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Just joining after lurking for some time now

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After reading this forum for almost a year, I am going to get my feet wet. I am always interested in people's inquiries about getting a long arm machine.

I went to Des Moines and was able to test drive in the show room. One of my son engineers (he graduates May 5 from Ames) went with me and he was taking the machine apart. He was impressed with the simplicity of the parts and the ability to make repairs.

I have been reading all the used machine forums and was able to purchase a Millie in November, but have been so sad because I was in the middle of chemo for breast cancer. Just did not have the umph... to tackle learning about the machine and figuring out all of the mechanics. I am just now doing the steep learning curve and am playing on my third baby quilt. I have over thirty quilts backs and fronts ready to go to play with. I am having a "high time" playing. I have to try to keep track of time because I have a tendency to over do it. I am going to be ready for classes at MQX this fall.

I am a newbie with lots to learn.

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Welcome Sandra. I hope you are having a great time with your Millie. Doing baby quilts or charity quilts are great ways to get some practice time in and still be doing something useful. Please let us know if you have any questions. What part of the country do you live in? Hope to see you at MQX this fall.

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Welcome Sandra - hope you are feeling better and are having fun playing with your new machine. You are right, I took the maint class last year and the machines really are very easy to work on if you have a problem...we are happy to share what we all know so be sure to ask if you have any questions!

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Thanks for the welcome. I am an Oregonian, Albany to be specific.

You want my learning curve to become steeper and post pictures also? I have the camera and one of boys went thru the steps with me for something else, but I think I will need a refresher course. Just finding the right place to register for this site is a steep curve for me right now, hubby is leaving for Iowa tomorrow morning.

Thanks again.


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