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NQR-Please prayer for my son

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It has been a bad night. My son just had to do CPR on his best friend who committed suicide at outside his home(my son's). So far my son is handling it OK, but it will fit him hard in a couple of days. They are only 21 years old, so young to end a life and one to have to try and save it. I am asking for prayers for him and his friend's family. To many tragics this year, my heart is breaking for the familys in Conn. and Or. and now this. Please hug those around you and love them hard, let them know that you care, that they are important, and life would not be the same with them gone.

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Lynn, I have the deepest empathy for your son and what he is going through. I will add him to my prayers for comfort and acceptance of this tragic event. I also add your son's dear friend and his family to my prayers as I know how hard this is going to be on them all. My dad took his own life coming up on three years ago, and it was the hardest thing I have experienced. I was not there where it happened, so I can only imagine what your son is going through. And prayers for you, too, as your heart is heavy and hurts so badly for the pain your son is experiencing. (((HUGS)))

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I will put your son into my daily prayers. Also his best friends family.

Please. Do me a favor.

I work part-time for a licensed Clinical Psychologist.

PLEASE...Please, have him go talk to someone!

If you or your husband, has an EAP program thru work (employee assistance program), where you can get

free-no charge sessions with a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner, please do so!

If not, and he has no insurance coverage for this, can you please get in contact with me.

I may be able to help get him to someone he can talk to, with a very minimal charge.

Most of those issues can get resolved in 5 sessions or less.

They will introduce "tools" he can use, to help him get thru this.


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I agree with Sheri...get him some help. I'm a volunteer EMT and respond to many situations. It is very hard to understand things like suicide and death...especially when it's someone we know. There are counselors out there that can help him deal with it. I feel for all the first responders that had to deal with the situation in Connecticut this week. Takwith your son and be there for him. My prayers are with him and his friend.

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Thank you Sheri, I will get him help.He is tripled covered on insurance so that is not a problem. He has spent the day calming others and now we need to take care of him. He is strong and understands that he needs help himself. The police were very good with him and help him understand sometimes you can't stop someone from killing themselves. It is not the gun but the person behind it. The police dept. also got people out there to clean everything up so he didn't have to do it.

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