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NQR Anniversary Party

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This past Saturday evening our children threw us a SURPRISE  40th anniversary party,  It was so nice, I dont have a picture on my work computer to show it but will try to add a before and after tonight.  Anyway, it was a surprise to at least one of us, I found out about it via someone at church that let the cat out of the bag, but my husband was completely surprised even upon entering the gathering which he thought was a fund raiser dinner for the church, He says he must have been really thick as all the hints and signs were there and he didnt pick up on any of them. lol

I guess that shows you how much men pay attention to things.  Anyway, it was lovely and we had a great time. 

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Congratulations, Jeanne and Mr.


It's nice to see another couple that aren't married "until I see someone else I'd like to live with" or  "until I get angry" or some such.


I know some marriages  shouldn't have taken place, but lack of honesty, keeping a vow, etc. is just missing, and often one or another

falls for a pretty face, or $$$.


So Glad you arrived at 40, and pray you double that.


Thank the kids for me, and




God Bless,


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Thank you all,  I truly feel blessed.  This happy story had a sad following though, last night we learned our son and daugter in law who were instrumental in giving us this party waited until after to give us the bad news that they are filing for divorce.  My heart is broken for them both.  I love them so much and am so saddened for them and the children.  They don't have any children together but dil has 3 girls who we all adore.  So Sad!

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