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NQR - DH 8-6-08 update

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I am asking for prayer this morning. DH, Bill, is going into the hospital today to have a "Power Port" placed. This is to make it easier on him and all Tech's to administer his chemo treatments. Last treatment, they tried 6 times to find a site and it left him exhausted, not to mention the Tech's frustrated. It's an all day thing, where they will put him under, takes about 2 hrs to put it in place, then he has to be there for an additional 4 to 6 hrs to make sure it stays in place. For all of you that are praying, please pray for an easy placement with no complications. Thank you

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Patty Jo consider it done! My SIL had a port put in when she was going through her treatments, has been cancer free now (5 th round free) for over 2 years and they wanted to remove her port and she said, "No way it is my security blanket." While the procedure took some time to get it in she says it was so well worth it!

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You were in my thoughts this morning as I read my Bible and did my study...this is what it said...hope you all don't mind...

Isaiha 40:28- 31

28: Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the evelasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

29: He gives strenght to the weary, and increases the power of the weak.

30: Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

31: but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strenght. They will soar on the wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

This scripture was a help to me when I was going through a very troubled time. I had to remember to keep my eyes and my faith in Him and he would renew my strenght and he did and he does. Keep the faith my friends, and you will gain strenght in and from Him.

I love ya and and I'm praying for you both.

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Patty Jo, I can soooo sympathize with multiple sticks! I went last Thursday to the RA Dr and got stuck 4 times. I usually do not drink a lot of water, maybe a bottle a day. If I know I'm going for bloodwork I usually start drinking about 4 bottles or more a day a couple of days ahead of time so I can get rehydrated. It's an easy stick then. Iwent for years not knowing about this trick until a nurse told me about it once. I've been doing it since (except when I forget!). This might be a help for Bill to know about, too. Still praying for y'all daily! hang in there, Mary Beth hit it right on with her scripture!

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You guys are awesome. What a family I got myself into thinking I was just buying a quilting machine!! You all have hearts that are big and full of love for one another. I'm humbled and grateful for each one of you.

All went well today. We got there at 8:30 and were home by 2:00 this afternoon. Neither one of us slept well last night, so we both took a nap this afternoon. Poor DH is so sore this afternoon, he can't raise his right arm at all. They told him no lifting over 15 lbs, and he's saying that he couldn't lift a lb of butter if he had to! Thank you all for your prayers and MaryBeth, thank you for that scripture. You really gave me exactly what I needed to hear, and I read it to DH too. He is amazed at how you all come together supporting not only us, but anyone in need. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.....May He bless each one of you for your faithfulness.:)

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Patty Jo,

Nothing happens by chance. That scripture was part of my Bible study this morning. When I read it, I remember the last time I had read it was when I was going through a very, very dark time in my life. It gave me hope and inspiration. Even now, I am coming out of a difficult time, and though it is nothing like I experience a few years ago, this scripture helped me again. As I began to read it, you and Bill came to my mind. Do you think that was by chance? I don't. God layed you two on my heart today, even before I knew you were going for this proceedure. I just thought of you and thought of how that scripture had touched my heart. Then when I read your post I though I needed to share with you what God was doing. He is awesome!!

I'm glad to hear today went well. Shana is right, the port will be a very good thing. no more bruises or sore places from needle sticks. Get some rest. Fifteen pounds is too much for anyone to lift ;) A pound of butter sound like more fun anyway...top it with toast or a mound of mashed potatoes!!!

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MaryBeth - has Bill been talking to you. That's what he loves, either toast or mashed potatoes and both with butter on them. LOL

No, I'm not a believer in chance either. There is a purpose that we will never understand that keeps us moving and meeting exactly the people that we need to meet, to either help or be helped. Thanks for sharing that Word. As I said, it got our focus back on WHO is important and not the what that we are going thru.:)

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this is just the morning update. Can you believe it, that man of mine is out working this morning. He has a friend that will drive for him, and he's going to a project where he will be consulting. Just sitting in a chair telling the powers that are in charge what to do. But it is soooo good for him to get out of the house and get some fresh air (not that I'm stinky or anything) ;)LOL. thanks again for all the prayers.

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