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I just do'nt get..She REALLY does'nt get it!!!

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I just don't get it...I have an aquintance who is quite upset with me..She kept sending me e-mails that I have NO intrest in...ie forwards that include chain letters, political opions, off color jokes and stories about people in her "circle of friends and distant relatives" that I have never met nor have I ever even heard of them! (Her 3rd cousin just married again and he is a plumer...that's the extend of that particular e-mail!!) Anyway when I politely and when we were alone so I would not embarrass her, asked her to stop sending the forwards she took great personal offense-She has stopped e-mailing me alltogether!! Now you think that would be O.K. except she does not send me the meeting places or change of places for our mini-group!! That is what she was suppose to be doing with our e-mail adresses any way. She very snottily reminded me that I asked her to not send me any e-mails!!:o:o So now if I want to know what's going on because I did not make it to the last group I have to call someone! I really don't mind that part, I just find find it astounding that she really thinks this way. Is that a power trip or what?!?!?! I actually feel sorry for her that she has that need to act that way-I don't think she has many friends so this is somehow her way to get people to interact with her. Very sad indeed!


Oh BTW.. my neighbor's sister's paperboy's cat had 6 kittens!!


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I have a sister that doesn't know how to email really so she just has it as a blanket send...which means I get absolutely every thing she forwards, and some of her friends don't have a clue either so when they answer they blanket it, and I get their replies to her as well....I just give up...unless it has a title that I want to read I just erase her emails.....its just not worth the hassle to try to train her in email etiquette.

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I think you go to her home tomorrow, knock on her door, and when she answers, smile and offer her an olive branch. This is far too silly and ridiculous (high school girlish) for adult women to deal with. Really!!! Sincerely apologize to her for offending her, but then explain why you don't wish to recieve these "mass produced and mass forwared" chain emails. But tell her you are very sorry; you never meant to hurt her feelings; that you want to make amends. Then both of you can sit, you can both step back and look at the big picture here... please! This is so silly. Life is too short to let something like this stew. Nip it in the bud.

Bring her one of your chocolate desserts you enjoy baking. Bring it as a peace offering. I promise all will be OK after you two talk and share a piece of chocolate dessert together. :)


PS: My mom used to send me lots of ridiculous chain emails. UGH! :mad: I told her to knock it off. She did. :)

PSS: Sometimes it's best not to fight the battle with the person sending these chain emails. It might be better just to sort by the sender's name, highlight all the emails, and hit the DELETE key and forgetaboutit! :) Takes less than 30 seconds. Whew!

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Originally posted by DoryJM

Sometimes, if the relationship matters enough to you, you have to apologize twice.

Maybe she didn't think you were sincere?????

Sometimes people don't "get it" the first time around. The second time you try, and you know you gave it your darndest to make it good again...well, if she doesn't accept it the 2nd time you know she's got a problem. I say try one more time. Maybe she's on a power trip; maybe she's just way too insecure with herself; regardless you rose above it all and you tried twice. :)

Some people...sheesh! :o

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I'm with Shana. I second sincere apology may solve the whole problem. If she accepts it, you will have reconciled a relationship and if she doesn't you can know you've done everything you could to resolve a misunderstanding. My philosophy is - Being right feels good but being kind feels better.

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Remember-I said "aquaintance"-she is not someone I would call a friend by any means!! I was polite and a second apology is not worth it to me- it's now nothing more than just an intresting story or even a lesson in human behavior ;)-Thank you for the great advice though. It is something to keep in mind.


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Another thought is she's probably angry at herself, and rather than admit and accept that she blew it, she has to blame someone else, thinking wrongly that it will make her look better.

She's probably not even thought of what it sounds like to you, or could do to your business...

Prayers that you overcome it and her without any bad effects.


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OMG!! I think I work with her sister.

This woman always knows somebody who.... And I am constantly amazed at how many people she has to go through to get to the person who....

This woman from her church's sister-in-law's long lost nephew's, grand daughter's, step sister, seven times removed.....

You get the picture. I can feel my eyes start to glaze over every time she starts one of her somebody who stories. I swear, it can take her five minutes to get to the point and by that time, I have usually forgotten what point she is trying to make. Ugh.

Nice lady but OMG I avoid her like the plague.

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Originally posted by sewhappy

Remember-I said "aquaintance"-she is not someone I would call a friend by any means!! I was polite and a second apology is not worth it to me- it's now nothing more than just an intresting story or even a lesson in human behavior ;)-Thank you for the great advice though. It is something to keep in mind.


:o Hmmm... well, I guess I was obviously not "getting it" either. ...Okay...so now I know that a second apology is not worth it to you.

But yah...OK then. Thanks for sharing all of this story with us!!!!

I hope your days are better. Best wishes to you on that.

None of us have the power over other people's actions and behavior, but we surely have the power over our own actions and behavior...just some more food for thought, Patty.

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Perhaps you could ask someone else in your mini group who still receives the important notifications to forward them to you after she gets them. And then think about good things. There is so much nastiness in the world. Sometimes we can do something about it, sometimes we can't, but often we have a choice to get out if the nastiness is hurting us more than we are helping the situation. Sorry about what is happening. I heard someplace that "The best revenge is a life well lived". Live your life well. Do some quilting!;) Laura

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OK it's no problem. Probably a misunderstanding on my part? Originally, I just thought you were asking for advice on how to deal with this woman, Patty. I probably assumed this and that is why you were sharing your story?

It's perfectly OK for you to share stories, or vent or share successes, too. :)

Are you having fun with practicing Myrna's DVD?

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