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Do you think DH will notice this....

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We are getting ready to celebrate DH's 50th birthday so I went to the attic to find some really good stuff....I stepped on the end of a board - I guess...so me, the board and some of the sheet rock went through the celing of the garage....I'm fine, except I am missing some hide on my shin...and I'm pretty sure there will be bruises :)


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Me and the board are fine...well, I think the board is actually finer :), the sheet rock looks worse than any of the rest of us....One thing I was kind of proud of, well, two...one I didn't say a bad word...not that I ever do, but in a situation like that sometimes things fly out of your mouth...Not me!! And, one huge pice of sheet rock landed right in a trash barrel - pretty good :cool:

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I did get what I went up for...but I have a gimpy shoulder so coming down out of the attic was harder than I thought. It's a hole that you have to hoist yourself up...that wasn't so bad, but easing down out of the hole was not very pleasant. In fact, I got out, down the ladder and on the floor with my box of pictures and looked up and realized the cover to the hole is still in the attic. I have to go back to get it and cover that hole....but how do I cover that other hole ;)

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Mary Beth-

Of course he will notice that !! When he does-just limp around alittle & wear shorts that will show the bruise! Then he will realize that the only important thing is that you are o.k.!! (You're sure you are o.k.- rite?) Oh and he may even insist on going out for dinner as you are too stiff to cook!! Be sure to add the appropriate sound effects- the tiny pathetic moan as you are limping by him, the slight "catch" of your breath as you laughingly assure him and others that you are o.k.!! :D:D


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Can you get up to it with a ladder? Maybe you can push the pieces back in good enough so you won't have to tell him until after the party. I'm figuring that you don't want to have to explain why you were up there and spoil a surprise. If not maybe cardboard. Don't know how observant he is, I never look up for some reason (think it's because I'm so short and I always have to look up to talk to anyone LOL).


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Hey, that's an idea...

oh, first, my DH has zero tollerance...no, no, no sympathy..."There is no crying in baseball!"...kind of guy :)

Colleen...thanks for the idea. I'm going back in!! If I piece the sheetrock back together maybe I can put back and it will stay - then if someone shuts a door too hard and it falls, I will just say "wow, would you look at that!" :D

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Ha, did that myself many years ago, my sister & I made a fort in the eaves next to our bedroom. I slipped and put my foot throught the ceiling directly over my baby sister's crib(luckily she wasn't in it!) . Let me tell you that sitting was a bit of a problem for a day or two!:o (We'd been told to stay out of there!)

Mary Beth it's just better to 'fess up or hire someone to fix it quick! I would have my leg up with lots of ice on it and maybe his favorite dinner cooking! ;) You could suggest that he needed and access door there anyway! :D

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Whow - you're lucky you didn't kill yourself!!! Glad you're ok other than some bruising and a gimpy shoulder - hope you don't get sorer through the day and night!! And if DH complains - just remind him that he should have done a better job of putting the boards up there - surely if he knew you were going to use the area for storage, he would have wanted it to be safer - he might be the one falling through the ceiling..................:D

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Whoaaa, MB!!! Glad you are ok!!! I really enjoyed talking to you last night!! And I was right!! When I went downstairs , DH said, "were you up there this whole time talking the same person? " "YEP!!":D He even rolled his eyes, just like I said he would!! :P:P:P:P:P glad you're ok!! :) linda

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Glad you are OK. I once rounded up all sorts of odd scraps of lumber, built a bonfire pit in the back yard and burned stuff, including an old plywood roof from a dog kennel when the hubby was gone for a weeekend. It was a couple of weeks and the firepit gave me away.

My DH tends to love to buy things that are a "good deal." The last straw was when he bought 7 paint scrapers and our house is stained. He also loves new socks...I give 50pair of socks to the mission twice per year because he has a thing for new socks. The homeless love his socks!

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Mary Beth, I am sure glad you are ok, that always worries me when I am in the attic. I am not so sure that the saran wrap might not work on Mr Margie, though our garage is detached so anywhere you come through is in living area in our house.....a little harder to disguise. That duct tape trick might work though....he says that I am just like his dad in that with duct tape and baling twine you can fix just about anything. (I am not sure he means it as a compliment though):o

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If you decide to tell him, you could call him and say, "Now don't worry, I'm fine now, just a little sore and bruised,....pause to let it sink in...... but I fell through the ceiling in the garage."

I think your patch job looks pretty good. Let some dust and cobwebs build up and you would never know. LOL

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