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Being Australian we are allowed to celebrate Easter without the worry of someone getting upset about it.

Soooooooo, ........ to those of you, who believe in Easter and what it stands for, I hope you have a lovely day, quiet, contemplative and filled with peace!!

The Easter Bunny has made it to our house and all my little chicks (all in their twenties!!;):P) are coming home to see what he has left for them!! No matter how bad the weather, we all love Easter!!

Have a very happy Day everyone and a very happy Easter!!

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My kiddie winkies, 19 and 15, have just completed "the" hunt and for the 1st time in years I watched as they went thru the house looking for chocolate treats. They used to be up before the birds but prefer to sleep in now knowing that the loot will still be there. Funny, they use the same system since they were little. They both find and collect then they pool it all together and sort out the eggs and rabbits equally, very sweet. I must say I was surprised when they still wanted to do it.

Happy Easter Everyone

cheers from Satu...... who just had a yummy hot cross bun for breakfast, toasted with lots of butter....

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Even though I live in the USA, I do tend to wish people Happy Easter, I hope they take it in the spirit it is offered....Easter is bittersweet for me, I had a baby boy, now 25 years ago, who only lived a day. Because of complications of my third C-sec, I did not get to go to his burial on Good Friday. On Easter, I have a very easy time imagining him being held lovingly in heaven, not possible but for the events that happened so very long ago.

Happy Easter!!!!


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I shall wish everyone world wide Happy Easter.. may it be safe, fun, relaxing, lots of good visiting and food, an healthy...

Pat and Heidi, both of you have rather bittersweet memories of trials at Easter time, may your hearts be filled with love from those gone before you.

Bunny Hugs, too.

God Bless everyond. RitaR

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Happy Easter to all as well. I'm going to be traveling today, so no ham dinner, but I did make a ham sandwich to take along with me! Playing on the worship team at church today and then on the road. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter.:cool:

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Happy Easter to all!!! Our Church service was wonderful this morning and I am about to put the Ham in the oven....

We already did an egg hunt yesterday because the girls just couldn't wait any longer - and it was SO nice outside!! Should be again today I hope, about 58 and sunny - Beautiful!!!

Think I will have to watch "Easter Parade" again - love that movie.... played it 3 times this past week...... can't you just hear Fred A. & Judy G. singing?!?!

Happy Easter - - Happy Easter!!!

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Happy Easter to all. Envious of those of you who have all the kids for Easter dinner. Two of my daughters are working second shift today, so I have planned a cold dinner. Chicken salad, Potatoe salad, poached asparagas and frozen Grand Marnier Souffle, so it can be eaten early by the rest of us, instead of my usual lamb dinner. Another tradition bites the dust. Does anyone else like to tear open the packs of Peeps and let them age for a couple of days before eating?

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Well, it is Easter evening and I am just reading these well wishes. Today was a great day for us. As Christians we celebrate by going to church and having dinner with family. But this year my 7 year old granddaughter was Saved on Wednesday evening, so we had a baptism today...what better day than Easter Sunday.

I hope everyone had a Blessed Easter Sunday....and remember the reason for the season!!:)

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