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Where in the world is Doodlebug????

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In North Carolina, of course!

Teaching for the lucky members of the Carolina Longarm Association!

Three days of custom, feathers and E2E design! Plus we get to see the Kitchen Sink quilt tomorrow at the truck show!

If you get the chance to sit down and pick Shannon's brain, Run, don't walk, to the opportunity!

We have had a wonderful three days!


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The classes Shannon taught last year at Bonnie's in Oregon were great--lots of information with a great hand-out

and demo's of Shannon's free-flowing style.

She is a down-to-earth teacher with great talent. I am trying to snag her for classes out here next Spring

and recommend any who want to host classes to contact her.

I suspect (;)) that before too long she will be teaching at the big shows.

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I agree. I really think we will see her teaching at the big shows! She does a great job and is so free with sharing her knowledge.

I love this picture, it really does show how we were the whole time. Shannon teaching and everyone's attention was 100% on what she was doing.


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Originally posted by anniquilter

Shannon, I love the sorority T-shirt. Where can we get them?

it's an exclusive swag for doodlebugs that teach .....just kidding :P

i saw them on the main page of the APQS website...i called the factory and ordered one. angela had one, but hers was a completely different color than mine, so was sherry's...

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