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Who is laboring this weekend?

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I have 12 in a pile--four are small wall hangings, two are crib size, two are between lap and twin, and four are queen size +,. and my daughters have four they want me to do. I'm booked for two months. My summer was over a month ago. This weekend is no vacation for me. Besides hazelnut harvest is coming very soon and my DH is gearing up for his big time of year. We don't see much of each other from now until Thanksgiving. I'm glad I have so much quilting to do.:)

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I just received 2 quilt tops today one is a custom wall hanging that is is about 45x 50 and the other is full size and is E2E. I have one on the machine ready to go and it is an E2E and it is 70x 83 and I have another custom that is coming tomorrow and I don't know how big that one is yet and I have another one coming that is a lap size and she wants CL Swirls. So I guess I will be busy also.......but I will be watching the Huskers tomorrow night.........:D


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I hear you Bonnie. I do Home Health Care and I am taking on a new client within days. I will work long night shifts. Not complaining but the Christmas madness of quilts coming in is now. I was wondering if you have a cut off date for recieving Christmas Quilts.? I suffer with this each year. The last minute people make my teeth grind!!!!! Right now I have several different sizes to do., plus the 5 I got today.

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Right about this time of year I let my regular customers know that if they have a Christmas project to try to get it to me before Thanksgiving. So far they have respected that deadline. Last year I did one the week before Christmas, but that particular customer was a very special lady and I couldn't turn her down. The others who bring them in December USUALLY say there's no hurry so they get put in a pile for after New Years.

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I work my day job 5 days a week to total about 30 hours. I am still taking reservations for Christmas quilts but only have 5 spots left.

After a disasterous first year with my business where building a customer base caused me to be quilting on the 23rd of December---my house was not decorated and little shopping was done--I now stop quilting on the 15th of December--my birthday. I then have 10 days to decorate, shop, and relax a little.

I have realized that I cannot quilt every quilt in the world--or in the state, or in the county. This was a hard lesson learned since you never want to turn anyone away--it is so hard to build the business!

I have a finite number I can do in a month and now try not to overextend myself. Someday I will retire and decide if I want to take in more quilts--but for now I am OK.

I may even quilt something as a Christmas present for me!

Here is a little twisted story--a "friend" who bring me lots of quilts in a year had a top in line last year for Christmas. When I told her I had callers that I had to turn down because I was booked she offered to give up her place in line as long as I gave her a nice discount when I did her quilt in January.(!!) I was a little stunned but managed to tell her that I take 'em as they come but if she wanted to sell her place in line to someone else she should go for it! She actually thought about it for a minute but decided it would be too much trouble unless I could set it up for her! My mouth dropped open--and I am not usually without a comeback!! Too funny--or weird!!

I will be laboring this weekend--two days at the "job" and one day at the "joy"!!!

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Linda: two day job and one day "joy" . . . there is something wrong with this picture.!!!

I will be so glad when I don't have to walk out the door to a job and I can just quilt one of my own quilt tops anytime I please. I'm concerned by the time that times comes around I won't be able to stand at the machine or I won't have much eye sight left. Boy, do I sound llike I'm old now cuz I'm not!!!!!! I just know how sometimes I feel. Good luck Linda.

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I'm backed up around 30 with more calls wanting to hold spots. I have announced to everyone I'll be stopping on December 1 so I have time to make things and enjoy my own family Christmas. Last year, I think I was quilting a couple of days before Christmas. I just try to project how many days I'll need to finish by Dec. 1. When I hit that date, I'll jump to the week after Christmas. So far, customers are very understanding.

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I am working on customer quilts this weekend, clearing out our family room, hallway and foyer to get ready to paint and freezing tomatoes, green peppers and peaches. DH is outside splitting and stacking firewood, he's decided that since we have so much he is selling it this year!

I have a cut off for Christmas, the first week of November. I've had too many years where my house never finished getting decorated, one year I didn't even get the tree finished!:o Working on someone else's gifts on Dec. 23rd when my things aren't done just ruins the holidays for me, so not this year! ;)

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Question, You quilters who do quilts for a business. Do you consider it labor more than fun? Does the schedule and push to have so many qults done in a certain amount of time take the enjoyment out of it for you, so that when you have spare time you don't want to look at that machine?

I am not trying to be smart what I am wondering is would you still rather be quilting than anything else or has it become WORK more than FUN.

I have had people already ask me am I going to quilt for others. I am not sure if I want to as a side business or not. I have enough to keep me busy for awhile as it is new to me and I work full time. I do charity quilts for QOV but as word gets out that I have a LA people are already asking me about it. Jeanne

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Jeanne I do it as a business and I have deadlines on the quilts but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love it and I would be quilting NO MATTER WHAT!!! I just love quilting!! I would rather be quilting or pieceing that anything else. I go into my studio by 9 or 10 in the morning and I usually don't go out until 10 or later at night. I will go out to eat or take a break with a friend for an hour for coffee or lunch but that is it. I love quilting!!;)

I have been pieceing for 5yrs. and LAing for 3yr.

