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NQR - Last one I swear

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You are such a silly Grandma.....us Aunties love seeing ALL babies....we just are a bit more partial to this one. And she is getting prettier and prettier with each day. I don\'t even want to think ahead to her 16th birthday, and Charles has stand guard on the porch so she can\'t go out. All I have to say is that he had better have the back door under surveillance as well. And if he need to borrow Gene\'s handcuff\'s, I\'ll be sure to locate them and send them out.

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I\'ll let him know :D I don\'t think he has thought that far ahead....wait till I tell him this!! She really has him wrapped around her little finger. He is such a good dad. Jen has decided they will have another one...can you believe it...my jaw dropped when she said that. I helped her a lot last time, I can\'t image next time. Hopefully she will get through with...I almost said "flying colors"...but that was last time...maybe she will be better this time ;)

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Oh my goodness, what a precious little girl. What a fabulous smile, you can just see the joy in her eyes. She is adorable.

Also, I know I am new around here and don\'t know you all too well, but I have to say I was shocked when you said your Grandchild. From your avatar I thought for sure she was your daughter and was wondering how you could do so much with such a young one at home...

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Okay Roberta, you are my new very best friend!!;)

Actually Haylee is my 4th grandchild. My oldest is 12, then 9 and 6. I was 37 when my son let me know that I was going to be a grandmother, another jaw dropping moment. At the time I was doing a celebration because I was not 40 and my youngest child was graduating from HS, then I got the call. All jubilation stopped when it hit me that I was going to be a 37 year old grandma. But all is good...they are all so cute and special.

We started early havin babies in the Ozarks ya know...Barefoot and pregnant was a theme!! :P

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You know how it is!! I blow those raspberry things on her cheeks and she tries to give me one of those wide open mouth kisses. It always makes her laught and that is the ultimate goal! I think she is trying to cut a tooth...she is 4 months old is that about right??

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