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NQR - Pups 1st B'day Party

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Originally posted by delld

Looks like all had fun! TOO CUTE!!! You should be tired by now! I knew you made all your doggie food but not cakes too. You may need to start another business!!!!:cool:

Dell, I only made the two quilts! One of the wonderful FBR volunteers made the cake. (I have enough on my hands making my own dog's food!) Other volunteers and our pups "Foster Mum" made the goody bags and arranged all the activities. It was a great day!

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Vicky, I too have a Daisy. Only she is a Lhasa. I have to tell you that years ago we helped our son adopt a Papilion from a rescue. We had a home visit and I declare it was like we were adopting a human being. Ha! They walked all around the house inside and out and asked about often we walked our dogs and such. Finally, I let our 2 dogs in from the laundry room to meet the lady (little dogs) and she immediately ended the survey. Our dogs have never had a flee or tick and think they are human. We have laughed and laughed at how it all came to pass. We were able to adopt and they even asked up to become foster parents. Mike wouldn't let me do it cause he was afraid I'd never give one away!!!:P:P:P

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Sylvia, LOL! My husband balked at the home visit; even our adult son had to be home when they came. You can tell by walking in our house who is #1 with us; we have doggie mementos everywhere. Our son teases because instead of his drawings and pictures on the refrigerator, we have a life-sized picture of one of our boxers! Makes our 2-legged son feel a little left out!:P:P

Bless those that can foster; one of these pups mom said she had "failed fostering" with her first boxer, also a Daisy, and that is when she got hooked. Her Daisy passed away right before these pups were born. Blossom, her pup, is in the pictures above with the party hat. She is such a lucky girl!

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Vickie this is a great story! Can't wait to share it with the grandchildren. They will love the idea of birthday parties for their fur babies. Our Maggie, a mini-schnauzer, thinks every day is her birthday! We lost our golden retriever last summer at the ripe old age of 14. Will I ever stop missing her?

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Well, we missed having a first birthday party for our much-loved boxer, but we had one on his tenth, complete with party hats and cake! He was our first baby; when our two-legged ones arrived he watched me really carefully to be sure I did everything right -- he knew I was an amateur -- and accepted them with unconditional love (and slurps).

He died over 20 years ago, and we've had other dogs since, all of them loved, but I still miss him.

Kudos to all foster-pup parents.


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Our boxer came from a legal case involving over 300 dogs kept in cages stacked one on top of the other. The owner claimed to be just a little old lady rescuing animals that got out of hand. Truth was, she was worth over 3 million from breeding and selling puppy mill style. They were removed from her care and fostered out, the ones that survived that is. Mean old lady...held the dogs in limbo for 3 yrs while she fought to the appeals court a law in NC. She lost. In the mean time, the dogs couldn't be spayed or neutered. We fostered our Tater for that time, never realizing her heavy and frequent bleeding wasn't normal. When we were finally legally able to get her spayed, she had an ovarian tumor that the vet school said they'd not seen in a dog, that it was an aggressive cancer they wouldn't offer treatment or hope for. That was August 18th, 2008. Yep! God didn't let that woman win in any way...Tater shows NO signs of illness. She's now around 8 yrs old and acts like the forever puppy that boxers tend to be.

Thanks again for sharing the big event...wish we could have been there too!


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They are so adorable and what a great party!! Our Lab Brody is the spoiled child in the family. My kids claim he has more toys than they ever had in their entire life. LOL Oh yah and he's alot to have snacks in the living room and they were never allowed. LOL Thanks for sharing the great photos.


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