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NQR...What do you do when your not quilting

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Here is what I did last night with just a few minutes of touch up to finish this morning...Its for a girlfriend who lives in Reno, so need to get it into the mail, her birthday is Friday.

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So what do the rest of US do when we aren't quilting 24/7...;)

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Well, I read, I sew, visit grandkids, go shopping under protest, sometimes play cards, go fishing, have friends in, and least seldom, watch TV.. do some hand applique, look thru books or magazines. research the net for various things.


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April...loved the stained glass.....first one I really liked....now I use to do this...nothing to this extent, but now wondering where my sodder and soddering iron are.

I Also use to teach ceramics, but haven't fired up the kiln that's in the basement for years, 18 years it was in storage in Nevada no place to hook it up....now hmmmm,,,also the potters wheel is in the yard, moved it from Montana to Nevada and now here as well. So I guess I need to get those things dusted off and out again as well.:P

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We Race Legends cars, well my husband does! I just write down the times, spot for him all while taking pictures!! He loves it and I love him so we have a great time with it!! lol We also dive and of course follow Nascar! I think our favorite thing now that we live closer is playing with the grandkids!!


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Bonnie, your bracelet is beautiful, lucky girlfriend. April your stained glass is also beautiful. When I am not quilting I am making quilts, wallhangings, bags and etc. I also love to read, but time is not there now to do that, so I listen to audio books when I sew (& when I quilt). We follow NASCAR & Hockey, play with my grandchildren & camp. Get on this forum about 3 times a day, enjoy you ladies and learn so much.


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When I'm not quilting, primarily I work. Three twelve hour shifts a week. (That leaves me 4 days a week to quilt!) In the summer, we boat a lot. When the weather permits, which isn't often lately. I try to spend as much time as I can with the grandbabies, but that also isn't a lot since none are closer than 50 miles :(. And that is my life, pathetic as it may be. :D

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Bonnie your bracelets are beautiful. April, your stain glass is beautiful too. I always wanted to learn stain glass.

In my spare time when I'm not trying to learn to quilt. I piece blocks, knit and spin yarn.

I'm also trying to learn to digitize embroidery designs. I read a little, garden and bird watch (especially for hummingbirds).

Don't get to see my grandkids much because they are a couple of hours away.


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I so want to learn how to knit...I want to learn how to knit socks....have tons of books for 4 needle, 5 needle circular needles...and I JUST DON'T get it. I can knit a flat object...and do know how to knit and pearl...but the rest just zooms over my head...I need a teacher close by to help me.....:o

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I love to read - right now into the Yadda Yadda series - if you haven't read them, they are a real hoot. I like to take my tea and a good book and sit on the front porch and read, watch the hummers and play fetch with my buddy, Gabe, the wonder German Shorthair. Life is great in the country. I also like to flower garden.


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Bonnie: I picked up knitting again a few years ago, and found this lovely pale pink (my fav color) yarn. I got half way through the back of the sweater doing a seed stitch, k2, p2, and then I had to leave it for a short time.... should have made notes as to where I stopped! I can't figure out for the life of me how to get the rows to match up again!!!! LOL I think I'll take it to the local knit shop and have them show me where to start again!

I paint, read, babysit for nieces and nephews, goofy stuff. Hmmm.... guess I've gotten kinda boring in my old age!

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I love to read and spend time with my grandchildren. I was shopping with my 10 year old gd this weekend and we were looking at shoes. She showed me some and I said, "I think I'm a little old to be wearing those shoes." She quickly replied, "You're not old, Grandma, it's just that a lot of people are younger.":D

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