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NQR-January not so hot! added 2 pics @ bottom

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January was not good for me. My dear friend, Rosemary, lost her husband within 3 weeks of finding out he had liver cancer on January 6th. This was my GD Leah's Papa Roy.

My favorite Uncle Bob died of a heart attack January 12th, as well as a very dear older lady in our community who had been sick since before Thanksgiving. Then a schoolmate of ours was killed instantly in a headon collision with a school bus in the last week. Thankfully all children had been delivered to their homes minutes before the crash. Tracy was 46...left behind 4 grown children and 3 grandkids.

During all of this I got a sinus infection and laryngitis January 5th. Realized I had gained 20 pounds in about 9 days and was hospitalized from January 13th-19th for severe shortness of breath(20 pounds of fluid on 5'2" frame), acute renal failure (due to lupus nephritis), Congestive heart failure (BNP was 2018.0 and should be less than 125), extreme high blood pressure, etc. The day after the kidney biopsy I had the worst ever migraine and fibromyalgia attack at the same time and it took them 8 hours to figure out what to give me for my pain. My husband and mother were both there at the time and problem didn't think I would make it thru the night. I was also blessed with the frail little woman (with lung cancer again) who wouldn't turn the lights off at night and had respiratory therapy every 2 hurs around the clock. Bless my nurses as they found my a sleep mask and earplugs.

They have changed meds, added meds, changed diet (having to give up my beloved morning coffee, salt, fried foods, high phosphate foods), x-rayed, ultrasounded, echo heart, dopplered legs for blood clots...you name I think its on the bill. Follow up appointment 2/2/12 with my rheumy showed I also have a perforated septum, which may or may not be aggravating the chronic sinus problem or laryngitis that has been with me for a month. Mornings are worse with not much more than a rough whisper. But at least the doctors are letting me do my normal 4 day a week job. Sad to say haven't had enough energy to quilt since before Christmas.

My mother drove me to rheumy and nephrology appts. yest as she had to go in for a shot in her foot too. Labwork was much improved 2 weeks after hospital stay so they could reduce dosage of a couple meds.

Honestly I am feeling pretty good except for the ear, nose, throat problem. Thanks to God, all my family and friends for their prayers and help during this difficult month.

Adding all of you to my daily prayer list as my APQS Friends and their Families. May God bless all of you every day.

Your Quilty Friend,

April Wright

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Guest Linda S

Goodness! When it rains, it certainly pours, doesn't it? I'm sorry for your losses and that you were so sick, but I'm certainly glad to hear you're on the mend. Blessings to you!

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You are handling serious health problems (it looks like you are on your way to better health) but the other losses can throw you for a loop. Rest when you can and know that quilting will be back in it's proper time. Depression can hit hard after a health scare and the loss of people close to you will add to that possibility. I am sending prayers and a big hug--please take care of yourself, April.

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Here is the last project I finished everything else happened...

my own version of the 2007 (?) Birthday Black Swap. I was going to hang it in my sewing room the other direction, but let my DH talk me into hanging across our bedroom window. It looks like stained galss when the sun comes up.


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