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order needles???

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Hi all--i just received an email from Kingsman Supply that their supply of MR 4.0--Singer and GrosBecket needles are backordered--and I am all out and reusing old ones--in need of new needles--has anyone had sucess ordering lately from anywhere else--or is there a conspiracy on needles that I don't know about--I don't get out much:D!!!

Thanks for any information on this subject!!


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A couple years ago, I ordered Groz-Beckert needles rather than our "yellow pack" Singer ones. The package didn't say "1955" on the label and didn't work well on my machine... tension issues, skipped stitches, a few loops.

I think G-B has since bought out the "yellow package needles" I've used successfully for several years. Do I dare order from G-B ? Anyone have experience with the new ones? (does the label say 1955?)

Your advice is always appreciated!


Lin Squires

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When I ordered my Lenni I also ordered extra needles from APQS (Lenni has been in her new home now for a little over a week). The needles APQS sent me are Groz-Beckert needles. The numbers on the label are as follows:

10 Nm 110/18


134 MR

1955 MR

134 SAN 11


Hope this information helps.

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