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Fun in classes with Brigit!!!!

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I spent two days with 9 other ladies enjoying classes with Brigit Scheuller in Lisa Mullins' studio and shop Wandering Sitiches in Orlando.


Here is what I quilted on my SIL's quilt using some of what I learned!!!!!

Also let me tell you that Brigit's quilt's on the webb do not show her beautiful. Her work is just awesome. You got to see it hands on !!!!!

Thank you Brigit for inspiring me so much!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by chermitch

Wow what a quilt!!!I love what you did for background filler!!! I bet you had a great time with Briget!!!

All had the best time!!!!!!!!

Lisa had the best set up for renting time on a Millie!!!!

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I was thrilled to meet Birgit Schuller and Kimberly Einmo at Lisa's studio in Orlando this past week. Dell is a hoot! LOL!

Dell is also a very talented lady with artistic abilities. I spent the same amount of time with Birgit but I can't draw worth beans, so my quilting is going to take lots and lots of practice to get anywhere near what Dell is showing you. But a girl can dream can't she? I had a great time with Dell, Vickie and Saundra. Fun ladies, all of them. And Lisa was a great hostess for the classes. :)

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Originally posted by LTZQLTR

I was thrilled to meet Birgit Schuller and Kimberly Einmo at Lisa's studio in Orlando this past week. Dell is a hoot! LOL!

Dell is also a very talented lady with artistic abilities. I spent the same amount of time with Birgit but I can't draw worth beans, so my quilting is going to take lots and lots of practice to get anywhere near what Dell is showing you. But a girl can dream can't she? I had a great time with Dell, Vickie and Saundra. Fun ladies, all of them. And Lisa was a great hostess for the classes. :)

With a little PPP, Debbie, you will be putting me to shame!!!!! LOL

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