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Here is a look at the three different mounting options for the bottom camera.


Kevin sent me a camera last week to try on my rental Lenni and what can I say, the renters LOVE it! No more getting down on your knees to check the back side of your quilt. Kevin is busy making a few modifications and I will be ready to ship Canadian orders in the next two weeks.

Hit me up if you'd like one of these in Canada.

email Kevin if you'd like one in the USA


Takes ten minutes to install and gives you a perfect view from under the quilt beside the needle. It's the new 'BobbinCam'. Takes ten minutes to install.

7"color screen lets you check your bottom tension without getting down on your knees. Adds very little weight to the machine. I am the Canadian retailer for this affordable solution. There is also the option of a top camera that allows you to see the needle and quilt top while working pantos from the back.



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I have Intelliquilter added to my Milli and the tablet is up front on the top of my machine. Would I be able to see this monitor or would the IQ tablet get in the way? Also, would there be a lot of wires with this as there is some wires already with my IQ? Thanks for the info. Kerri

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Originally posted by Janette

That does look good now that there is a colour monitor etc added. Would also show bearding problems too.

Can it also be reversed so you can see when working with pantos?

YES! A camera can be easily mounted above your needle and the monitor can be swiveled to the back to watch the panto stitch out on the fabric.

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Hi Matt, great info, thanks! I've been asking my computer-geek-son-in-law to rig up something like this for me, but looks like this might solve my problem and save him alot of time....

I noticed your reply on another thread about PantoVision, and saw your interest there... so my question is.... what if I wanted the bobbin cam AND the PantoVision?? ....too much stuff on my Millie??? where would it all go?

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Mat, great info. Looks like Kevin has come up with an affordable solution. I would buy one for $200.00 heck that's a couple rulers or computerized designs, lol. Ok, hopefully Kevin will see this thread. I recommend that he work with someone to test the system with IQ. I'm betting that the weight of the camera will cause the very "sensitive" IQ to detect it as an "obstruction". We have to keep our rails wiped down because it detects dirt as an obstruction. I think this would be more of a problem then figuring out where to put the screen (more weight). I hope Kevin is up for the challenge because this is a great tool and if Matt likes the system, it is a winner.:cool:

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