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NQR...Oncology update... bottom of page 2

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Hi all!

An update to thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. My mastectomy went well with no allergic reactions. The pathology report shows no additional cancer in the tissue removed. Next step is Chemotherapy (YIKES... a daunting thought for one with so many allergies!!). I'm told it should begin mid-March. 4 treatments, three weeks apart. Your continued support would be such a blessing!!

Funny how I've always complained about my thin hair... Yet, for a while I won't have ANY! Let's always count our blessings. They are boundless!! Even a daily shower becomes a reminder ... when you have "drains", you can't soak yourself. Nuts! However, one drain is out and the other will leave on Tuesday. Real showers will soon be a reality again. I'm grateful!!

"With God all things are possible."

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Lin I will keep you in my prayers as you start chemo. My SIL is going through chemo right now and Sunday was her shave day. Her hair started falling out and she didn't want to deal with clumps here and there so her hubby shaved her head Sunday. This is the 3rd time she has gone through chemo and she has always shaved her head. She is a real role model. She handles it all with grace. I love and admire her.

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Dear quilting friends,

Sweet juicy tears of joy are running down my cheeks. You are so amazing!! Not only are you artists in quilting, but your creativity in word choices bring such beautiful pictures to mind. Having God hold my hand... thanks, Oma!

Willingness to shave a head...thanks, Libby! Through your loving feedback, I'm beginning to see myself as positive, courageous, strong and cancer-free. You are truly my "Earth Angels", offering on-going prayers, support and encouragement.

God is good.... All the time!!

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Lin, prayers and hugs....and remember not all kinds of chemo cause hair loss. The drugs they have now to counter the side effects are amazing. I did not vomit even once. It wasn't exactly a walk in the park, but it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. My best advice is drink lotttttttttttttttttts of water. As much as you can. And get some exersise every day, really helps with fatique. You will get through this, and believe it or not will be stronger on the other side. For me, I use to have lots of "bad hair days", now I never have a bad hair day cause any day with hair no mater how it looks is better than a day without....;). Hang in there....

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Dear Ardelle,

Your attitude is amazing! I so appreciate the advice of my "sisters" who have been there. Doctors are good communicators, but most have never "been there." Textbook information is always valuable, but what has made the greatest impact on me is real-life advice. The water part is amazing! I love to exercise (long walks). I'm going to write myself notes about these two things!

Hearing what you said about bad hair days made me laugh!! :} Thanks for putting things into perspective.

I can use all the advice I can get... I believe in you and the power of prayer and the joy of friendship.

Blessings to all of you!!

You are sisters of hope!!!

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I had a co-worker who years ago (when we were in our late 20's) was diagnosed with lymphoma. She had straight, dishwater blonde hair which she permed on a regular basis. After chemo caused her hair loss, she grew the most beautiful head of hair. She became a naturally curly (not Frizzy) brunette. Beautiful soft curls!!

Praying for smooth sailing through treatment and clear bill of health at the end!

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