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More Meredithisms

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Meredith, 4 years old, gets in trouble in school about twice a month. I call every other day or two and find out what is going on at school. Well, my daughter said Meredith had had a bad day at school. Just then I heard Meredith whisper to her mom, "Don't tell Sylve, she'll be disappointed in me!" Well, a few days passed and I called back and asked Meredith was she being sweet at school, she said, "I was precious!" I said, "Oh, you were, huh?" She said, "Mrs. Ford said I was percious today!"

A few days ago, she asked her mother if they had any cannie (candy). Her mother said there was some candy in the cabinet. Meredith said, "Well, I need some in my mouth!"


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That would be fun!

Well, Nancy (Layla's Mommy) was due on Feb. 20. Today is the 24th and we're still waiting for contractions to begin. Fortunately, she is feeling great, but she is emotionally ready to deliver. The doctor said he will induce her on Monday if she hasn't delivered by then. She does not want to be induced. Several of her friends recently were induced and then needed to hava a C section. She is so worried about that. We'll just have to hope for the best. But, soon we will have another new baby in the family. That will make 3 grandchildren. ;)

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If I hadn't been induced I fear I'd still be waiting for my first (or second) to be delivered!!! They are almost 38 and 35 years old!!! My first was 21 days late and the second 15 days before they finally induced. I don't think I miscalculated because I was really sick with morning sickness almost imediately after conception!!! Neither resulted in a C-section. Tell Nancy to relax and have confidence in her Dr. Being induced doesn't mean their will be more problems, just gets that baby out into the world!!!

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The other afternoon meredith was sitting in Mike's (Papa) lap rocking. She said, "Papa, when I was your age I had 2 brudders and a sister." Mike said, "Well, tell me about that." She said, "One brudder's name was Tommy, one's name was Brian, and my sister was AnnaKate. We was very poor. We didn't have notin to eat, no toys, no tv, no dogs or cats, nuttin." (at this point she looked down and polked out her bottom lip like she was really sad). Papa asked her what did she have. "We had a mattress and a pillow; just one and we had to share." Papa said it must have been hard with 4 people sleeping in one bed. "She said, es, until Tommy died! Tommy got run over by a car..........and a truck! Den there was more roon on the bed." Now I ask you , where does she get this stuff?

Later that day I ask meredith what she wanted to be when she grew up and she instantly said, "A doctor! Cause they get to wear doctor glubs (gloves)!"

Meredith is the only grandchild and she is very bright and sassy. I dont' know where she gets it cause I still have mine.

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