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NQR-senior moment

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My DH was "helping" me make chili one time and I saw him put a TABLESPOON of something red in. I said, "what was that?" He said "Chile Powder!!" I was able to scoop out most of the 2 TEASPOONS that we didn't need since it hadn't been stirred yet!!! Disaster avoided!!! That's what I get for asking for help!!!

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My senior moment for the past 2 weeks has been going to lead my meeting, and leaving the member folders at home. The first time was bad, the second, mortifying. Worse still, I had carefully put everything together in my briefcase so that I would be sure and have it all. Got to the parking lot, 30 min. after leaving the house, and feeling so proud of myself for remembering everything, and being early, then realized that I'd left the entire briefcase at home. The members and I all had a good laugh, but let me tell you I'm going to bring the entire house next week if I have to!

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