.. on the other half of the zipper, I have another leader, which is what I baste to the backing..

so I have roller bar, leader, zipper, zipper, leader and quilt back. I use the longest stitch my Viking has to baste the backing and leader together, and yes, I start from the middle out.

thanks for the kind words ladies, will try to post a pict of one block I've been playing with and having a real blast.. still need much improvement, but it is so fun....


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Here is the block I've been playing on. I think it's some kind of thread play or thread painting technique.. I just kept seeing it in my minds-eye, on this particular block.

I did add another limb to the bottom left block, the big white one.



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Originally posted by Bonnie

Originally posted by lamedna

Love the fabric and design on the bag. Would like to see a pic when it is done.

BTW, what is a Rumblerford bag?

Here is a site that has the Rumblerford bags...they are like the old fashion carpet bags.


Thanks, Bonnie! Looks like they have other patterns to look at too!

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Rita, can I borrow your minds-eye for awhile? I really like the way it sees! You go with your quilting ideas, girl!

Jeanne, I think you post says you posted at 1:45 AM. what the heck are you doing up at that hour? Don't tell me quilting! If I come see you will you teach me how to make a quilt like the one you made under the sea?

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Originally posted by carmen

For the past 2 days,



This is my guilds opportunity quilt for this year. So far Im doing ok.

I think.


Dang Carmen...that looks like FUN! I'd love to quilt that quilt!

As for me, at the moment, I am waiting for my new templates from Circle Lord to decide which quilt will be on my frame. Unfortunately, it may be Monday, before that happens.

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Thanks again ladies. will certainly busy for a while with two more quilts that just came in.. One is a signature quilt for QoV, no idea how that will get to someone who knows them. Both are real pretty.


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OK...I will be brave! I just received my machine last Friday and set it up myself on Sunday. This is the third day I have "played" with it. I am new to longarming. So...I still have muslin on my frame for practicing. I love it but am still working on getting things 'round'. Trying to do circles, loops, and practicing on a pantograph with rounded flower petals to teach my muscles to "go round". Meandering goes just fine...feathers--now they are hillarious! Can't wait to take Dawn's class soon.

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Hi o2b, welcome to the wonderful, nutty, helpful, sincere, prayerful, funny and cheerful ( well, most of the time), :D quilters..

Also use a dry erase board, or a window, or an old phone book, to practice your curves or circles..

I looked back a while ago and decided it was time to get off Penny and let her rest overnight.

My round pebbles became crushed gravel..


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Rita - you are too funny - crushed gravel??? LOL :P

Welcome O2B - this is the place to gather all kinds of information and find lots of tips and tricks. We have all been where you are today, so don't be shy about asking questions. That's the only way to learn;)

Back to the thread,,,,,,,, here is a picture of one of the blocks that I've put a flower in (see quilt on my frame on pg 1)


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What is on my frame??

...let's see...3 quilt tops...thread...2 backs...scrap batting...thread...magazines...one nearly completed quilt waiting for binding...more thread...bobbins...full of thread...and a very fine layer of dust over most of it! :D

I have been swamped lately between ballgames and work...and have got to get busy. I have 2 quilts to finish...both by the 5th of June! And neither one is mine! :cool:

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After much research (and lurking on this site) I purchased a Millenium. I am scheduled to take Dawn's class in early June. I am going to take both days while I am there. I am also considering the Milwaukee Machine Quilters Show in early August. They have quite a lineup of classes and instructors (Dawn is one of them!!) This is August 3rd through the 7th and within a decent driving distance for me so seems like a shame not to try to attend a couple of days. Next year MQS is the goal!!


I went to town and picked up a dry erase board. Thanks for the suggestion.

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o2b, I'm glad we could help. hold the pens as you would be holding the handle on the machine.. Unless you have a milli.

Patty Jo, it really did look like crushed gravel.. himself said it looks more like coarse sand. I can't win. rofl...

And I like the flower you put in that block.. reminds me of a rose, or a peone, maybe a poinsettia. Very pretty. did you freehand that>??? beautiful.

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It's been really wonderful seeing all the work everyone has on their frame. Very inspiring. I just took a quilt off my frame and I'm still frogging. Dang, I hate it when that happens!!! LOL! So on my frame right now is a lonely QZ, some batting, some clothes I need to fold (not inspiring), my scissors and Deloa's handy table. I'm also busy piecing a Halloween & Christmas quilt for a silent auction (theme quilts are very popular at silent auctions here) for my daughter. :cool:

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