I don't know if I qualify to answer your question but I'm sure someone else will pop in and do so.

Have a quilty day, Renae

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When I started this business, I was a slave to the machine. I loved every minute of it! Then reality hit when I developed hip and shoulder problems. I've always been active outside, gardening, skiing in winter, etc. But when I became obsessed with quilting, that all changed. I've done quite a bit of soul searching this past year and have gotten my priorities back in place. I NEVER put quilting before my family. I make it clear to my customers that fact and book one quilt per week. I take time for myself--going to the gym and getting back in shape for skiing. I've lost ten pounds this summer--slowly, and replaced it with some lean mean muscle!:P It seems my regular customers have taken the summer off as well cause they are slowly coming back with new projects.

When the weather changes to rain and cold, I'll just cozy up in my studio and "dance" with the quilting. Most of the people I quilt for are pretty relaxed about the schedule. If someone needs it quick, I just move it up, get it done, and go back to the previous line-up. I ALWAYS communicate with the customer if I'm running behind, and I usually allow a little "cushion" time so they get their quilts within my estimate.

That was a long story, but it's just a little part of my life. I wouldn't win any prizes for business manager, but I sure enjoy doing what I do.:cool:

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I am laboring with holdig my twin babies, running after my 2 yr old gs (He is as busy as triplets), trying to help my dd as much as possible, If I were home I have 2 customer quilts waiiting. Finally after no customers for 1 1/2 years. my daughter wanted to know if my gs was going to get his quilt from Nana for his birthday in Nov. Silly girl.

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Jeanne, I mostly love what I do for customers, when I can show a finished quilt to someone and it brings (happy) tears to their eyes it's all worth it .:) There are quilts and days that it isn't fun but that's true in everything. If it becomes a labor then I will scale back ALOT and get back to having fun.

I managed to grow a very productive vegetable garden this year and I'm enjoying cooking and freezing knowing how good those tomatoes, peppers and green beans are going to taste this winter! I have quite afew quilts to get done but the garden calls and I do that first. ;)

I was amazed how quickly I got very busy, we longarm quilters are in demand. You need to make your choice as to what you want to do and how you want to spend your time. Just make sure it's fun!

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I think that was my concern that maybe something that I love so much would not be fun anymore if it felt too much like work. I enjoy it so much now and want it to stay that way. I tend to stress out easily and quilting is my release from that stress. If quilting became the stress I would be very sad:(

I am glad that all who answered take time for themselves in other areas and keep their priorities in order. LIfe is to short to waste any of it not being happy and fulfilled. JP

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I'm doing just a little bit of quilting for others but I'm definitely still working hard getting quilts done for other things. This weekend I took off the real work and am piecing and quilting a couple of charity quilts. I wanted something fun and kinda mindless to work on.

Hope you all have a safe and fun Labor Day.

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Since we had a lot of wind and rain last week from TS Fay, I drove around my neighborhood and collected "firewood" from the curb or street side on Thursday and Saturday mornings after work (I hate to get up early:P) Last years wood is about cured and ready to split so what I have collected this week is for next year. And why you ask, does someone who lives in Florida need fire wood? Actually lots of people around here call Jacksonville South Georgia! I moved here 3.5 years abo from North Georgia, but still use my wood burning stove several times a year. My ex used to call me a pyromaniac, but I do love a fire when it is cold outside. And itb does save on the utility bill in winter. Today I am cleaning house and will wirk on my sister's quilt (that I promised her 4 years ago:D) Then I will work again tomorrow night. Unfortunately a hospital never closes...but it is job security:P

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Well folks; Like I told you earlier that my new job would be starting soon. Got word tonite that it starts 6a.m. tomorrow. I must get to bed. I did hit those quilts thou. Got three done and one is in the frame. I will do them as I get time. I figured it out that my first week on the job will be 52 hours. So long. . . . . .

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Well, I'm laboring...........just not quilting. I'm moving! The new house is about an hour away. We've been painting the whole interior of the house before moving in. It's almost done. I think I may be too tired to move after all the painting. It doesn't help that it's split level and has super high walls in many areas.

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Our daughter is due to have a baby any minute. We're hoping she'll be laboring! Of course, it's Monday now and she's not doing anything yet...

Margie and I are putting tile down this afternoon in a house my neice and her husband are building. I wanted a nice quiet weekend and what happens? We drive to Austin Tx for her new Millie and I no more than get home and set it up when Margie says, "We need to go get started on that tile."

No rest for the weary...


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Originally posted by lym95

No rest for the weary...


I was always told that it was: "No rest for the Wicked" :P:P Never thought that was right...I not wicked

(that is unless my halo slips a bit), now weary...that is a totally different story.:)

Hope to see baby pictures soon......

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I'll come and paint or lay tile for any of you, if you'll help my poor DH replace the septic pump in our basement! The septic holding tank has to be pumped out with our shopvac before he can get his hands on the actual grinder/pump in the bottom of the tank - icky, icky, icky! It's really a one-person job, but I'm giving him moral support - besides, the equipment room is right off my quilting studio, good thing the tank didn't overflow like it has in the past.....:(

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