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Ribbons (A little poem that I just made up all by myself!)

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Ribbons are red,

Ribbons are blue,

Ribbons are invisible????

Yes they are....too! :cool:

(I just made that up, if you didn't already figure that out) :P

Anyway, the reason I wrote this little poem is to give praise to all of those invisible ribbons that hang on each quilt in the quilt shows.

Yes, indeed! Amongst all of the blue ribbons, and the red ribbons, and other shiney multi-colorful ribbons, there are thousands and thousands of those invisble ribbons hanging on beautiful, amazing quilts...right there before your eyes! I've never seen one myself (they are invisible...duh!) but I know they are hanging on those quilts. Those invisible ribbons hang proudly...right there with the reds and the blues.

The invisible ribbons may not garner much attention and praise, but I want to honor everyone who puts a quilt in show. It is a very scary thing to do! (trust me this year I am doing it for the first time!!!:o)

I know that there is only a limited number of red and blue ribbons to hand out at each show, but remember that there are so many extraordinary beautiful quilts...and frankly there's not enough blues and reds to hang on all of them, so let's all remember to keep in mind that all those other quilts have an invisible ribbon attached to them and they all deserve congratulations and praise, too. :)

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Absolutely please do!!! No permission needed LOL! :P

Truely I have to admit that I am not putting my quilt in a show to get a ribbon, I am doing it to get the judges critique. I am at that point where I really want and need that feedback so I can know my strengths/weaknesses and improve. Plus, I just tell myself "Shana, it's just a quilt. No big deal." I truely look forward very much to the critique and it won't hurt my feelings one bit if they give me some "interesting" feedback. True. Bring it on, judge! I'm ready!

Oh, and I also want to say that these quilts I am putting in the shows, I really did try my very very best! I worked countless hours on them; they were all done last year. I haven't shared them on the chat! :o I learned SOOOO much through the process in completing each project and these quilts pushed me. Yes. they pushed me to go farther to a higher level than I was comfortable with. So it's all good. I am learning and I am gaining confidence. Sure, they are not perfect (who is?) but bottom line is I feel good about my work and I learned a great deal; more than I imagined. All of these quilts are mine; a customer would never pay for the countless hours I have invested in these things! LOL! :P

Zippers. Zippers are a wonderful invention! When I was working on my quilts last year, I could quickly zip on or off when I needed to do a customer quilt or needed to PPP on some muslin.

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I'm with you Shana! I want to know what areas I need to improve in. I'm not going to lie though I like to see the excellent marks too! :P:P:P Everybody can't win a ribbon and I go to these shows and see some stunning quilts with no ribbons on them so from now on I need to remind myself to look for the invisble ribbon. Bonnie mine will be pink!

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Can my ribbons be black and white? like the race cars checkered flag at the end of the race? "I'm in a track of my own" and no one can compete with me!:P Consequently I don't compete with others. It's not about competition, it's all about improving my skills to become a better quilter.

Thanks Shana for the encouragement. You are a dear!:cool:

Note: Don't expect detailed commentary from the judging. Remember it's all E,S,N and fragmented short comments. I was thrilled last year to get 4 "e"s. I have always gotten "n"s for my binding until last year! See, I learned something and worked on it until it improved. I stuffed my pride and ego in a bag and put it in a closet a long time ago. Now I'm having fun!:)

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Originally posted by Boni

.....I learned something and worked on it until it improved. I stuffed my pride and ego in a bag and put it in a closet a long time ago. Now I'm having fun!:)

Yes! Yes! No ego is allowed in my head, either! I love quilting. It is my passion, but getting a ribbon or not does not define me. I am doing it because I love it so much. Who woulda thunk it that quilting would be so much fun? I really truly love the challenge and the beauty; the tactile and visual. It's yummy to me.

PS: Your "going around the race track" analogy....Bonnie, I am ROFLOL!!! :P

PSS: I remember very well your flamingo quilt. Debbie Treusch and I oogled all over it in the judges room. It was beautimus!

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That is the one quilt that got an "e" for the binding! I mitered the corners of the outer border and three our of four corners matched up perfectly with the miter in the binding. Guess what the judge gave me in the "comment" section on what to improve? "Miter in border should match with miter in binding." (Rolling eyes):P:P:P

Ya gotta love those judges!

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Originally posted by SherryRogers

I wanna be Shana when I grow up!!! Heck, I would even settle for 1/2.

Sherry! :P Sure. I will make a trade... You can be me if you will let me quilt like you!! ;) If I could have half of your talent I would be thrilled!

I am the President of the "Some Day Sherry Wanna-bee" fan club.

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Dear, dear Shana...

How do you come up with so many ways to brighten our days? Love your ribbon poem and have to second what Bonnie said about the judge's comments. I sincerely hope that they are helpful to you but please remember that there seems to be an official 'judge speak' and their comments are often so brief or cryptic that it can be difficult to understand their precise meaning. "Binding needs improvement. Could benefit from additional quilting" etc. My best advice is to be a volunteer on judging day...they always need holders & folders & scribes. That way you can overhear the judge's personal process and better understand what they mean by their comments.

Proud of you, girl!

Nancy in Tucson :)

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