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NQR PIC from friend in Australia

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Hi Ladies,

This picture hit our newspapers yesterday. Today there is a picture of "Sam" with her little paws all bandaged up.

The Volunteer firefighter saw her and said she just sat there as if to say "I'm beat!" He gave her water........... she drank three bottles!! She is the one who reached out to hold him!

He had to leave her, because they were called out to defend another property, but she was picked up a few minutes later by Wildlife rescue workers.

She is doing very well, all bandaged for her burns and on pain killers, and she has caught the eye of a male koala at the same place she is recuperating at. He gives her lots of cuddles and attention.

These koalas are like any wildlife............ you would normally not approach them becuase they have very sharp claws they use to climb into the trees. She, like a lot of humans, just had so much trauma, she needed comfort. In other words, without fire or devastation, don't try and touch them unless they were reared with human contact in a koala park.


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Now I'm crying for real.. that just breaks my heart into pieces... God Bless that fireman doubly for being so kind and gentle.

God Bless all the emergency workers and residents.. is there a news site link we could go see? what little we've seen on TV is very little, indeed..


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Hello Rita,

I had this on the other post. If you google

abc.com.au (Australian Broadcast Corporation)

This will take you to the headlines stories. There are a whole lot of Tags, that will take you to different stories about the fires. The tags are located under the main story featured. There are lots of videos/ news articles on the destruction there.

On this site, you will also find articles on the flooding in Ingham, where our Karen is situated.

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WOW, Susanne, thank you soooooooo much for explaining the picture. When I received it from my friend it was in a bunch of pics that he sent.. Sad to say most of the pictures coming from Australia speak for themselves. My heart sank when I saw the little critter and with your story I broke down and cried for all of your citizens and wildlife. I knew the picture would be appreciated on this chat. I'm an Emergency Manager and we focus on humans as we should but Katrina make us think of their pets but sadly the wildlife has to fen for themselves. BRAVO for the CFA who took a moment to help a furry friend. I bet it broke his heart to walk away. Thanks for keeping us up to date. The fires are only mentioned briefly on our news sites.

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thank you for sharing this photo. It just makes me so sad. My heart aches for the people of Australia and the wildlife that have suffered such devistation. I feel so helpless wishing I could do something but all I can do is pray for His comfort and healing on all

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Our local TV station is now showing the video version of this photo, it truly made me cry; but then they showed the little fellow at the vet clinic being well taken care of. He's one of the lucky ones. The firefighter visited him at the clinic to make sure he would be okay. His little paws are burned and they were wrapping them in the video. Doens't this just break your heart. I've got to quit watching this stuff


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