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Hurricane Irene

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I'm just wondering how all you girls made out in VA & MD. Vicki, Connie, Georgene, Cheryl and anybody else. How are you all doing. Hurricane is now up in NY. We're getting some pretty strong gusts and lots of rain. Just had to go out and undo the awning cover that I told hubby we needed to do yesterday but he knew better. That was no fun but we may have saved it. At least it doesn't look like it is going to go airborne. They are calling for 5 - 10" of rain. We've already got standing rain by the side of the house. I pray the basement doesn't flood. The trees are really swaying! Be safe everybody!

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Nope not to worried about flooding but no trees around us and totally naked and open to the high winds. Only thing I'm not looking forward to is loosing the electricity and having the generator humming in the background for days. Other than that all ready and prepared for just about anything.

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We survived Irene in northern Delaware! I got 4 hours of sleep and my DH and DS's stayed up all night sucking up water on our unfinished side of the basement...not fun! The rainfall was so heavy that it was over-running the french drain. Thank the Lord our power held. All of our neighbors around us were out of power and our little two street development still had power (yeah for underground wires). Around 10 last night we were watching the blue flash of electric transformers blow. Just after 10 we all headed to the basement (MIL was with us) because of tornado warnings in the area. Learned this morning that there were 2 unconfirmed tornados in our immediate area. Those warnings expired at around midnight. All in all, we were so lucky. This storm could have been much worse. The mid Atlantic was way overdue for a storm like this. Oh, and the best part, My Lenni is in the basement and she's doing just fine. I reported for storm duty yesterday afternoon (electric utility) and before I left I gave my husband specific instructions to save my Lenni if we lost power and the basement flooded! We celebrated the end of the storm this morning by cooking up a big breakfast!

On a sad note, there are people who lost their lives in this storm. My prayers to the families who lost loved ones and for those who suffered property loss.

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Hi all, I'm in midcoast Maine and so far its hardly raining and ligh t breezes. Tide was high. A hurricane is almost a once in a life time thing here, you should have seen all the boats being pulled out and the lines a the grocerry store. Mostly people were buying junk food, liquor and water. (You gotta love Maine!) I was getting some had work ready in case:D we loose power.

Longarm Milly (yes thats my name and I have a Milli)

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Winds aren't too bad up here in CP so I hope you aren't sending them our way. Many towns are in a state of emergency mostly due to flooding. we're fine here. Hubby ventured out to bring MIL her meds and he said he only saw one smaller tree down on our street and everything else was fine. We got lucky! Counting my blessings.

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here is syracuse we only had a rainy day. all the new plantings we just had done have been exhausting me with all the watering. i liked the rain.

but, even tho she watered my plants and gave me a few days off, i am STEAMED at irene. every year, my family comes from far and wide to gather at the jersey shore the week before and after labor day. don't you know, that darn irene cancelled flights for my neice and nephew and GREAT NEPHEW, who i have a huge crush on. he's 3, blonde and the apple of my eye. now, they can't get flights until friday. so instead of 2 weeks, i only get 1.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

i know there are many folks with much bigger problems and i sound bratty, but i can't help it. i'm disappointed. i've been looking forward to this ALL SUMMER! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

and, yes, please, i would like some cheese to go with my whine. thanks for listening. :(

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Glad to hear that some of you are safe. Thankfully it didn't hit anywhere as a cat. 3. Have also been watching the coverage off an on.

We get the strong winds here 60-80 mph but not for hours on end. I did have to laugh though at the news people talking about the 25 mph gusts, they get a bit over reactive.

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Meg I'm sorry to hear your vaca is getting cut short. That is disappointing. Are you sure the Jersey Shore is open? I hear they got hit pretty bad.

I'm watching all the news on the damage in our area and I'm so thankful! We really faired well but there are roads washed out and the flooding is still a problem. In Troy, the town I work in, there was a mud slide that destroyed 3 homes. The people that were in the homes were safe but they have lost everything. I feel very blessed.

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Hi all, my home and family are ok. I've been at work in the Emergency Operations Center since Tuesday. We're taking care of the damage and power outages. Hope to be home soon and plan on taking a long weekend over Labor day. There's a couple more storms forming in the Atlantic, this is our "peak" hurricane season, here in Hampton Roads.

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