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NQR - Missing Diamond

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True confession...I was cleaning my house :( . I know, I know, quilters are not suppose to do that, but sometimes ya just gotta.

Any who...I was dusting and I looked down and my 1 carat diamond was gone from my engagement ring. I have been vacuuming; I showered today (your welcome); did dishes last night; did laundry today; went to the gym yesterday afternoon. It could be anywhere....I am just sick.

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Whew...I have looked this house over since I realized that diamond was gone. I even ripped into my old vacuume cleaner bag and went through all the dust mites :(

After I posted that previous message....I went into the laundry room and was folding some clothes - looked down - and there she was shinning in the throw rug!!

I'm on my way to drop off the ring at my favorite jewerly store...and to buy a lottery ticket :D

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Wow! Big sigh of relief! :)

Mary Beth, I have a 1ct engagement ring, too. It originally came set with the 4 prongs, but soon after I was married in 1992, I caught my ring on the truck door handle as I was climbing out and looked down to find a twisted prong setting with no diamond. YIKES! :o I looked down at my feet and in a small patch between the melting snow and the mud, I found it sparkling back at me!! I immediately said THANK YOU LORD! and went in and had it imbedded with a 6 prong setting and I take it into the jewelers every few years to check the wear on the prongs so that baby stays put for good!

(glad you found it.)

Yaaaaaaay! :P I love happy endings.

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Be careful those diamonds don't want to stay in the ring. While working at UPS, a gal was working on the belt and her diamond fell out... we found it at the end of the belt, being held back by the Diverter.

I am so happy you found it... have it checked reguarly by the jeweler. checking to see if it is tight..

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They are putting 2 more prongs on as we speak. Took it in and told them my story, my jewelry guy said, "Oh my gosh, you are so lucky!" He is so nice. He told me a long time ago that 4 prongs are not good, but I didn't realize he could put two more on for $75!! If I had not found it, and had turned it into my homeowners insurance, it would have raised my rates $200 per year for 5 years....we are on the "no claims - aren't you good" list right now...but one little thing like a tiny diamond can put you right at the top of the bad list.

I cannot tell you how happy I am right now.

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Alright!!! That is awesome! What a reward for finishing the housework!

I'm in on the lottery ticket! Where do I send the $?

I'm so glad for you...I've lost a secondary diamond (grain of sand, actually) from my engagement ring, handed down from my mother. The diamonds came from 2 generations of jewelry that were put together to make my mother's ring. The one I lost was worth very little, except sentimental value. The replacement just isn't the same. I'm soooooooooooo glad you found yours.


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Who said I was finished with the housework :P:D:P

I'm still hard at it...just checking on you guys when I pop down to the basement.

It is a terrible, sick feeling. I'm sorry you didn't find you stone Sonja. I kept imagining that all day. I kept thinking of how special my wedding was, and my marriage is, and how I just loved that ring. Then I started thinking I just couldn't get another one...nothing would replace that one...I'm such a dork...it was just a ring...but it was the ring from THE GUY!!!

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Boy Howdy - I would go ahead and get $5 worth of lottery tickets. I think the Good Lord was looking over your shoulder today. I've lost a small chip out of a bracelet that my DH gave me and I had to have it replaced. Your right in that it isn't quite the same thing as the original. Anyway, glad that you have a happy ending.

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I have been lucky twice. First time I lost a diamond , I was working at the golf course, looked everywhere, when I went to get a customer a beverage, I looked down and there it was, they really dont look like you think they will....the second time , just two days ago..I hit my hand on a door and it went flying, found that one too....I didnt know you could put more prongs on it...I will this bigger diamond...thanks...

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Mary Beth, Did you say

but one little thing like a tiny diamond can put you right at the top of the bad list.

Honey, if you think a carat is a tiny diamond, you should see mine. Oh wait, my diamond engagement ring was a new washer and dryer when we got married. :P

I was at the Marine Corps exchange (like a store) one day and stepped our of my car and spotted a diamond engagement ring. It was one of those tiny 1 carat diamonds.

As I walked into security, a woman passed me in tears. I figured she got a ticket. I told the marine the story of the ring and gave it to him. He told me that a woman had just reported it stolen and was so upset, her DH was on deployment. Losing the ring was a real blow to her morale and her pocketbook. I left the ring and headed back to the store. You know that woman tracked me down at the store to say thank you for finding her ring. She was still crying. Probably tears of joy this time, though. :D

You know what they say, diamonds are a girl's best friend.:)

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I so happy that you found your special stone. You are very lucky.

Over 20 years ago I lost my solitare engagement ring and I still miss it. Soon after DH gave me a single diamond on a chain and that too got lost during the birth of DD. Maybe I'm not meant to have just 1 big diamond all on its own......perhaps I need lots and lots of them lol ;)

My wedding ring does have five little sparklers on it and I love it.

Still, would be nice to have my 'rock' back

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I lost my engagement ring one time. We searched the apartment top to bottom and couldn't find it. DH even went out to the dumpster and found our two bags of trash and went through them; my hero. Didn't find the ring. I cried and cried. Finally, just cried myself to sleep. I woke up a couple of hours later and decided to indulge myself in a donut that was left over from breakfast. In the bag with the donuts was my engagement ring. I must have swept it into the bag with the donuts when I did the dishes. I cried again, but this time they were tears of joy.

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glad you found your sparkler... reminds me of a friend who was helping her neighbor do the dishes... when she turned on the disposal, that dreaded sound "clank crunch clank"... apparently the neighbor keeps her ring in a glass on the sink... petra dumped the glass and put it in the dishwasher with the rest of the dirty dishes... she felt awful--but after the insurance money came petra got to go 'new ring shopping' with her neighbor...

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