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Hi everyone...I'm still on the road, but getting closer to home. My husband and I (and friends) went to the Sturgis Bike Rally in SD and also visited family in eastern SD. We've been gone over two weeks now and I'm getting antsy to get back home. We drove our pickup and trailered our bike.

Broke our windshield in the pickup a couple of weeks before we left and paid $500 to have it fixed and I'll be danged if we didn't get it broken again on this trip. ARRRGGGHHH!!! Another $500 when we get home. I see lots of quilting goodies going down the drain here. We have insurance, but it's $500 deductible. It's a special type windshield so that's why it cost so much to replace it.

Had a GREAT time in the Black Hills. Rode our motorcycle all over the place. It killed my back so I guess Hubby will get his "Trike" now. Test drove one and said "WOW".

I went to a couple of quilt stores in Rapid City, SD and picked up some great bargains. Took my 80 something Aunt Betty to let her pick out the fabric for her quilt that I will make for her when I get back home. While I was there I saw a quilt on the wall that I really liked. They didn't have a pattern only the "kit". I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT IT! Now I want it and I guess I will have to call them and see if they will send it to me and pay the shipping. I could have gotten 15% off at the time. Well...duh! I'll post a pic and you can all tell me if you've seen it or know what it is. It's applique...which is why I didn't immediately buy it. The background fabric is all black and white fabrics. Stunning in person. I'd like to give credit to the person who designed and sewed this...like I said...it was stunning. When I get home I will call the store. I believe it was called "Quilt Connection". Really nice little store and the personel were wonderful!

I can't wait to get back to my sewing room. My friend said my Studio cutter cabinet came while I was gone so I will get the room finished and post pics. I guess UPS has been visiting regularly too...it will seem like Christmas when I get there. I know I ordered some pretty fabric before I left. Don't really remember what else at the moment.

We came back through Denver and over the Rockies (Beautiful!!!) and across Utah. Headed for Las Vegas today then home tomorrow. Maybe I will win enough to pay for that silly windshield. LOL. Wahoo!!!

I've had my laptop with me just no time to be on it. I feel like I fell behind, but since I woke up VERY early this am and I'm trying to be quiet so I don't wake up hubby I have been reading past posts. Missed all of you.


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Thanks for the update and it is fun to see a different photo of you. The quilt is gorgeous, sorry I can't help with the pattern. Maybe it is the photo, but the fabrics look antique gray, rather than black and white, and I love the effect. Thanks for sharing, Oma. It is nice to know there are other Forum members who have grown attached to the members here. Have a safe trip the rest of the way home! P.S. I just returned from Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago, where I saw a foursome of the tri-bikes with trailers pass by -- looked very comfortable!

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Originally posted by Neher-in-law5

Welcome to your home. Traveling is fun but it sure is nice to be back where you can play to your hearts content. Enjoy setting up your new room.

So, curiosity, where in eastern SD did you have family. My dad was born in Beatle County and still has family in Hitchcock.


Not too far from him...I was in Huron.

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Sounds like you are having a nice vacation and looking forward to a fun time when you get home. The quilt reminds me of a pattern I really liked that was pictured in Best of Quilt Sampler 2007 Pg. 90. The pattern (Country Whig Rose) is in Simple Blessing by Kim Diehl (I really like her books). Any way I have had it marked to make some day. The pattern has been changed some but you would have no problem making the changes. However, as Sylvia said if you want those colors it may be easier to buy the kit.

I am not very fast with applique but I reallly like this pattern. Would love to see yours if you decide to make it.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

I love that quilt too. You will love your studio cutter and I'm sure you will put it to good use.

I already have the cutter. I bought the cabinet to put it on. I love the cutter and use it all the time. Great invention.

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Yikes...we're about 50 miles north of Las Vegas and it's 110 degrees! I think we'll get up and leave about 4 in the morning to drive home across the desert. It's 98 at home. I had forgotten about the heat while I was gone.

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I'm from SD too!!!--Britton, SD, and my SIL is from Hitchcock--I bet she knows your father's family, Madelyn, isn't it a small world!

Oma, when you find the store that has the kit, would you let us know the name and details? I love the quilt.

Joanne Flamand

Artistic Quilt Design


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Glad your travels were safe in spite of the windshield disaster. We had an appliance break the other day and my first thought was how much fabric and quilting things I could have bought with that money, so I know what you mean.

I love the look of applique but have not gotten brave enough to attempt anything as large as the one you pictured. It will be beautiful. Happy playing when you get home.

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We've been on the road for an hour already and it's still dark...goodness! Who checks OUT of a hotel at 3am? LOL. It was still 83 degrees when we left Vegas. We're driving across the Mojave Desert and the temp has dropped to 65 and in a few hours it will be over 100 here. Reminds me of menopause.

We're still 6 hours from home, but I'm happily marking off the miles. We've been gone 17 days and I'm ready to be home.

A cup of good coffee would be wonderful right now...come to think of it I'm hungry too. The only thing missing here is for me to look over at my hubby and ask him if we're almost there...lol.

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It's been a wonderful trip driving half way across the country. We drove out across Nevada, upper Utah, Wyoming and South Dakota then drove back through Denver across the Rockies and through the beautiful canyons and gorges into Utah, then south through Vegas, across the desert to Bakersfield then north to home.

I think they should extend I-70 across the Sierras.

We also spent a week riding our motorcycle all over the Black Hills. Had to wait for a herd of buffalo to cross the road. I'll try to post a pic or two. I'm on my husband's iPad and it's crankier than my laptop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Peggy, I've tried unsuccessfully to find Simple Blessings. It's evidently out of print. I did order the back issue of the Best of Quilt Sampler 2007. Hopefully it's in there. I'm hesitant to order the kit from the shop because I'm not crazy about the black and white background fabric and $167 is a lot to pay to get the pattern. Thank you for all your help in researching it.

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