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Kyra's first quilt

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My 8 y.o. granddaughter Kyra spent ten days with us, and she made her first quilt. She cut squares with a rotary cutter, pieced the blocks, sewed them into strips, and sewed some of the strips together. She also chose the border and backing fabric (50% off! weee!!!). And she quilted it on the Millie (circle lord swirls). I don't know who's more proud, Kyra, or me! She made sure I finished binding it in time for her to take it on the plane so she could snuggle with it instead of the icky airline blanket. :)


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I have been told that beauty (and intelligence) is passed on every other generation... :) Kyra is a beauty (just like her grandma) and she's got the quilty smarts, too (just like her grandma). It's so obvious you are related... she's got your smile and your eyes and the blonde hair, too! I think you started something here with Kyra. What a wonderful time you had with your grand daughter. Future phone calls and conversations will include fabric and patterns and sewing supplies. I can see why you are so proud, Cathey. You have a beautiful family. ((hugs))


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What a wonderful quilt. If Kyra can do this at 8, just imagine what amazing quilts she will whip up in her 20s. Fantastic effort from a gorgeous girl

You must all be very proud. :)

My 17yo dd and I went shopping for her quilt fabric today. She made some lovely choices. I'm hoping that she enjoys putting it all together and that there will be many more.


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Congrats to Kyra for completing her first quilt!!!:) You have a cute grand

daughter Cathey, and I know you two will have a lot of years together dis-cussing patterns and fabric. My GD is 9yr. old and made her first one when

she was 7 but hasn't finished her baby doll quilt........too many activities right now. Hope the bug bites her again so she will get it finished but I

will save it for her just the same.

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I pray I'll have a granddaughter (or grandson) someday who will want to quilt with me. My daughter at this time isn't interested. I do have a future daughter-in-law who's done some sewing....who knows?

I know you're proud, Cathey. Great job, Kyra!

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What a great quilt your granddaughter made. I bet you two made some wonderful memories to go along with the quilt that will be treasured forever just like her first quilt will be.

Great job Kyra you go girl. I know my first quilt didn't look anything like that. Having a LA makes a world of difference.


Red Leaf Quilting

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Wow, your picture is so cute I'd like to buy a whole book filled with stories and quilt photos with Grandma Cathey and precious Kyra! Thanks for the special treat! I bet she was snug as a bug all the way home in that big bus in the sky, what a brave and adventuresome young lady coming all the way by plane to visit for the summer :) I know she'll cherish the memory of her visit forever :D

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Thank you all for your lovely comments. I forwarded them all to Kyra. Kyra hasn't seen them yet, but her Mom got all teary eyed reading them and said what a wonderful chat group this is. :)

I uploaded a series of pictures of Kyra making her quilt and one of her little sister Keely--although it has nothing to do with quilting--just because it made me laugh out loud.


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Oh my, Cathey! The concentration on Kyra's face was a joy to behold! This young lady is learning that she can do anything--and isn't that what we all want our children and grandchildren to know? I love that her tongue was helping her concentrate--what cute pictures and aren't you glad to have documented that first quilt? She can put one of those pictures in her first quilting publication with a dedication to her dear Grandmother who taught her to quilt! I'm teary! Thanks for sharing.

Linda R

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Cathey, thank you so much for sharing beautiful Kyra with us! How I enjoyed looking at all the photos, and yes I laughed out loud at her little sister, LOLOLOL!!! It's easy to see where Kyra gets her looks, too. Glad you included you in the pics so we could see more of you. :)

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