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Frogging question

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Usually I just frog at the machine. An exception was this week when doing CL spirals. The back of the quilt was pieced also so I didn\'t notice the 1/4 pleat at the beginning that continued for FOUR advances! That one I had to take off and sit on the couch to frog. I frogged through 2 seasons of friends and a movie.

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I just frogged a bigger part of today! I took mine off the machine today, cause they were SID and I couldn\'t get to them on the top. And I wanted to save my back!:D I have Zippers and that was a saver today!! First time I really used them!! WONDERFUL!! randijoy, FROGGING is ripping out...rip it.. rip it!!:P Just keep praciticing!! I have only had my millie for about 4 1/2 months!! But loving it!! I bet your "real" quilts look better than you think!! I know I want everything to be so perfect, but it always doesn\'t turn out the way I think it should, then a friend comes over and looks and oohs and ahhs over it! makes me feel good! (but I know what you mean, you want it just right!!) linda

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Frogging is un-sewing. Taking out stitches, rip-it, rip-it. For me it definitely depends on how much frogging is necessary. Also when my bobbin thread is the problem (not threaded correctly) and the bottom thread is very tight and upper thread is loopy on the back, it is easier for me to take it off and frog from the back. Not that I\'m an expert or anything.


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I usually leave it on the machine unless it is a whole row (or more) That\'s when I am so greatful for zippers!!! One quilt from H*** I actually took off and frogged at work between customers. It was all batiks and I had terrible tension problems. Ended up removing about 3 rows of stitching. There were lots of questions at the Post Office and I even found a new customer.

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I also frog at the machine.

If I have a smallish area I frog from the front.

If I have a whole row or border, I roll the offending area onto the take up roller with the underside (bobbin thread side) of the quilt sitting right on top of the roller. The light is better there, being on the roller raises the area up, and you are standing upright instead of hunched over or stretching across the top. Take your roller advance pedal back there with you to advance when you need to.

Sound like an expert at this, don\'t I? Unfortunately, I am! I just frogged a whole top border after I quilted the rest--it just wasn\'t right.

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I also frog at the machine... as a matter of fact I just did that yesterday! Ugh! Not much fun!! But I looked at the heart I was quilting and made an executive decision to jazz it up and... well... yeah, bad decision! Looked awful and froggie came a courting... LOL

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Guest Linda S

PIN? Did you say PIN?? I don\'t use pins - I\'m allergic - they make my fingers bleed. I use zippers to attach my quilts to the machine. That said, I still frog at the machine. I\'ll pick out a few stitches on top every couple of inches, then reach under, grab the loose bobbin thread, and Rrriiiiippppp! It all comes out very, very fast. That is, when I do need to frog. ;)


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Yep, I agree with Linda S. I hate, hate pins. It never fails I don\'t just stick myself, I usually rip a gaping hole in my hand, arm , finger, something, with those pins. I do the same thing, I attach with zippers. In the beginning I thought it would be handing to take the quilt off with the zippers to rip out stitches, but found that I sould need to line things back up and that is a pain in the patootie...so I do exactly like Linda, snip every inch to inch and half for about 10 - 12 inches and then get the bobbin thread and pull.

Like you said, that is hypothetical of course ;)

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Okay, I\'ll be brave and admit that I have had to frog on more than one occasion. I do it at the machine, usually from the front, and pull up a handy stool for increased comfort. Being ridiculously tall, I find that I can rest my torso on the roller bars for this. However, I\'ve also found that if the tension issues are with the bobbin, it\'s so much easier to advance the quilt to the point where the icky stitches are on top of the take up roller, then just cut a few and rip them out.

Now I have to say that (Knock wood) my frogging times are decreasing and I\'m sure it\'s because of all of you! I\'m learning to test each and every bobbin in my towa gauge before I put it in, and have been amazed that at times it really does need adjustment for the exact same thread.

Now, having said that, and two quilts to do today, we\'ll see how I do.


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Great tip about the emery board. I have used a toilet bowl brush to pick up threads. A tip from Karen McT when I took a class. It is one of those brisly toilet bowl brushes, I use it on the floor to pick up loose threads and it works great and is easy to clean so the vaccuum doesn\'t get thready.

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I frog at the machine, too. I only took a quilt off once to frog because it was extensive frogging. I use the zipper system so it was no problem to whip it off and on the machine. Luckily, that was the only time I had a large amount of frogging to do. I was thread provided by the customer and I just was not hapy with the tension adjustment. It had to be too loose on the top thread for the thread not to break and loops showed on the back. I kept going and trying to re-adjust the tension, but just didn\'t like it. I took it all out and used my own thread without a problem so I know it was the thread. Hard lesson, but I don\'t let provide thread anymore.

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I agree with Linda S & Mary Beth - I have zippers as too many pokes makes for a not so nice lady:mad:, And I stay at the machine sitting on my saddle stool unless it is a large amount of frogging. Then it comes off of my machine, into the family room and watch/listen to tv as I rip-it rip-it.

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How approp. that this topic would come up today, when I was quilting my "Avast! You scurvy Frog!" quilt, and had to frog it several times. It\'s nothing wonderful, just something I made to try to use up the stash. The name comes from the frogs dressed as pirates on the back. I\'ll see if I can\'t post a pic. tomorrow.


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